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Revision as of 13:06, 19 December 2020 by Коала (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Для создания простокваши игроку нужно добавить как минимум 25 литров молока в бочку, и затем доб...")

Сыроделие - трудоёмкий и нелёгкий процесс, в результате которого игрок может превратить молоко в долго хранимый сыр за несколько шагов.


Чтоб получить молоко, игроку нужно поймать и размножить некоторое количество большерогих овец, затем достичь как минимуму их 2-го поколения. Для более подробной информации про разведение овец и их доение, посетителей статью Разведение животных.
Молоко будет оставаться свежим в бочке в районе 8-ми дней.


Добавьте маринованных овощей в бочку молока для его сквашивания.

Для создания простокваши игроку нужно добавить как минимум 25 литров молока в бочку, и затем добавить один замаринованный овощ. Стоит заметить, что одно ведро содержит 10 литров молока, и на данный момент нельзя убирать из бочки по ведра. Это значит, что проще заполнить бочку 50-ю литерами молока и двумя маринованными овощами. После помещения овощей, будет показано, что при запечатывания бочки на 3 дня получится простокваша.
Простокваша будет оставаться свежей примерно 8 дней в бочке.

Cottage Cheese

Add salt to a barrel of curdled milk to turn it into cottage cheese.

To make cottage cheese, the player needs to add salt to a barrel of curdled milk, with one salt for each 10 litres. After placing the salt into the barrel, the tool tip will indicate that it can be sealed for 24h to make cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese stays fresh for about 20 days in a barrel.


To make cheese, the cottage cheese must be squeezed to remove the liquid.

To make cheese, the player needs a barrel of at least 25 cottage cheese, and one piece of linen - all stitch types can be used. Shift + Right click the barrel with linen in hand to receive a curd bundle. Place the bundle on the ground with a right click, then right click the bundle with a stick in hand. This will place the stick as a handle. Right click and hold to twist the bundle until all the liquid is pressed out. Release right mouse button when the squeezing animation comes to a halt - the stick will swivel back into it's original position, and the player can open the bundle with another right click to reveal the raw cheese. Right click with at least 5 salt in your hand to turn into raw salted cheese.
This can be picket up and placed as is in a shelf, or crafted with one piece of wax in the crafting grid to receive waxed cheese, which will keep fresh longer. Raw cheese takes 14 days in a cellar to ripen.

Cheddar Cheese

When raw cheese is aged in a normal cellar, it will turn into cheddar cheese. Normal salted cheddar keeps fresh for about 1.2 years in the inventory, while waxed cheddar keeps for 2.5 years. One cheese wheel has 4 slices, of which each gives 240 satiety. To eat cheese, place the cheese wheel onto a flat surface and right click with a knife in hand to cut up a slice. Waxed cheddar needs to be right clicked once with a knife to remove the wax layer, before it can be right clicked again to cut up a slice.

Blue Cheese

To make blue cheese, the raw salted cheese needs to be kept in a cellar with light level below 2. Additionally, the cellar needs to have at least one unblocked hole, while still ensuring that not too much light reaches the cheese. Be aware that leaving such a hole will very easily lead to sunlight from outside reaching the room, even if it is not positioned near a window to the outside. Using a long corridor with some corners or otherwise light-proofing the cellar is necessary.
Blue cheese keeps fresh for 1.6 years in the inventory. One cheese wheel has 4 slices, of which each gives 200 satiety.
