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== 建造 ==
== 建造 ==

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所需材料:{{ll|dry grass|干草}}和4块{{ll|firewood|木柴}}(或{{ll|bamboo|竹子}}),每次使用还需要额外的{{ll|fuel|燃料}}。点燃篝火需要{{ll|firestarter|起火器}}{{ll|torch|火炬}}
Required Materials: {{ll|dry grass|dry grass}} and 4 {{ll|firewood|firewood}} (or {{ll|bamboo|bamboo}}), additional {{ll|fuel|fuel}} is required for each use. A {{ll|firestarter|firestarter}} or {{ll|torch|torch}} is required to light the firepit.

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# 使用{{ll|knife|}}收集干草。
# Collect dry grass by harvesting grass with a {{ll|knife|knife}}.
# 在合成栏中放置一把{{ll|axe|斧头}}和一根{{ll|Log|木头}},制作至少4块{{ll|firewood|木柴}}
# Place an {{ll|axe|axe}} and a {{ll|Log|wood log}} in the crafting grid to produce at least 4 {{ll|firewood|firewood}}.
# 拿着干草,在实心方块上轻按以{{SneakClick|放置}}干草。
# With dry grass in the active hand, {{SneakClick|place}} the dry grass on a solid block.
# 使用相同方法添加4块木柴(或竹子)。
# Add 4 firewood (or bamboo) using the same method.
# 拿着{{ll|firestarter|起火器}}对篝火{{SneakClick|使用}}进行点燃。
# Ignite the firepit {{SneakClick|using}} the {{ll|firestarter|firestarter}}.
# 篝火将在没有额外燃料的情况下保持点燃一段时间。
# The firepit will remain lit for a short time without additional fuel.

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== 使用/操作 ==
== Usage/Operation ==

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Once created, a firepit is permanent and can be reused by {{SneakClick|adding}} fuel into the firepit and re-ignited using a firestarter or torch.

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Firepits are commonly used for:
* Crafting {{ll|Torch|torches}} by cooking {{ll|Stick|sticks}}.
* Melting {{ll|metal|metal}} with a {{ll|crucible|crucible}} during {{ll|casting|casting}}.
* {{ll|Cooking|Cooking}} bread (though it will be charred), roasting meat, or preparing advanced meals using the {{ll|Cooking_pot|cooking pot}}.
* Crafting {{Icon link|Hardenedclay-blue.png|Special:MyLanguage/Hardened clay|hardened clay}} by firing 8 {{ll|clay|clay}}.
* Staying {{ll|Temperature|warm}}.  When used without anything in the Input slot, fuel with last 2.5x longer than the tooltip. This can help you stop freezing in the winter, and dry off when wet.

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* 使用{{ll|Stick|木棍}}加热后制成{{ll|Torch|火把}}。
=== Firepit GUI ===
* 使用{{ll|crucible|坩埚}}在{{ll|casting|铸造}}过程中熔化{{ll|metal|金属}}。
* {{ll|Cooking|烹饪}}面包(虽然会烤焦)、烤肉或使用{{ll|Cooking_pot|烹饪锅}}制作高级餐点。
* 使用8块{{ll|clay|黏土}}烧制{{Icon link|Hardenedclay-blue.png|Special:MyLanguage/Hardened clay|硬化粘土}}。
*保持{{ll|Temperature|温暖}}。 当没有任何物品放入输入槽时,燃料的持续时间将比工具提示中显示的长2.5倍。 这可以帮助您在冬天防止冻伤,并在身体潮湿时帮助您烘干。

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== 篝火 GUI ==
{{Using|Opening}} the firepit GUI, reveals three slots:
* Top Left: Input to be heated
* Top Right: Output Completed/Finished items
* Bottom Left: Fuel Slot

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=== Processing Items ===
* 左上角:待加热的输入物品
* 右上角:已完成/成品的输出物品
* 左下角:燃料槽

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== 处理物品 ==
# Place the item to be processed into the top left slot. ''In the case of containers, crucible or claypot, additional items must be added into the container GUI, which expands to 4 input slots''.
# Add fuel to the bottom left slot. Different fuels burn at different temperatures and duration, see {{ll|fuel|fuel}} for more information.
# Wait for the firepit to achieve and maintain the required temperature for the process. Be sure to add enough of the correct fuel type to complete the process! ''In the case of containers, if the items added do not create a valid recipe, the item will not heat.''
# When complete, the item will shift to the output slot and can be removed by the player.

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# 将待处理的物品放入左上角的槽中。对于容器、坩埚或陶罐等容器,必须将额外的物品添加到容器的GUI中,该GUI会扩展为4个输入槽。
== Storage ==
# 将燃料添加到左下角的槽中。不同的燃料燃烧温度和持续时间不同,请参阅{{ll|fuel|燃料}}以获取更多信息。
# 等待篝火达到并保持所需的加热温度。确保添加足够数量的正确燃料类型以完成处理!在容器的情况下,如果添加的物品不能创建有效的配方,物品将不会被加热。
# 完成后,物品将转移到输出槽,并可以由玩家移除。

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== 存储 ==
A firepit ''cannot'' be moved once created, nor can it be stored in any inventory or container. {{Breaking|Breaking}} the firepit only drops its contents. A firepit can be used to store items in the input slot.

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