Translations:Vintage Story Wiki:Translation Tables/5/en

From Vintage Story Wiki

Adding a Translation

When adding translated terms in another language, please make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Check if there is a translated version already used in the game. If possible, check directly in the .json file for your language, which can be found as follows: ...\Vintagestory\assets\game\lang. For Windows, this should be in AppData, for Mac in App Package, and for Linux in ApplicationsData - or in your custom installation path. Alternatively, you can always check the inventory in creative mode in a game world.
  2. Check if there is a translated version already used in the wiki - and if it matches the one in the game.
  3. If you are the very first person translating (this particular block/item) into your language - huzzah! You are a shining trailblazer and should be applauded! Please find the most practical and still good sounding translation, and don't hesitate to use the translation channel or your language channel in the discord for other opinions.
  4. Please try to stick to one type of translation for all related blocks/ items. For example, if you translate an Axe made from Copper as "Copper Axe", don't go translating the next item as "Axe made from Iron" - go with "Iron Axe" again. This again ensures uniformity, but in this case within one language.
  5. If you got a grasp on the translation, please add it to the list. Make sure to bold it, if you found discrepancies between the game and wiki versions, which you could not immediately fix yourself!