
From Vintage Story Wiki
  • FixedX/FixedY: The absolute position where the element should be placed
  • FixedWidth/FixedHeight: The absolute width and height of the element
  • FixedPaddingX/FixedPaddingY: The absolute inner padding of the element
  • FixedMarginX/FixedMarginY: The absolute outer padding of the element
  • ParentBounds: The parent boundaries, in which this element resides in
  • ChildBounds: The child boundaries this element contains
  • Alignment: The alignment of the element. If set to None the FixedX/Y Position is used. For any other value the FixedX/Y values are ignored. For example when you used RightTop the element will always be at the right top most corner of its parent bounds. If you use RightFixed the element will be right aligned, but its Y-Position is determined by FixedY
  • HorizontalSizing/VerticalSizing: The sizing method to be used, can be either Fixed (default), Percentual or FitToChildren