Translations:Modding:Content Tutorial Simple Recipe/56/en

From Vintage Story Wiki

Gold ingots are too expensive... change the block recipe to use gold bits instead. Note that the code for gold bits is "game:metalbit-gold".

To achieve this...
In 'simpleblockrecipe.json', modify "game:ingot-gold" to "game:metalbit-gold".

Create another grid recipe that uses a simple wand and a single charcoal to make a diamond. The codes are "simplewand", "game:charcoal", and "game:gem-diamond-rough" respectively. Note that the wand should be consumed on use - Using the "onTool" property will cause your recipe to not work as the simple wand is not defined as a tool.

To achieve this...
Create a new charcoaltodiamond.json recipe inside recipes/grid. Your file may look similar to this:
	"ingredientPattern": "W,C",
	"width": 1,
	"height": 2,
	"ingredients": {
		"W": {
			"type": "item",
			"code": "simplewand"
		"C": {
			"type": "item",
			"code": "game:charcoal"
	"output": {
		"type": "item",
		"code": "game:gem-diamond-rough"