Translations:List of server commands/11/en

From Vintage Story Wiki
  • /entity [spawn|countbytype|removebytype|countbyclass|removebyclass|listnearest|debug]
    Add, remove, and count entities (item drops, creatures, etc).
    • /entity spawn (entitytype)
      Spawn an entity by type.
      The valid type names (as of are:
    • /entity spawn (entitytype) 100Spawns 100 entities of given type
    • /entity countbytype (entitytype)
      Count how many entities of a given type exist.
    • /entity removebytype (entitytype)
      Remove all entities of a given type.
    • /entity countbyclass (entityclass)
      Count how many entities of a given class (such as entityitem or entityagent) exist.
    • /entity removebyclass (entityclass)
      Remove all entities of a given class.
    • /entity listnearest [x y z] (ver-range) (hor-range)
      Show a summary of all nearby entities at given range. If x/y/z coords are not supplied, the current player position is taken
    • /entity debug [0 or 1]
      Enable entity debug mode, this will send continous debug information to all connected clients, which are displayed above the entity if the client used the command .clientConfig showEntitydebuginfo 1

  • /time [set|get|speed]
    Time related functions
    • /time 
      Shows current time
    • /time set [lunch|day|night|latenight|morning|latemorning|sunrise|sunset|afternoon|midnight|witchinghour]
      Sets the internal clock to the given time of day
    • /time set [time]
      Sets the internal calendar to given time. Examples: /time set 12:00
    • /time add [hours:minutes]
      Adds given hours and minutes to the internal calendar
    • /time speed [0-9999]
      Shows or sets current game time speed (default 60)
    • /time hoursperday [0-9999]
      Shows or sets the current hours per day (default 24)