Translations:Modding:Content Tutorial Item Variants/41/en

From Vintage Story Wiki

Create a new colored wand.

To achieve this...
Add a new state to the wandtype variant, and create a new colored texture that matches to your new state. Don't forget, if you are using the 'byType', you will need to add a new entry for your new wand. You will also need to add a new entry in your lang file.

Make some new grid recipes, one for each wand color (Simple Recipe Tutorial). For an extra challenge, see if you can work out how to create all three recipes from one file (Tip: arrays of recipes must be contained within square brackets ([ ])).

To achieve this...
Create three new recipes based on the simple wand, making sure each one is unique. The output code for each is the resolved item code, for example "advancedwand-blue". Make sure your domains are correct, and check the logs for errors if you struggle with this.

To create more than one recipe in a file, place a comma after the final curly bracket ( } ), and then place your next recipe inside another set of curly brackets. When all recipes have been added, place an opening square bracket ( [ ) at the very beginning of the file, and a closing square bracket ( ] ) at the very end of the file.