Translations:How to use WorldEdit/28/en

From Vintage Story Wiki

Left mouse click: Randomly remove a bunch of blocks within a given radius, only works in draw mode 'Replace'
Right mouse click: Randomly place a bunch of blocks within a given radius

  • /we tr (dec. number)
    Sets the air brushes radius in which to randomly place blocks
  • /we tq (number)
    Sets the quantity of blocks to be placed in given radius
  • /we ta [0-1]
    Sets the tools apply mode.
    • 0 = Apply operation on any block side 
    • 1 = Apply operation on the selected block side 
  • /we tm [0-1]
    Sets the tools draw mode
    • 0 = Replace: Causes the air brush to only replace existing blocks
    • 1 = Add: Adds in front of of existing blocks