Translations:How to use WorldEdit/26/en

From Vintage Story Wiki

Left mouse click: Lower Terrain
Right mouse click: Raise Terrain (will place the block you have currently selected in your hotbar)

  • /we tr (dec. number)
    Sets the tools radius 
  • /we tdepth (number)
    Sets the raise/lower depth, or by how many blocks the terrain should be raised or lowerd
  • /we tm [0-3]
    Set the tools draw mode
    • 0 = Uniform: Evenly raise/lower terrain within given radius (cylinder shape)
    • 1 = Pyramid: Raise/Lower terrain within given radius using linear decline of depth (cone shape) 
    • 2 = Gaussian: Raise/Lower terrain within given radius using a gauss curve to modify the depth value (eroded cone shape) 
    • 3 = Perlin: Raise/Lower terrain by a 2-octave, fixed frequency perlin noise generator