
From Vintage Story Wiki

Gravel Types

Gravel types that exist include Andesite, Basalt, Bauxite, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Granite, Limestone, Peridotite, Phyllite, Sandstone, Shale and Slate. Each type of gravel appears as a different color and corresponds to the color of the parent stone material. Gravel varies based on the geology of the area or region where it is generated. Six types of gravel (Andesite, Chalk, Claystone, Granite, Sandstone, and Shale.) are shown here at right as an example of the range of appearances that gravel demonstrates.

A gravel type appearing on the surface may indicate the type of stone underground, which is especially helpful if there are no rocky outcroppings or exposed stone in the local area.