Modding:Setting up your Development Environment

From Vintage Story Wiki

When you are ready to begin coding mods for Vintage Story, you probably would want to set up a development environment that simplifies the process of coding and testing your creations. But if you feel hardcore, you can even create your code mods with your most basic text editor. The game engine will compile your raw source files when it finds them in your mod folder. Otherwise, have a look at one of the following guides:

Software Installation

Install VintageStory

First of all download VintageStory and make sure you have installed the newest version of the game, otherwise errors may occur.

Install Development Tool

VintageStory is developed in C#. Now it's about to install a development program, which allows you to write and compile mods. There is a tutorial for each platform.


VintageStory is developed using VisualStudio. Luckily you can get VisualStudio Community for free here. Installation should be simple and straight forward to do, but depending on your internet connection it may take a while.


There are multiple programs you could use. The following tutorials will use MonoDevelop, but you can also use VisualStudio Code which is a light-weight, cross-platform development tool (tutorial). If you want to use MonoDevelop, just stay here and continue the tutorial.

1. Install FlatPak

It is required to install MonoDevelop so if you already have FlatPak then you can skip this step. FlatPak have their own guides of how to install it for many distributions here.

2. Install MonoDevelop

Simply open up a terminal and run the following command: flatpak install --user --from
This might take a few minutes depending on your internet connection. (The latest version at the time of writing was around 275MB.) To open up MonoDevelop enter flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevelop in the terminal.

Mac OS

Download and install VisualStudio for Mac here. Unfortunately nobody in our team has a mac, so we don't know for sure if the following tutorials work on mac without any problems.

Project Setup (ZIP)

Get the Modtemplate

To get started download the VSModTemplate solution (here). Now you simply need to extract the zip archive to your desired place:


Navigate to VSMods and double click VSMods.sln (only works if VisualStudio is installed). Alternatively you can also start VisualStudio hit Open Project/ Solution, navigate to the extracted folder and select VSMods.sln. Once it has loaded you can run your first test by hitting start  . If everything has been done correctly VintageStory should start.

Also make sure you have installed the latest version of VintageStory, otherwise some of the following tutorials might be outdated.

Run ModTools

The ModTools allow you to do various tasks rather easily by typing in a command. There is no difference for each platform except of the way how to start it ...


Double-click vsmodtools.exe.


Open a terminal and navigate to this folder and enter mono vsmodtools.exe.

Mac OS

Double-click modtools.command.

Add Mod

Delete Mod

Pack Mod


Project Setup (DLL)