Modding:Creating Recipes

From Vintage Story Wiki

Before creating recipes, we suggest you read Creating Items first in order to understand this tutorial.


Let's create a recipe for our wand, which we added in creating items tutorial.

Ingredient Pattern

Let's begin by declaring the pattern or layout of the recipe, in our example we'll want the player to place a pickaxe on top of 2 sticks


which would look like this:

	ingredientPattern: "P	S	S",
	width: 1,
	height: 3,

P and S are identifiers which will be defined later. Every row is separated with a tab, while an empty cell is mark with an underscore _. The width of this recipe is 1 and it is 3 rows high.


All we need to do now, is to define the identifiers we have used before. In our example P stands for a copper pickaxe and S for an ordinary stick.

	ingredients: {
		"P": { type: "item", code: "pickaxe-copper"},
		"S": { type: "item", code: "stick"}

Type is either block or item depending whether it's an item or a block.

In order to find out the code of each item (or block), you can type .edi into console, which will add the code property to the tooltip:


Furthermore, we could add a required quantity to our ingredients, so instead of one stick per slot we could make it require more:

	ingredients: {
		"P": { type: "item", code: "pickaxe-copper"},
		"S": { type: "item", code: "stick", quantity: 2}

Another thing we could do is instead of consuming the pickaxe, we could use it as a tool:

	ingredients: {
		"P": { type: "item", code: "pickaxe-copper", isTool: true},
		"S": { type: "item", code: "stick"}

This would cause the pickaxe to lose one durability during crafting, instead of consuming the whole pickaxe at once.


We still need to define the output, which is rather similar to defining the ingredients:

	output: { type: "item", code: "wand-pickaxe"}

Theoretically we could add the quantity property here as well.


This is how our final recipe looks like:

	ingredientPattern: "P	S	S",
	width: 1,
	height: 3,
	ingredients: {
		"P": { type: "item", code: "pickaxe-copper"},
		"S": { type: "item", code: "stick"}
	output: { type: "item", code: "wand-pickaxe"}

You can download the full mod including the items here.


Type based recipes

There are more complicated things you can do with recipes. This the recipe for wooden planks which are crafted out of logs:

	ingredientPattern: "L",
	ingredients: {
		"L": { type: "block", code: "log-*-ud", name: "wood" }
	width: 1,
	height: 1,
	output: { type: "block", code: "planks-{wood}", quantity: 4  }

Instead of having a recipe for every wood type, you can assign a name to an ingredient (in this case it is name: "wood") and everything identified by * will later on replaced be for the output. Meaning {wood} will be replaced by the type of the giving log.

For example if we would have a birch log block, its code would be log-birch-ud, so * would stand for birch, therefore the output will be converted from code: "planks-{wood}" to code: "planks-birch".