Modding:Basic Modding Examples: Difference between revisions

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A large amount of game content is freely modifiable through editing text files. If you feel like tinkering around, just open your assets folder. To locate it under windows, hit Winkey+R in Windows then paste in this line %appdata%/Vintagestory/assets and hit enter.
A large amount of game content is freely modifiable through editing text files. If you feel like tinkering around, just open your assets folder. To locate it under windows, hit Winkey+R in Windows then paste in this line %appdata%/Vintagestory/assets and hit enter.
== Changing sleep duration in beds ==
Beds in the Vanilla game are pretty limited, more often than not players want to skip the whole night. To change that open the file <code>assets/blocktypes/wood/generic/bed.json</code>
Line 7-11 should contain these lines:
<syntaxhighlight lang="json">
attributesByType: {
"bed-wood-*": { sleepEfficiency: 0.375 },
"bed-hay-*": { sleepEfficiency: 0.25  },
"bed-woodaged-*": { sleepEfficiency: 0.45833  }
The <code>sleepEfficiency</code> attribute is specific to the bed. In this case a value of 1 means the player can sleep half the day. The hay bed has a value of 0.25, which means the player can sleep for 12 * 0.25 = 3 in-game hours. Change the value to anything between 0...1 and start the game or leave and re-enter your singleplayer world. Next time you sleep in the bed you will be skipping that amount of time.

== Playing around with world generation ==
== Playing around with world generation ==
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