List of server commands/tp

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 15:53, 28 July 2022 by Zagmeister (talk | contribs) (Corrected the keyboard modifier mentioned in the syntax explanation for the teleportation to absolute coordinates - should be CTRL instead of ALT.)
  • /tp [coordinates]
    Teleport yourself to the position given.
    • /tp x y z
      Teleports the player to given pretty coordinate visible from the pretty coordinate box.
    • /tp =x =y =z
      Teleports the player to given absolute coordinate visible from the debug screen on CTRL + F3.
    • /tp ~x ~y ~z
      Teleports player by a given relative distance, i.e. teleport ~1 ~0 ~0 will teleport the player one block in x direction.
  • /tp [playername] [coordinates]
    Teleport given player to a different position.
  • /tp [playername]
    Teleport yourself to given player.
  • /tpwp [starts with name]
    Teleport yourself to a waypoint.