List of client commands: Difference between revisions

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(remove /pm, its not coded yet)
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== Server Commands ==
== Server Commands ==

See [[List of multiplayer commands]]
Current chunk info<br/>
Shows the world seed<br>
<strong>/gamemode [0..4]&nbsp;</strong><br>
Sets your game mode:
<strong>0 =&nbsp;Guest mode.</strong>&nbsp;Cannot place/remove any blocks but can interact with them
<strong>1 = Survival mode.&nbsp;</strong>Can slowly break/place blocks. Can die. Cannot fly. Survival inventory.
<strong>2 = Creative mode. </strong>Access to all blocks through the creative inventory. Instant block breaking. Cannot die. Can fly.
<strong>3 =&nbsp;Spectator&nbsp;mode.</strong>&nbsp;Cannot place/remove blocks and cannot interact with anything. But can fly.<br>
<strong>/gamemode [playername] [0..4]</strong><br>
Sets the gamemode for given player<br>
Removes all items from your inventory<br>
<strong>/welcome (message)</strong><br/>
                Set the servers welcome message<br/>
Kills all entities in the loaded chunks (except for players)<br/>
Add, remove, and count entities (item drops, creatures, etc).<br/>
<strong>/entity spawn (entitytype)</strong><br/>
Spawn an entity by type.<br/>
The valid type names (as of are:<br/>
<code>wolf-male</code>, <code>wolf-female</code>, <code>sheep-bighorn-male</code>, <code>sheep-bighorn-female</code>, <code>sheep-bighorn-lamb</code>, <code>pig-wild-piglet</code>, <code>pig-wild-male</code>, <code>pig-wild-female</code>, <code>drifter</code>, <code>strawdummy</code>, <code>chicken-hen</code>, <code>chicken-baby</code>, <code>chicken-rooster</code>
<strong>/entity countbytype (entitytype)</strong><br/>
Count how many entities of a given type exist.
<strong>/entity removebytype (entitytype)</strong><br/>
Remove all entities of a given type.
<strong>/entity countbyclass (entityclass)</strong><br/>
Count how many entities of a given class (such as <code>entityitem</code> or <code>entityagent</code>) exist.
<strong>/entity removebyclass (entityclass)</strong><br/>
Remove all entities of a given class.
<strong>/entity listnearest [x y z] (ver-range) (hor-range)</strong><br/>
This command exists, but is not completely implemented as of
                Modify the server config<br/>
<strong>/serverconfig maxchunkradius (integer)</strong><br/>
Displays the max chunk radius. If an integer value is passed it will set the max chunk radius.
<strong>/serverconfig maxclients (integer)</strong><br/>
Displays the maxclients. If an integer value is passed it will set the maxclients.
<strong>/serverconfig password</strong><br/>
Sets the server password
<strong>/serverconfig antiabuse (Off|Basic|Pedantic)</strong><br/>
Sets antiabuse level
<strong>/serverconfig onlywhitelist (bool)</strong><br/>
Sets or shows the onlywhitelist value
<strong>/serverconfig entityspawning (bool)</strong><br/>
Toggle on/off global entity spawning
<strong>/time [set|get|speed]</strong><br>
Time related functions
<strong>/time </strong><br>
Shows current time
<strong>/time set day</strong>&nbsp;<br>
Sets the internal clock to 9 am
<strong>/time set night</strong>&nbsp;<br>
Sets the internal clock to 7 pm
<strong>/time set [time]</strong><br>
Sets the internal calendar to given time. Examples: /time set 12:00
<strong>/time speed</strong>&nbsp;<br>
Shows current game time speed
<strong>/time speed 0-99999</strong>&nbsp;<br>
Sets the game time speed (default 60)<br>
<strong>/tp [coordinates]</strong><br>
Teleport yourself to a different position
<strong>/tp x y z</strong><br>
Teleports<strong>&nbsp;</strong>player to given pretty coordinate (visible from the pretty coordinate box when pressing 'C')
<strong>/tp =x =y =z</strong><br>
Teleports<strong>&nbsp;</strong>player to given absolute coordinate (visible from the debug screen on ALT + F3)
<strong>/tp ~x ~y ~z</strong><br>
Teleports player by a given relative distance (i.e. teleport ~1 ~0 ~0 will teleport the player one block in x direction)<br>
<strong>/tp [playername] [coordinates]</strong><br>
Teleport given player to a different position<br>
Create/manage or destrory a player group
<strong>/group create [groupname]</strong>&nbsp;Creates a new player group (=own chat channel)<br>
While in the this groups chat channel:
<strong>/group invite [playername]&nbsp;</strong>Invites a player to this group
<strong>/group acceptinvite [groupname]&nbsp;</strong>Accept an invite to join the group
<strong>/group leave</strong>&nbsp;Leaves this player group
<strong>/group list</strong>&nbsp;Lists all groups you are currently in
<strong>/group rename newgroupname</strong>&nbsp;Renames the group
<strong>/group kick [playername]</strong>&nbsp;Removes a player from the group
<strong>/group op [playername]</strong>&nbsp;Grants operator status to this player, which allows him to invite other players.
<strong>/group deop [playername] </strong>Revokes operator status from this player.
<strong>/group disband </strong>Destroy a player group. Must be owner to perform this command<br>
<strong>Server Specific Tools</strong>
<strong>/bir&nbsp;[getid|getcode|remap]</strong>&nbsp;Block id remapper tools. Useful to fix broken blocks after removing/updating custom blocks
<strong>/forceloadchunks x1 z1 x2 z1 [sendtoclient]&nbsp;</strong>Tells the server to load given area and prevents unloading. If "sendtoclient" is added it will also forcefully send all these chunks to the client.
<strong>/sendchunks [0 or 1]</strong>&nbsp;Toggles whether to send any new chunks to the client (force sending chunks are sent anyway)
<strong>/reloadmods</strong>&nbsp;Reloads all server mods that support reloading<br>
<strong>Multiplayer Specific&nbsp;Tools</strong>
<strong>/welcome</strong>&nbsp;Sets the servers welcome message
<strong>/stop</strong> Shuts down the server
<strong>/privgrp [playername] [groupname]</strong>&nbsp;Puts a player into a privilege group
<strong>/serverconfig defaultspawn [x] [y] [z]</strong>&nbsp;Moves default world spawn
<strong>/op [playername]</strong>&nbsp;Shorthand for <strong>/privgrp Admin [playername]</strong>
<strong>/addarea</strong>&nbsp;Add a build permission area
<strong>/delarea </strong>Remove a build permission area
<strong>/addpriv&nbsp;</strong>Add a privilege to a permission group
<strong>/removepriv </strong>Remove a privilge from a permission group
<strong>/ban [reason]</strong>&nbsp;Ban a player
<strong>/unband&nbsp;[playername]</strong> Unban&nbsp;a player
<strong>/kick[reason]</strong> Kick a player
<strong>/macro [addcmd|setcmd|syntax|desc|priv|save|delete|show|list]</strong><br>
Create a server side macro that can execute one ore multiple commands
<strong>/macro addcmd [command without /]</strong>&nbsp; Add a command to a temporary macro
<strong>/macro setcmd[command without /]</strong>&nbsp; Set a command to a temporary macro (removes previously added ones)
<strong>/macro syntax</strong>&nbsp;Sets the syntax help info displayed when using /help
<strong>/macro desc</strong>&nbsp;Sets the description text displayed when using /help
<strong>/macro priv</strong>&nbsp;Sets the privilege required to execute this command, e.g. <em>controlserver</em> if only for admins or <em>build</em> for any player with build rights
<strong>/macro show</strong>&nbsp;Shows the contents temporary macro currently being defined by above commands
<strong>/macro save [name]</strong>&nbsp;Saves the temporary macro defined by above command to given command name
<strong>/macro list</strong>&nbsp;Shows a list of all saved macros
<strong>/macro show [name]&nbsp;</strong>Shows the contents of a saved macro
<strong>/macro delete [name]</strong>&nbsp;Deletes a previously saved macro
<strong>/macro discard [name]</strong> Discards the temporary macro

== Full command list from ==
== Full command list from ==
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.we - World edit toolbar<br>
.we - World edit toolbar<br>
.zfar - Sets the zfar clipping plane. Useful when up the limit of 1km view distance.<br>
.zfar - Sets the zfar clipping plane. Useful when up the limit of 1km view distance.<br>
Type .help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>
/addarea - Add a build permission to a world area<br>
/announce - Announce a server wide message in all groupIds<br>
/ban - Ban a player (will also kick him if online)<br>
/bir - Block id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/chunkunload - Toggle on/off whether the server (and thus in turn the client) should unload chunks<br>
/cit - Chunk information from the supply chunks thread<br>
/clear - Clear a players inventory<br>
/clearentities - Removes all entities (except playerentities and blockentities) from all loaded chunks<br>
/debug - Debug utilities<br>
/delarea - Remove a build permission to a world area<br>
/entity - Entity control<br>
/expclang - Export a list of block and item translations and add placeholders for missing translations<br>
/forceloadchunks - Forces the server to preload all chunks columns in given area and won't unload them until restarted. If 'sendtoclient' is supplied these chunks are also sent to client once loaded<br>
/gamemode - Get or Set a players gamemode. Short hand for /player (playername) gamemode<br>
/genbackup - Create a hardcopy of the current save game<br>
/gencaves - Cave generator test tool. Deletes all chunks in the area and generates inverse caves around the world middle<br>
/giveblock - Give blocks to a player<br>
/giveitem - Give items to a player<br>
/group - Manage a player group<br>
/groupinvite [on|off] - Enables or disables group invites to be sent to you<br>
/help - Display list of available server commands<br>
/iir - Item id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/kick - Kick a player<br>
/kill - Kill yourself<br>
/list - Show global lists (clients, areas, areasatpos, banned, roles or privileges)<br>
/macro - Create or delete a macro<br>
/moderrors - Lists the error messages from loading mods<br>
/op - Give a player admin status. Shorthand for /player (playername) role admin<br>
/player - Modify/See player related data<br>
/pm - Send a private message to a user (creates a temporary group)<br>
/reloadmods - Reloads all server mods<br>
/role - Modify/See player role related data<br>
/seed - Shows the current world seed<br>
/sendchunks - Allows toggling of the normal chunk generation/sending operations to all clients. Force loaded chunks are not affected by this switch<br>
/serverconfig - Modify the server config<br>
/setambient - Sets the server controlled ambient for everyone. Json format.<br>
/stats - Server stats<br>
/stop - Shut down the server<br>
/time - Get or set game world time<br>
/tp - Teleport to player or position<br>
/unban - Unban a player<br>
/we - World edit tools<br>
/welcome - Set the servers welcome message<br>
/wgen - World generator tools<br>
Type /help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>
Confirmedusers, Bureaucrats, editor, Administrators
