List of client commands: Difference between revisions

From Vintage Story Wiki
Used plain text instead of file attachement because wiki limitations
(Added temporary full command list as separate dump file (thanks Milo))
(Used plain text instead of file attachement because wiki limitations)
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== Full command list from ==
== Full command list from ==

.blockitempngexport - Export all items and blocks as png images<br>
.cam - Cinematic camera tools<br>
.cdensity - Set large and small cloud density<br>
.cdensitylarge - Set large cloud density<br>
.cdensitysmall - Set small cloud density<br>
.chatsize - Set the chat dialog width and height (default 400x160)<br>
.clearchat - Clear all chat history<br>
.client+ - Client+ configuration command.<br>
.clientconfig - Set/Gets a client setting<br>
.clients - List of connected players<br>
.clight - Set Cloud lightness<br>
.cp - Copy something to your clipboard<br>
.crand - Set large and small cloud noise.<br>
.cviewdist - Sets the cloud view distance. Will be reset when view distance in graphics settings are changed.<br>
.debug - Debug utilities<br>
.edi - Show/Hide Exented information on debug screen<br>
.fbdeb - Toggle Framebuffer/WOIT Debug mode<br>
.fountain - Toggle Particle fountain<br>
.freemove - Toggle Freemove<br>
.gui - Hide/Show all GUIs<br>
.help - Display list of availble client commands<br>
.lockfly - Locks a movement axis during flying/swimming<br>
.logticks - Toggle Tick profiling. Won't log ticks below the thresholf.<br>
.moon - Prints the current moon phase.<br>
.movespeed - Set Movespeed<br>
.music - Shows current music track<br>
.netbenchmark - Toggles network benchmarking<br>
.noclip - Toggle noclip<br>
.online - Prints list of online players.<br>
.pastemode - Set the chats paste mode. If set to multi pasting multiple lines will produce multiple chat lines.<br>
.recomposechat - Recompose chat dialogs<br>
.reconnect - Reconnect to server<br>
.reload - Asseted reloading utility. Incase of shape reload will also Re-tesselate. Incase of textures will regenerate the texture atlasses.<br>
.resolution - Sets the screen size to given width and height<br>
.serverinfo - Display information about server info<br>
.spawndecal - Spawn a decal at position<br>
.tfedit - Opens the Transform Editor<br>
.time - Read local game time or speed<br>
.viewdistance - Set view distance<br>
.vrec - Video Recorder Tools<br>
.we - World edit toolbar<br>
.zfar - Sets the zfar clipping plane. Useful when up the limit of 1km view distance.<br>
Type .help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>
/addarea - Add a build permission to a world area<br>
/announce - Announce a server wide message in all groupIds<br>
/ban - Ban a player (will also kick him if online)<br>
/bir - Block id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/chunkunload - Toggle on/off whether the server (and thus in turn the client) should unload chunks<br>
/cit - Chunk information from the supply chunks thread<br>
/clear - Clear a players inventory<br>
/clearentities - Removes all entities (except playerentities and blockentities) from all loaded chunks<br>
/debug - Debug utilities<br>
/delarea - Remove a build permission to a world area<br>
/entity - Entity control<br>
/expclang - Export a list of block and item translations and add placeholders for missing translations<br>
/forceloadchunks - Forces the server to preload all chunks columns in given area and won't unload them until restarted. If 'sendtoclient' is supplied these chunks are also sent to client once loaded<br>
/gamemode - Get or Set a players gamemode. Short hand for /player (playername) gamemode<br>
/genbackup - Create a hardcopy of the current save game<br>
/gencaves - Cave generator test tool. Deletes all chunks in the area and generates inverse caves around the world middle<br>
/giveblock - Give blocks to a player<br>
/giveitem - Give items to a player<br>
/group - Manage a player group<br>
/groupinvite [on|off] - Enables or disables group invites to be sent to you<br>
/help - Display list of available server commands<br>
/iir - Item id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/kick - Kick a player<br>
/kill - Kill yourself<br>
/list - Show global lists (clients, areas, areasatpos, banned, roles or privileges)<br>
/macro - Create or delete a macro<br>
/moderrors - Lists the error messages from loading mods<br>
/op - Give a player admin status. Shorthand for /player (playername) role admin<br>
/player - Modify/See player related data<br>
/pm - Send a private message to a user (creates a temporary group)<br>
/reloadmods - Reloads all server mods<br>
/role - Modify/See player role related data<br>
/seed - Shows the current world seed<br>
/sendchunks - Allows toggling of the normal chunk generation/sending operations to all clients. Force loaded chunks are not affected by this switch<br>
/serverconfig - Modify the server config<br>
/setambient - Sets the server controlled ambient for everyone. Json format.<br>
/stats - Server stats<br>
/stop - Shut down the server<br>
/time - Get or set game world time<br>
/tp - Teleport to player or position<br>
/unban - Unban a player<br>
/we - World edit tools<br>
/welcome - Set the servers welcome message<br>
/wgen - World generator tools<br>
Type /help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>
