Наземне Зберігання

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Деякі предмети можуть бути розміщені на твердій поверхні одним із чотирьох розташувань. Щоб розмістити предмет, гравець утримує Shift та натискає правою кнопкою миші. До купи можна додати лише предмети одного типу. Якщо вже є розміщений предмет, напр. тигель, то гравець може розмістити інший предмет із таким самим розташуванням у вільному кутку, утримуючи або натискаючи правою кнопкою миші.

Table: Piles

Icon / Item Stacking capacity One / Many Layout Description
Ingot-copper.png Ingots 64 1 / 4 Stacking Each added ingot averages the temperature of all ingots
Grid Copper plate.png Metal plates 16 1 / 4 Stacking Each added metal plate averages the temperature of all metal plates
Plank-oak.png Boards 48 1 / 4 Stacking Currently can not burn
Peatbrick.png Peat brick 32 1 / 4 Stacking Can burn
Grid shingle burned blue.png Shingles 192 1 / 6 Stacking Raw type is required to obtain fired shingles in a Pit kiln
Burnedbrick-blue.png Clay bricks 24 1 / 4 Stacking Raw type is required to obtain fired clay bricks in a Pit kiln
Refractorybrick-fired-tier1.png Refractory bricks 24 1 / 4 Stacking Raw type is required to obtain fired refractory bricks in a Pit kiln
Grid Granite Brick.png Stone bricks 24 1 / 4 Stacking
Grid Firewood.png Firewood 32 2 / 8 Stacking Can burn. Required for Charcoal Pit
Charcoal.png Coal 16 2 Stacking Can burn. Required for Steel Making. Black and brown can be manufactured into coke in a coke oven

Table: Placeable items

Icon / Item Stacking capacity Layout Description
Crucible.png Crucible 4 Quadrants Raw type is required to obtain a fired crucible in a Pit kiln
Ingotmold-raw.png Ingot mold (Raw) 2 Halves Required to obtain a fired ingot mold in a Pit kiln
Claypot-raw.png Cooking pot (Raw) 4 Quadrants Required to obtain a fired cooking pot in a Pit kiln
Bowl-burned.png Bowls 4 Quadrants Raw type is required to obtain a fired bowl in a Pit kiln
Toolmold-burned-anvil.png Tool molds 1 SingleCenter Raw type is required to obtain a fired tool mold in a Pit kiln
Crock-raw-east.png Crock (Raw) 4 Quadrants Required to obtain a fired crock in a Pit kiln
Flowerpot-raw.png Flowerpot (Raw) 4 Quadrants Required to obtain a fired flowerpot in a Pit kiln
Clayplanter-raw.png Planter (Raw) 1 SingleCenter Required to obtain a fired planter in a Pit kiln
Storagevessel-raw.png Storage vessel (Raw) 1 SingleCenter Required to obtain a fired storage vessel in a Pit kiln
Wateringcan-raw.png Watering can (Raw) 1 SingleCenter Required to obtain a fired watering can in a Pit kiln
Grid Hand basket.png Hand basket 1 SingleCenter Stores all of its contents
Grid hunterbackpack.png Hunter's backpack 1 SingleCenter Stores all of its contents
Grid Backpack.png Backpack 1 SingleCenter Stores all of its contents
Linensack.png Linen sack 1 SingleCenter Stores all of its contents
Grid Mining Bag.png Mining bag 1 SingleCenter Stores all of its contents


  • Stacking capacity: Maximum number of items in a pile / on a block.
  • One: How many items can be added at once by using Shift +

RMB and removed at once by using RMB.

  • Many: How many items can be added at once by using Shift + Ctrl +

RMB and removed at once by using Ctrl + RMB.

  • Layout: In what form can the item be placed.
    • Stacking: A pile.
    • Quadrants: On the corners (max. 4 items).
    • Halves: On the sides (max. 2 items).
    • SingleCenter: On the center (max. 1 item).
