Framerate and Performance

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 12:24, 27 May 2021 by Radfast (talk | contribs)

Vintage Story aims to be a high performance game even on non-gaming hardware, such as laptops. For high-end gaming hardware, it should be possible to achieve high framerates (100fps or more) even with all settings maximised.

Generally each new major version of Vintage Story should have better performance: version 1.15 is noticeably better than 1.14, for example.

CPU or GPU runs too hot

  • The main way to control CPU and GPU usage is using the Vsync and Max FPS settings in the graphics settings.
  • One path to optimise both: pick a framerate you want e.g. 60 fps. Now with VSync off and Max FPS unlimited, adjust the graphics settings that heavily affect framerate (view distance, godrays & bloom, shadows, SSAO) to hit a framerate that's about 15%-20% better than you want, e.g. 70 fps or 80 fps. When the game can comfortably hit that, now set Max FPS to 60fps and VSync to 'On + Sleep'. This should produce a stable 60fps, a smooth game with no lag spikes, and less than 100% CPU and GPU usage so that your fans run quiet.
  • The Occlusion Culling graphics setting is recommended on modern multi-core CPUs - it uses one additional CPU thread but leads to less work for the GPU.