Block reinforcement

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Revision as of 10:33, 3 July 2021 by Radfast (talk | contribs)

Block reinforcement is another "soft" method of protecting your property in multiplayer. It allows you to reinforce most hard blocks, requiring other players to break the block multiple times (up to 800 times!) before it actually breaks and drops. There are also locks which let you lock doors and chests, which can be used in combination with reinforcing the door or chest itself.

Hard blocks are defined as anything made out of stone, metal, wood or clay/ceramic, also regular dirt blocks and ice. Fences and doors and chests are constructed of wood and can therefore be reinforced. Reed baskets can be reinforced. The solid wood trunks and branches of growing trees can be reinforced, growing bamboo can be reinforced. Even small wooden or ceramic objects or placed lanterns or bunch o' candles can be reinforced - think of it as bolting or chaining that thing down firmly!

Game updates: As from game version 1.15, plants, leaves, liquid blocks, sand and gravel and snow, cannot be reinforced. Plants here includes all crops, saplings, placed pumpkins, hay blocks. Those weaker blocks were able to be reinforced in game version 1.14 and below: in older saved games where these types of blocks were reinforced, that reinforcement will be automatically removed in 1.15.

It was never intended for crops etc. to be reinforcable using plumb and square! Intended use of reinforcement is for players to wall in their smallholding / homestead / house / castle / town with walls or fences, and then reinforce those walls and fences. To protect any vulnerable weaker blocks (e.g. crops and gardens) from casual griefing, they can be enclosed inside the walls. Gardens outside the walls will be vulnerable to passing players, unless the land is claimed.

Basic instructions:

  • Craft yourself a plumb and square
  • Collect reinforcement material and put it anywhere in your hotbar. These are the available ones:
    • Rock (Granite, Peridotite, Andesite, Basalt or Obsidian): 50 Strength
    • Copper ingot: 150 Strength
    • Tin and Bismuth bronze ingot: 300 Strength
    • Black bronze ingot: 400 Strength
    • Iron ingot: 800 Strength
  • Shift-Right click with the plumb and square in hands on a block, to reinforce it (consumes one item of the reinforcement material)
  • Left click with the plumb and square to remove your own reinforcement. (Other players can only remove your reinforcement if they have the 'all' permission, see commands below)

Other capabilities:

  • Right-click pickup: Blocks such as lanterns or ceramics can normally be picked up by any player by right-clicking on them. But if the lantern or ceramic is reinforced (at any level) it cannot be picked up - think of it as bolting the item down firmly!
  • Locking: On the anvil you can smith bronze and iron padlocks. If you right click with a padlock in hands on a door or chest or reed basket, then these can no longer be opened by other players
  • Granting access: A number of commands are available to grant access to locked blocks
    • /bre grant [playername] use grants the given player the ability to open your own chests and doors. Use /bre revoke to revoke it again.
    • /bre grantgroup [groupname] use grants the given player group the ability to open your own chests and doors. Use /bre revokegroup to revoke it again.
    • /bre grant [playername / groupname] all grants the given player or group the use permission described above, and also the ability to remove reinforcement from blocks you have reinforced, using their own plumb and square

Video Tutorials

English guide how to use the Blockreinforcement German guide how to use the Blockreinforcement