Ground Storage

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 17:07, 19 July 2022 by Craluminum (talk | contribs) (Rename "Stacking capacity" to)

Some items can be placed on a solid surface with one of the five different placement options.

If there is already a placed item e.g. crucible, the player can add another item with the same placement to a free corner.

Adding items with temperature to existing piles averages the temperature of all items in a pile.

When placing bags, all items remain inside of them

Table: Piles

All items listed below can be stacked in a full block high pile.

Icon / Item Capacity One / Many Flammable
Ingot-copper.png Ingots 64 1 / 4 No
Grid Copper plate.png Metal plate 16 1 / 4 No
Plank-oak.png Boards 48 1 / 4 No
Peatbrick.png Peat brick 32 1 / 4 No
Grid shingle burned blue.png Shingles 192 1 / 6 No
Burnedbrick-blue.png Clay bricks 24 1 / 4 No
Refractorybrick-fired-tier1.png Refractory bricks 24 1 / 4 No
Grid Granite Brick.png Stone bricks 24 1 / 4 No
Grid Firewood.png Firewood 32 2 / 8 Yes
Charcoal.png Coal 16 2 Yes

Table: Placeable items

Icon / Item Capacity Placement
Crucible.png Crucible 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Ingotmold-raw.png Ingot mold (Raw) 2 On the sides
Claypot-burned.png Cooking pot 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Bowl-burned.png Bowls 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Toolmold-raw-anvil.png Tool molds (Raw) 1 In the center
Crock-burned-east.png Crock 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Flowerpot-raw.png Flowerpot (Raw) 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Clayplanter-raw.png Planter (Raw) 1 In the center
Storagevessel-raw.png Storage vessel (Raw) 1 In the center
Wateringcan-raw.png Watering can (Raw) 1 In the center
Grid Hand basket.png Hand basket 1 In the center
Grid hunterbackpack.png Hunter's backpack 1 In the center
Grid Backpack.png Backpack 1 In the center
Linensack.png Linen sack 1 In the center
Grid Mining Bag.png Mining bag 1 In the center
Clothes-foot-high-leather-boots.png Shoes (any) 4 / 1 In the corners / In the center
Hoe-copper.png Hoe 2 Against wall
Shovel-copper.png Shovel 2 Against 2 high wall
Spear-copper.png Spear 2 Against 2 high wall
Axe-copper.png Axe 2 Against 2 high wall
Blade-falx-copper.png Falx 2 Against wall
Blade-short-blackguard.png Blackguard shortsword 2 Against wall
Blade-curved-scrap.png Scrap blade 2 Against wall
Blade-thrusting-forlorn.png Forlorn Hope estoc 2 Against 2 high wall
Bow crude.png Crude bow 2 Against wall
Bow-simple.png Simple bow 2 Against wall
Bow-long.png Longbow 2 Against 2 high wall
Bow-recurve.png Recurve bow 2 Against 2 high wall
Chisel-copper.png Chisel 2 Against wall
Cleaver-copper.png Cleaver 2 Against wall
Hammer-copper.png Hammer 2 Against wall
Knife-copper.png Knife 2 Against wall
Pickaxe-copper.png Pickaxe 2 Against wall
Prospectingpick-copper.png Prospecting pick 2 Against wall
Saw-copper.png Saw 2 Against wall
Scythe-copper.png Scythe 2 Against 2 high wall
Shears-copper.png Shears 2 Against wall
Woodenclub-normal.png Wooden club 2 Against wall
Wrench-copper.png Wrench 2 Against wall
Solderingiron.png Soldering iron 2 Against wall
Plumb and Square.png Plumb and Square 2 Against wall
Firestarter.png Firestarter 2 Against wall
Boss-tinbronze.png Boss 2 Against wall
Hoop-tinbronze.png Hoop 2 Against wall
Shield-reinforced-round-woodmetal.png Shields 2 Against wall


Sneak + RMB: Default keyboard shortcut for item placement/stacking.

  • PIles:
    • Sneak +

RMB: Place/add one.

RMB: Remove one.

    • Sneak +

Sprint + RMB: Place many.

Sprint + RMB: Remove many.

  • Capacity: Maximum number of items in a pile / on a block.
  • One: How many items can be added at once.
  • Many: How many items can be added or removed at once.
  • Placement: In what form the item can be placed.
    • Stacking: A pile of items of the same type.
    • In the corners: Max. 4 items.
    • On the sides: Max. 2 items.
    • Against wall: Max. 2 items. Use Sneak +

Sprint + RMB to place, Sprint + RMB to remove

    • In the center: Max. 1 item.
