Translations:List of client commands/12/en

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.blockitempngexport - Export all items and blocks as png images
.cam - Cinematic camera tools
.cdensity - Set large and small cloud density
.cdensitylarge - Set large cloud density
.cdensitysmall - Set small cloud density
.chatsize - Set the chat dialog width and height (default 400x160)
.clearchat - Clear all chat history
.client+ - Client+ configuration command.
.clientconfig - Set/Gets a client setting
.clients - List of connected players
.clight - Set Cloud lightness
.cp - Copy something to your clipboard
.crand - Set large and small cloud noise.
.cviewdist - Sets the cloud view distance. Will be reset when view distance in graphics settings are changed.
.debug - Debug utilities
.edi - Show/Hide Exented information on debug screen, e.g. block lighting.
.fbdeb - Toggle Framebuffer/WOIT Debug mode
.fountain - Toggle Particle fountain
.freemove - Toggle Freemove
.gencraftjson - Copies a snippet of json from your currently held item usable as a crafting recipe ingredient
.gui - Hide/Show all GUIs
.help - Display list of availble client commands
.lockfly - Locks a movement axis during flying/swimming
.logticks - Toggle Tick profiling. Won't log ticks below the thresholf.
.moon - Prints the current moon phase.
.movespeed - Set Movespeed
.music - Shows current music track
.netbenchmark - Toggles network benchmarking
.noclip - Toggle noclip
.online - Prints list of online players.
.pastemode - Set the chats paste mode. If set to multi pasting multiple lines will produce multiple chat lines.
.recomposechat - Recompose chat dialogs
.reconnect - Reconnect to server
.reload - Asseted reloading utility. Incase of shape reload will also Re-tesselate. Incase of textures will regenerate the texture atlasses.
.resolution - Sets the screen size to given width and height
.serverinfo - Display information about server info
.spawndecal - Spawn a decal at position
.tfedit - Opens the Transform Editor
.time - Read local game time or speed
.viewdistance - Set view distance
.vrec - Video Recorder Tools
.we - World edit toolbar
.zfar - Sets the zfar clipping plane. Useful when up the limit of 1km view distance.