Bighorn sheep

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 01:13, 27 March 2018 by Stroam (talk | contribs) (updated page look)


The most unfluffy sheep ever.

Bighorn sheep (male)
Health 25
Base Attack 6
Abilities none

Bighorn sheep (female)
Health 20
Base Attack 5
Abilities none

Bighorn sheep (baby)
Health 10
Base Attack 0
Abilities none


Bighorn sheep will spawn in light levels 10 and higher, at temperatures between -10 and 20, and as little as .43 rainfall. They spawn in groups with around 3 on average.


Typically will wander about ignoring the player until provoked. The females will tend to stay close to the males and the babies will stay close to their mother. This means if you trap the male, the others will stay close.

They can't be sheared for wool.
