Engrenage rouillé

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Engrenage rouillé
Empilable 1000

Les engrenages rouillés servent principalement de monnaie dans Vintage Story. Ils sont principalement utilisés pour le commerce, soit avec les marchands soit avec les autres joueurs dans les parties multijoueurs.



On peut les trouver :


Rusty gears can also be used to create:


Rusty Gears can stack to 1000. While they can be placed on the ground, it is preferable to put them in storage such as chest or crates.


  • Item description:
    "Despite its corroded state, it still shows exceptional quality and craftsmanship. The fine details seem impossible to reproduce. Probably why the traders favor it so much."
  • Trader dialog:
    "Well, they're limited, they're durable, and they're frankly useless to us. Perfect for currency. Wish they weren't so damn heavy, though."
  • Trader dialog:
    "Truth is, these gears mean something special to most folks. We have no idea why they're out here, but you can find them in the old places of the world. Or deep under the surface, if you dare. They're the seeds of the past, they're a promise of the future. And like as not, many of us can feel God's grace upon them. They're a part of something greater, as are we all. These are holy symbols to us, and what could make for better trade than that which is sacred?"
  • Trader answering to the question "What, you can't reproduce them?":
    "'Fraid not. You could always pour some ore in a mold and then leave it in the rain for a while. You'd have yourself a rusty gear sure, but there's a precision and uniformity to these that's remarkable. They're tough as hell, too. We're not sure what sort of alloy was used to make them. Some folks believe they weren't made by human hands at all, but rather by something greater."

Ressources Beeswax.pngCire d'abeilleBlastingpowder.pngPoudre explosiveBone.pngOsBonemeal.pngPoudre d'osCandle.pngBougieCattailtops.pngRoseauxCharcoal.pngCharbon de boisClay-blue.pngArgileRawbrick-fire.pngBrique d'argileClearquartz.pngQuartz clairCloth-plain.pngÉtoffeCoke.pngCokeCompost.pngCompostCrushed-quartz.pngPoudresDrygrass.pngHerbe sècheEgg-chicken.pngŒufFat.pngGraisseFeather.pngPlumeFirewood.pngBois de chauffageFlaxfibers.pngFibre de linFlaxtwine.pngFicelle de linFlint.pngSilexGem-emerald-rough.pngGemmesHerbbundle-basil.pngPaquets d'herbesHide-raw-large.pngPeauxHoneycomb.pngRayon de mielLargegearsection.pngSection de grand engrenageLeather-plain.pngCuirLime.pngChauxMortar.pngMortierPaper-parchment.pngParcheminPapyrustops.pngPapyrusPlank-oak.pngBloc de planchesPotash.pngPotasseQuicklime.pngChaux viveRefractorybrick-fired-tier1.pngBriques réfractairesResin.pngRésineSail.pngVoileSewingkit.pngKit de coutureShingle-burned-blue.pngBardeauxStick.pngBâtonStone-granite.pngPierresStonebrick-granite.pngBriques en pierreInsect-termite.pngTermite
Métal Metalbit-iron.pngMorceau de métalMetalchain-iron.pngCotte de mailleIngot-iron.pngLingotNightvisionupgrades-nightvisionlens1.pngÉlément de JonasMetallamellae-iron.pngLamellesMetal-scraps.pngFerrailleMetal-parts.pngPièces en métalMetalbit-iron.pngPépiteOre-bountiful-nativecopper-basalt.pngMineraiPadlock-iron.pngCadenasMetalplate-iron.pngPlaquePoundercap-iron.pngTête de pilonGear-rusty.pngEngrenage rouilléMetalscale-iron.pngÉcailleScrapweaponkit.pngKit d'armes en ferrailleSolderbar.pngBarre de soudureGear-temporal.pngEngrenage temporelPickaxehead-iron.pngTête d'outil
Graines Cattailroot.pngRacine de roseauSeeds-flax.pngSemencesPapyrusroot.pngRacine de papyrusTreeseed-oak.pngGraines d'arbres
Outils Axe-copper.pngHacheChisel-copper.pngCiseauCleaver-copper.pngCouperetFirestarter.pngAllume-feuHammer-copper.pngMarteauHelvehammer-bismuthbronze.pngMarteau à basculeHoe-copper.pngHoueInkandquill.pngEncre et plumeKnife-copper.pngCouteauOreblastingbomb.pngBombe d'extraction de mineraiPickaxe-copper.pngPiochePlumbandsquare.pngFil à plomb et équerreProspectingpick-copper.pngPioche de prospecteurSaw-iron.pngScieScythe-copper.pngFauxShears-copper.pngCisaillesShovel-copper.pngPelleSieve-linen.pngTamisSolderingiron.pngFer à souderTongs.pngPince en boisPan-wooden.pngBatée en boisWrench-copper.pngClé de serrage
Armes Arrow-flint.pngFlècheBeenade-opened.pngGrenabeilleBow-simple.pngArcBlade-falx-copper.pngFalxSword-copper.pngÉpéeSpear-copper.pngLanceSling.pngFrondeSpear-hacking.pngLance de reprogrammation
Transport Glider.pngPlaneurBoat-raft-pine.pngRadeauOar-crude-pine.pngRame rudimentaire
Divers Book-normal-brickred.pngLivreOmoktabletop.pngJeu de OmokTuningcylinder-1.pngCylindre d'accordage
Créatif seulement Stackrandomizer-ingot.pngGénérateur aléatoire d'objets empilés

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