Fruit tree

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 21:23, 23 December 2021 by Akineko (talk | contribs) (amended harvest information)

Fruit Trees are a separate kind of tree spawning in the world. Their foliage changes with the season like regular trees, however they will additionally go through 5 distinct stages from dormant to bearing ripe fruit. Their fruit can be harvested by the player to eat or turn into juice.

Finding Fruit Trees

Finding fruit trees in the wild can be a little challenging, unless they happen to be in their flowering phase. Since they are essentially just a different kind of tree, spotting them in a forest can be hard. They do however use different leaf block patterns and colours when compared to regular trees. The best signature for a fruit tree however is their trunk, since it is noticeably slimmer then the full block trunk of a regular tree.

Different fruit tree species require different temperatures and perspiration to spawn on world generation, and can therefore be found in different climates:

Species Min Temp Max Temp Min Rain Max Rain
Red Apple -5 18 0.5 1
Pink Apple -9 18 0.5 0.9
Yellow Apple 0 22 0.6 1
Peach 10 17 0.55 1
Pear -10 19 0.5 1
Cherry 0 24 0.6 1
Orange 25 30 0.45 1
Olive 22 50 0.3 0.5
Mango 28 50 0.6 1

Growing Fruit Trees

Fruit tree cuttings can either be planted in the ground for the chance of a completely new tree, or grafted onto an existing fruit tree. The chances for a cutting taking root and growing up is 25%, whereas a graft working out only has a 5% chance.
However, even if the cutting would take root, it can only do so if the temperature is accommodating for this specific fruit tree species.
The temperature under which a fruit tree will die can vary randomly within a certain amount, however one end of this temperature zone will be favoured. In the below list, the most likely temperature is shown first, with the full possibilities in brackets behind.
In the event that the tree survives and takes root, specific temperatures need to be reached and kept for a specific amount of time for the tree to actually flower and bear fruit - this is inspired by real life Vernalization. Therefore, for a tree to actually flower, it needs to be in an average temperature of 2°C (Min Vernalization Temp) for at least 220 ingame hours (Min Vernalization Time) before it could start to change into its flowering phase.
Similarly, a fruit tree will go into dormancy under specific temperatures, which means even if it does not die, it will not be producing any fruit.

Species Die-Below Temp Min Vernalization Temp Min Vernalization Time Enter Dormancy Temp Leave Dormancy Temp
Red Apple -28 (-38 - -28) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)
Pink Apple -24 (-34 - -24) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)
Yellow Apple -22 (-32 - -22) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)
Peach -12 (-22 - -12) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)
Pear -28 (-41 - -28) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)
Cherry -20 (-30 - -20) 1.5 - 2.5 220 - 280 Hours -3 (-7 - 1) 19 (14 - 24)

Orange, Olive and Mango trees count as evergreen trees, therefore they do not have a specific flowering requirement, but are susceptible to low temperatures.
Please keep in mind that all information given may still change as fruit trees are currently still under development - specifically the given die-below and loose-leave temperatures given here are not final yet.

Species Die-Below Temp Loose Leaves Below Temp Blossoming Time?
Orange 6 (1 - 6) 3 (-1 - 3)
Olive 7 (2 - 7) 0 (-4 - 0)
Mango 10 (6 - 10) 3 (-1 - 3)

Growth Stages

Different fruit tree species circle through the 5 different stages from dormant to ripe. Specifically the stages fruiting and ripe may be hard to spot for specific species, it's recommended to enlarge the picture to get a better look.

Tree Growth time ± 1 day
(from planting to fully grown)
Cutting Dormant Plain Flowering Fruiting Ripe
Red Apple x Days            
Pink Apple x Days            
Yellow Apple x Days            
Peach x Days            
Pear x Days            
Cherry x Days            
Orange x Days            
Olive x Days            
Mango x Days            


Fruit can be harvested from the leaf blocks titled "with ripe fruit". A specified amount of fruits will be deposited directly into the inventory, leaving the plain leafs behind to go through the flowering cycle again. Harvesting fruit trees in this manner takes a little bit longer then harvesting a berry bush, the right button needs to be held down for about a full second. Leaf blocks ripe with fruit will also drop their fruit if broken.

Item Satiety Category
Red Apple 80 Fruit
Pink Apple 80 Fruit
Yellow Apple 80 Fruit
Peach 80 Fruit
Pear 80 Fruit
Cherry 80 Fruit
Orange 80 Fruit
Olive 100 Vegetable
Mango 80 Fruit
