Modding:Handbook Guide

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 18:26, 7 August 2024 by Craluminum (talk | contribs) (add categories)

Handbook guides are separate pages in handbook dedicated to explain various game mechanics.

Adding new guide

Create new file with unique name, for example, 101-pies.json, then put it to "assets/game/config/handbook" folder in your mod.

New file should look inside like this:

    "pageCode": "morepies:introduction",
    "title": "morepies:introduction-title",
    "text": "morepies:introduction-text"

Note that pageCode should be unique, for example, morepies:introduction.

If you want your guide in specific category, then add following in the same file:

"categoryCode": "morepies:category"

Add two keys to localization file (for example, in "assets/<mymod>/lang/en.json"):

    "morepies:introduction-title": "Pies 101",
    "morepies:introduction-text": "Pies are a very tasty food.",

And another two keys for category (if you added new):

    "game:handbook-category-morepies": "More Pies",
    "handbook-category-morepies:category": "More Pies",

Now reload your world and you can find new guide in handbook