Animal husbandry

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 16:26, 25 May 2019 by Redram (talk | contribs)

Vintage Story delivers a number of game mechanics that allow the domestication of some of the animals that roam the world. After 50 generations chickens and baby animals will no longer flee from the player. Boars and Bighorn sheep still will become aggressive when attacked however.

Animals can be killed and harvested for meat, leather and features. Hold Sneak + right mouse with a knife in hand to harvest killed animals. Monsters such as drifters and locusts are not butcherable, nor are hares.

Boars and Bighorn Sheep

When provoked with a weak attack, boars and sheep will try to attack you. You can use that behavior to guide them into your carefully prepared animal pen. In order for them to multiply you need at least one male and female as well as food placed in a large trough. You can feed them either portions of 8 dry grass or 2 grains. After eating a number of portions they can become pregnant and after another couple days they will bear offspring.


Wild Chickens always try to flee form the player, again, you can use this to your advantage, just in the opposite way as its with boars and bighorn sheep. Chicken will only eat grain placed in small troughs and also require a male and female to be present to produce babies. The babies are *not* preceded by eggs - they just appear like other baby animals. One added bonus with chickens is that hens will lay eggs on the ground every 8-15 in-game days, which can be used in cooked foods (they currently have nothing to do with breeding new chickens). You should pick them up regularly however, as they disappear when not collected for 2 days.

Other animals

Foxes, Wolves, Locusts and Drifters are considered wild creatures and cannot be domesticated at this point.