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Revision as of 09:52, 13 October 2020 by Juliusvanvern (talk | contribs)

Lederverarbeitung ist eine spezialisierte Serie von Fass-(barrel) Rezepten, mit denen Spieler rohe Häute in Leder (leather) umwandeln können.

Benötigte Materialien=

Um Leder herzustellen, benötigt ein Spieler

  • Häute
  • Fässer (Barrel) zur Verarbeitung roher Häute,
  • Ein Vorrat an Eichenstämmen, siehe Tabelle zur Identifizierung von Eiche, zur Herstellung von Tannin.
  • Ein hölzerner Eimer, um Flüssigkeit zu übertragen.
  • Ein Vorrat an Kalk oder pulverisiertem Borax.

Preparing the Solutions

  • A bucket holds 10 units of liquid.
  • A barrel holds 50 units or 5 buckets of liquid.

To make soaked hides limewater or diluted borax may be used:

  • Limewater: 1 unit of water and 1 lime makes 1 unit of limewater.
  • Diluted borax: 5 units of water and 2 powdered borax make 5 units of diluted borax.

Weak and strong tannin are both required:

  • Weak tannin: 10 units of water and 1 oak log make 10 units of weak tannin. The barrel must be sealed for 24 hours.
  • Strong tannin: 10 units of weak tannin and 1 oak log make 10 units of strong tannin. The barrel must be sealed for 24 hour.

Hide Processing Sequence

Players may only process one size of hide at a time, small, medium, large, or huge. Also, each of the sizes use different amounts of solution. Huge, large, medium, and small require 10, 6, 4, and 2 units respectively.

  1. Place the hides into the lime or borax solution and seal the barrel, after 20 hours they will become soaked hides.
  2. Put a knife and the soaked hides into your crafting grid to create scraped hides.
  3. Place the scraped hides into the weak tannin solution and seal the barrel, after 4 days they will become prepared hides.
  4. Place the prepared hides into the strong tannin solution and seal the barrel, after 4 days they will become leather.

The different sizes of hides also give different amounts of leather. Huge, large, medium, and small produce 5, 3, 2, and 1 leather respectively.
