Glavna Stranica

From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 15:32, 10 August 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)

Dobrodošli u Vintage Story Wiki, bazu znanja zajednice za Vintage Story.

Vintage Story je beskompromisna sandbox survival igrica inspirirana lovecraftovskim horor temama. Nađite se u uništenom svijetu kojeg je obuzela priroda i privremene jezive oluje. Doživite ponovni razvoj ljudske civilizacije ili krenite vlastitim putem. Trenutno je u razvoju i dostopno je za early access kupnju.

Svaki doprinos je dobrodošao, jer ima još mnogo toga za dodati. Ako želite pridonijeti, zatražite pristup wiki uređivanju na forumima ili službenom Discord serveru.

Trenutno imamo 2.195 artikala. Ako ste modder koji source, slobodno se uputite na Vintage GitHub.

Game Update News
Latest stable version


Game Update News
Latest Update

Fruit tree fix (v1.16.5)

  • Only bugfixes in this release.
  • Fixed: Should fix some fruit trees never fruiting
  • Fixed: Game crashing when it cannot log to file
  • Fixed: Infinite liquid drinking dupe bug
  • ...and many more!
Latest unstable version
Version 1.17.0-rc5

De-Jank and Game Juice Update

Most recent updates
Highlights of Previous Updates

Homesteading part 2 & Combat update, stabler-er finetune! (1.16.4)

  • Vintagehosting: Added ability to kill an unresponsive server
  • Modifys Rift behaviour
  • Scythe rework

Homesteading part 2 & Combat update, stabler finetune! (1.16.2/1.16.3)

  • Reduced knockback by 50% when in-mid air. Should avoid cases of huge knockback.
  • Multipe Performance Tweaks

Homesteading part 2 & Combat update, stable finetune! (1.16.1)

  • Mash can now be placed in troughs. Mash spoils 3 times slower.
  • Can now cut the green and brown bamboo shoots into edible shoots

De-Jank and Game Juice Update (1.17.0-rc.4)

  • Non-critical stability fixes

De-Jank and Game Juice Update (1.17.0-rc.3)

  • Savegame update fix
  • Hats can be crafted
Version History
Playing the Game
Beginner's Help Mechanics Crafting Resource Gathering

Looseflints-obsidian-free.pngSurvival Guide - Your first day



Looseflints-granite-free.pngUdaranje kamena o kamen


Grid Stick.pngTraženje hrane u divljini

Grid Stick.pngForaging

World Multiplayer Miscellaneous
World Multiplayer Miscellaneous
Modding the Game
Modding Basics Going Further Block and Item Assets Entity and World Assets
Programming Basics Game Objects API
Community Links

Discord Link.png Forums.png Banner Modb.png Bug Tracker.png OST.png

Important links for editors