Modding:Basic Block

From Vintage Story Wiki

This tutorial should introduce you into the basic of adding a block to the game using JSON files. Down below you can find a complete list of all existing properties. If your block requires more than just a JSON file there is a tutorial for Advanced Blocks. There is a full list of all properties which can be defined inside the json file Block Json Properties.

A Simple Block

Let's add a simple block to the game. In our example we will add a new wooden planks type.

The Texture

First of all we need a texture. We will add a gold block to the game using this texture:  .

Now we need to copy the texture to the game assets. Therefore navigate to the Vintagestory folder and place it in assets\textures\blocks\wood\planks\. Eventually rename it to mygoldtexture.png

The JSON file

Now we need a json file which will determine the properties this block has. For now we keep it simple and only cover simple properties, but there are a lot of other things you can do with. Here is a full list of all Block Json Properties. So create a new json file in your editor (we highly recommend to use Notepad++ or Visual Studio) named mygoldblock.json.

	code: "mygoldblock",
	creativeinventory: { "default": ["*"] },
	shape: { base: "basic/cube" },
	blockmaterial: "Stone",
	drawtype: "cube",
	textures: {
		all: { base: "metal/mygoldtexture" }
	resistance: 3.5,
	sounds: {
		"place": "block/anvil",
		"walk": "walk/stone"


Export a mod

Advanced Properties