Vintage Story Wiki:How to translate the wiki/es: Difference between revisions

From Vintage Story Wiki
(Created page with "== Principios de traducción ==")
(Created page with "* ¿La página va a sufrir cambios importantes en el futuro? Si es así, quizá debería terminar de escribirla antes de etiquetarla para la traducción. * ¿Hace más de un mes que no se actualiza la página? Compruébalo haciendo clic en "Ver historial" y pregunta en el canal de discord antes de empezar a traducir. * Si el contenido dentro de las <code><nowiki><translate></nowiki></code><code><nowiki></translate></nowiki></code> no necesita ser traducido, ''no lo ponga...")
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== Principios de traducción ==
== Principios de traducción ==

* Is the page going to get major changes in the future? If so, maybe finish writing it before you tag it for translation.
* ¿La página va a sufrir cambios importantes en el futuro? Si es así, quizá debería terminar de escribirla antes de etiquetarla para la traducción.
* Has the page not been updated for over a month? Check by clicking on "View History" and ask about it in the discord channel before starting translation!
* ¿Hace más de un mes que no se actualiza la página? Compruébalo haciendo clic en "Ver historial" y pregunta en el canal de discord antes de empezar a traducir.
* If the content inside the <code><nowiki><translate></nowiki></code><code><nowiki></translate></nowiki></code> doesn't need to be translated, ''don't put it inside the tags''. Better to have multiple sets of translation tags than one massive one that creates future problems.
* Si el contenido dentro de las <code><nowiki><translate></nowiki></code><code><nowiki></translate></nowiki></code> no necesita ser traducido, ''no lo pongas dentro de las etiquetas''. Es mejor tener varios conjuntos de etiquetas de traducción que uno masivo que cree problemas futuros.
* "Maintenance" tags (categories, navboxes) should not be inside the translate tags.
* Las etiquetas de "mantenimiento" (categorías, navboxes) no deben estar dentro de las etiquetas translate.
* Make use of our templates for translatable content:
* Utilice nuestras plantillas de contenido traducible:
*: {{ll|Template:Page language link|2=Template:Page language link}}
*: {{ll|Template:Page language link|2=Template:Page language link}}
*: {{ll|Template:Localized link|2=Template:Localized link}}
*: {{ll|Template:Localized link|2=Template:Localized link}}

Revision as of 22:13, 20 March 2023

¿Quieres encontrar algo en lo que trabajar? Consulta la categoría Traducciones prioritarias.

Principios de traducción

  • ¿La página va a sufrir cambios importantes en el futuro? Si es así, quizá debería terminar de escribirla antes de etiquetarla para la traducción.
  • ¿Hace más de un mes que no se actualiza la página? Compruébalo haciendo clic en "Ver historial" y pregunta en el canal de discord antes de empezar a traducir.
  • Si el contenido dentro de las <translate></translate> no necesita ser traducido, no lo pongas dentro de las etiquetas. Es mejor tener varios conjuntos de etiquetas de traducción que uno masivo que cree problemas futuros.
  • Las etiquetas de "mantenimiento" (categorías, navboxes) no deben estar dentro de las etiquetas translate.
  • Utilice nuestras plantillas de contenido traducible:
    Template:Page language link
    Template:Localized link
    Template:Translatable template

How to mark for translation

PLEASE read the official MediaWiki documentation for this feature!

This is how it should look after translation & language tags were added
  1. Go to the page you want to translate and click edit. Make sure the page is complete, or close to being complete!
  2. Add the language selector bar by typing in <languages />.
  3. Enclose the text you want to translate using <translate></translate> tags. You can add as many sets of these tags as you want. Make sure navboxes and category tags are excluded.
  4. Click save, then at the top of the page a small link will appear, titled "Mark this page for translation". Click on it, scroll to the bottom and hit the button "Mark this version for translation".
  5. Go to the translation center and start thunder typing ;-)

For tackling specific formatting issues in wikitext and how they interact with the translate tags, see this guide on MediaWiki. When translating a page that uses translatable templates, do not include them within the <translate> tags.

Want other editors to know this page is not only ready for translation, but of the absolute highest translatability? Use the priority translation template.

How to update translations

  1. Go to the page you want to translate and switch to the language you want to translate to
  2. If the page does not offer the option for that language yet, no translation has been started
  3. If there was a translation attempt previously, the page will show the current progress of translation at the top, adding information if the translation is up to date or not
  4. Click on "translated version" to continue working on the translation.

How to actually translate

  1. Click on the "translate" or "translated version" page after the page was marked for translation
  2. This will open up the translation page, with the original English text showing up on the left side of the screen
  3. If necessary, you can choose into which language you wish to translate in the upper right corner of the screen using the "Translate to ..." drop down menu
  4. After being marked for translation, every page is automatically segmented into sections for translation. These can be translated and saved individually, meaning there is no need to do a whole page at a time.
  5. Clicking on a section to the left will open a text box below, in which the translation can be typed.
  6. Clicking on "Save Translation" will save the text, and it will then show up to the right as the current translated version

Important notes on what to translate and what not

Everything that looks like "code" probably doesn't need translation. This includes:

  • __TOC__ - To create a Table Of Contents at the beginning of a page.
  • {| class="wikitable sortable" - Or any other "wikitable" lines, used together with plenty of |- and other such symbols to build a nice looking table. Only the actual content text within the table needs translation - if in doubt, open the original page on the side to check the content of the table.
  • [[File:MeatInFirepit.png|200px|thumb|right|text]] - To include a picture into the page. Only the "text" part here needs translating, as it is the description that shows up under the picture - the rest should not be translated!
  • [[quern|text]] - To link to a different page in the wiki, while not directly using the linked-to page name. Only translate the "text" part, this will change the word in which the link is embedded, without changing the link destination itself.

If in doubt, don't hesitate to ask in the discords wiki-and-translation channel for help!

How to translate templates

Veerserif's note: now outdated due to the new tnt template.

Templates should only be tagged and mark for translation when they are complete. Make sure the <languages /> tag is outside of the part of the template marked for transclusion, i.e. the <onlyinclude> ... </onlyinclude> or <includeonly> ... </includeonly> part.

When you use a translated or translatable (i.e. tagged and marked for translation) template on any page, you must use the Translatable template template instead! For example, if you wanted to use the {{Metals navbox}} template on a page, instead write it as {{Translatable template|Metals navbox}}. You can also use {{tnt|Metals navbox}} as a shorter version.

When translating a page that uses translatable templates, do not include them within the <translate> tags. (I'm repeating this because it's important.)

Translating categories

Categories can also be translated, and if done correctly will automatically put translated pages in their relevant language code subpage.

Translating a Category page

You can tag a Category page for translation in the same way as any other page, by adding <languages/> for the language selector bar then adding a set of <translate></translate> tags. The translate tags must be present even if there is no content in the Category page. See this diff as an example of what to add to an empty Category page.

Translation-aware category tags

On the article that should be included in the translatable category, make sure the Category tags are not included in the <translate> tags, then change the Category tags so that they read:


For example, [[Category:Metals]] should become [[Category:Metals{{#translation:}}]].

Then save and re-mark the page for translation to update the page across all languages.

Using translation variables

Note: our version of the Translate extension is outdated, so current MediaWiki documentation does not apply for this feature.

Sometimes, you don't want to translate something in a page - maybe it is something like a number, a special link name, or some piece of code that should not be translated. In this case, you can use a translation variable in order to make sure translation of the page does not change it.

Translation variables are written like this: <tvar|name>variable</>

To translators, it will look like this:

some text that isn't the variable $name some more text

When translating, simply paste in the $name part and it will appear in your translation exactly as it is in the original page.


Hello! This is a sentence which includes a translation variable: <tvar|tvar-example>🙂I'm a translation variable</>. Look at it in different languages!

Hello! This is a sentence which includes a translation variable: 🙂I'm a translation variable. Look at it in different languages!