List of client commands: Difference between revisions

From Vintage Story Wiki
(Added temporary full command list as separate dump file (thanks Milo))
(Used plain text instead of file attachement because wiki limitations)
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== Full command list from ==
== Full command list from ==

.blockitempngexport - Export all items and blocks as png images<br>
.cam - Cinematic camera tools<br>
.cdensity - Set large and small cloud density<br>
.cdensitylarge - Set large cloud density<br>
.cdensitysmall - Set small cloud density<br>
.chatsize - Set the chat dialog width and height (default 400x160)<br>
.clearchat - Clear all chat history<br>
.client+ - Client+ configuration command.<br>
.clientconfig - Set/Gets a client setting<br>
.clients - List of connected players<br>
.clight - Set Cloud lightness<br>
.cp - Copy something to your clipboard<br>
.crand - Set large and small cloud noise.<br>
.cviewdist - Sets the cloud view distance. Will be reset when view distance in graphics settings are changed.<br>
.debug - Debug utilities<br>
.edi - Show/Hide Exented information on debug screen<br>
.fbdeb - Toggle Framebuffer/WOIT Debug mode<br>
.fountain - Toggle Particle fountain<br>
.freemove - Toggle Freemove<br>
.gui - Hide/Show all GUIs<br>
.help - Display list of availble client commands<br>
.lockfly - Locks a movement axis during flying/swimming<br>
.logticks - Toggle Tick profiling. Won't log ticks below the thresholf.<br>
.moon - Prints the current moon phase.<br>
.movespeed - Set Movespeed<br>
.music - Shows current music track<br>
.netbenchmark - Toggles network benchmarking<br>
.noclip - Toggle noclip<br>
.online - Prints list of online players.<br>
.pastemode - Set the chats paste mode. If set to multi pasting multiple lines will produce multiple chat lines.<br>
.recomposechat - Recompose chat dialogs<br>
.reconnect - Reconnect to server<br>
.reload - Asseted reloading utility. Incase of shape reload will also Re-tesselate. Incase of textures will regenerate the texture atlasses.<br>
.resolution - Sets the screen size to given width and height<br>
.serverinfo - Display information about server info<br>
.spawndecal - Spawn a decal at position<br>
.tfedit - Opens the Transform Editor<br>
.time - Read local game time or speed<br>
.viewdistance - Set view distance<br>
.vrec - Video Recorder Tools<br>
.we - World edit toolbar<br>
.zfar - Sets the zfar clipping plane. Useful when up the limit of 1km view distance.<br>
Type .help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>
/addarea - Add a build permission to a world area<br>
/announce - Announce a server wide message in all groupIds<br>
/ban - Ban a player (will also kick him if online)<br>
/bir - Block id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/chunkunload - Toggle on/off whether the server (and thus in turn the client) should unload chunks<br>
/cit - Chunk information from the supply chunks thread<br>
/clear - Clear a players inventory<br>
/clearentities - Removes all entities (except playerentities and blockentities) from all loaded chunks<br>
/debug - Debug utilities<br>
/delarea - Remove a build permission to a world area<br>
/entity - Entity control<br>
/expclang - Export a list of block and item translations and add placeholders for missing translations<br>
/forceloadchunks - Forces the server to preload all chunks columns in given area and won't unload them until restarted. If 'sendtoclient' is supplied these chunks are also sent to client once loaded<br>
/gamemode - Get or Set a players gamemode. Short hand for /player (playername) gamemode<br>
/genbackup - Create a hardcopy of the current save game<br>
/gencaves - Cave generator test tool. Deletes all chunks in the area and generates inverse caves around the world middle<br>
/giveblock - Give blocks to a player<br>
/giveitem - Give items to a player<br>
/group - Manage a player group<br>
/groupinvite [on|off] - Enables or disables group invites to be sent to you<br>
/help - Display list of available server commands<br>
/iir - Item id remapper info and fixing tool<br>
/kick - Kick a player<br>
/kill - Kill yourself<br>
/list - Show global lists (clients, areas, areasatpos, banned, roles or privileges)<br>
/macro - Create or delete a macro<br>
/moderrors - Lists the error messages from loading mods<br>
/op - Give a player admin status. Shorthand for /player (playername) role admin<br>
/player - Modify/See player related data<br>
/pm - Send a private message to a user (creates a temporary group)<br>
/reloadmods - Reloads all server mods<br>
/role - Modify/See player role related data<br>
/seed - Shows the current world seed<br>
/sendchunks - Allows toggling of the normal chunk generation/sending operations to all clients. Force loaded chunks are not affected by this switch<br>
/serverconfig - Modify the server config<br>
/setambient - Sets the server controlled ambient for everyone. Json format.<br>
/stats - Server stats<br>
/stop - Shut down the server<br>
/time - Get or set game world time<br>
/tp - Teleport to player or position<br>
/unban - Unban a player<br>
/we - World edit tools<br>
/welcome - Set the servers welcome message<br>
/wgen - World generator tools<br>
Type /help [commandname] to see this commands arguments<br>