Farming/ja: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "== 地下農業 == バージョン1.14から、地下での農業は簡単にはできなくなりました。海面からの深さに応じて植物の成長に軽い制限...")
(Created page with "太陽の光量が22であることを考えると、ライトシャフト(空と農地を直接つなぐ穴)だけで成長のペナルティを受けることなく最...")
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Given that the suns light level is 22, this means that with light shafts alone, which would be a direct connection between the sky and the farmland in form of a hole in the ground, farms can be placed at a maximum 3 levels below sea level without incurring growth penalties, and a maximum 12 levels below sea level before growth stops completely.
With a fully set chandelier, which would reach light level 24, a slightly lower depth might be reached. However, light levels do not accumulate, meaning combining a light shaft with light level 22 and a lantern with light level 18 will still result in a maximum light level of 22.

"Underground" farms in a mountain range above sea level would however still be possible, as long as the required light level for growth is achieved with sun or artificial light.
"Underground" farms in a mountain range above sea level would however still be possible, as long as the required light level for growth is achieved with sun or artificial light.