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'''Casting''' is the process of smelting ore into a liquid state and molding the molten metal into quick and convenient tool heads and ingots. While not inherently the most important facet of metallurgy, it is one of the first gateways by which a seraph can forge ahead into the throes of advancement and survival.
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Durch Gießen werden hauptsächlich Metallwerkzeuge aus Kupfer und Bronze hergestellt, in dem des Metall zu einer flüssigen Masse geschmolzen und dann in Gussformen für Werkzeuge gegossen wird. Rohmetallnuggets und Legierungen können so auch zu Barren verarbeitet werden.
Durch Gießen werden hauptsächlich Metallwerkzeuge aus Kupfer und Bronze hergestellt, in dem des Metall zu einer flüssigen Masse geschmolzen und dann in Gussformen für Werkzeuge gegossen wird. Rohmetallnuggets und Legierungen können so auch zu Barren verarbeitet werden.

== Erforderliche Materialien ==
== Erforderliche Materialien ==
Um Metallgegenstände zu gießen, benötigen Spieler einen [[crucible|Schmelztiegel]], eine [[firepit|Feuerstelle]], Brennstoff ([[coal|Kohle]] oder [[charcoal|Holzkohle]]), [[molds|Gussformen]], hergestellt durch [[Clay Forming|Töpfern]] und [[metal|Metallnuggets]]. [[File:Native copper in chert.png|300px|thumbnail|right|Kupfererz kann in kleinen Vorkommen an der Oberfläche gefunden werden.]]
Um Metallgegenstände zu gießen, benötigen Spieler einen [[crucible|Schmelztiegel]], eine [[firepit|Feuerstelle]], Brennstoff ([[coal|Kohle]] oder [[charcoal|Holzkohle]]), und [[molds|Gussformen]], hergestellt durch [[Clay Forming|Töpfern]] und [[metal|Metallnuggets]]. [[File:Native copper in chert.png|300px|thumbnail|right|Kupfererz kann in kleinen Vorkommen an der Oberfläche gefunden werden.]]
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To cast metal, a player needs a {{ll|crucible|crucible}} and {{ll|molds|molds}}, a {{ll|firepit|firepit}}, fuel ({{ll|firewood|firewood}}, {{ll|peat|peat}}, {{ll|coal|coal}}, {{ll|charcoal|charcoal}}, or {{ll|coke|coke}}), and ore nuggets. Players can also use metal bits as an alternate source of metal, obtained by combining a metal tool head or an {{ll|ingot|ingot}} with a {{ll|chisel|chisel}} in the crafting grid.
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Whereas most ore nuggets can be thrown within the crucible and cast, because of high temperature thresholds and a lack of fuels that reach those thresholds, Iron, Meteoric Iron, Blister Steel, and Steel must be {{ll|bloomery|bloomed}}, {{ll|smithing|smithed}} on an anvil, or {{ll|steel making|carburized}} in order to be utilized.
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=== Gießbare Werkzeuge ===
*Axt: (Sammeln) Kann Holz-, Laub- und Pflanzenblöcke abbauen, inklusive Bäume, Baumstämme, Zäune, Zauntore und hölzerne Baukomponenten.
*Hammer: (Craften) Wird zum Schmieden benötigt, um Erze zu zerschlagen, und um Steine im Craftingfenster zu zerkleinern, wenn keine Handmühle zur Verfügung steht.
*Hacke: (Craften) Wird dazu benötigt, Bodenblöcke in Ackerboden zu verwandeln.
*Spitzhacke: (Sammeln) Kann [[rock|Fels-]], Stein-, Keramikblöcke und Erze abbauen.
*Prospektionspickel: (Sammeln) Kann Felsblöcke abbauen; wird dazu verwendet, Erzvorkommen zu entdecken.
*Schaufel: (Sammeln) Kann Terrainblöcke wie Boden, Ton, Torf, Sand und Kies abbauen, um diese zu sammeln und die Landschaft zu verändern.
*Schwert: (Waffe) Nahkampfwaffe, die Kreaturen Schaden zufügen kann.
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[[File:Native copper in chert.png|300px|thumbnail|right|Copper ore can be found in small stone surface deposits.]]
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Ore nuggets can be found in one of four ways: {{ll|panning|panning}}, {{ll|cracked vessel|cracked ore vessels}}, buying them directly from a trader, or via surface ore bits.
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* Panning sand, gravel, or bony soil can yield a 15% chance or less to receive copper, gold, silver or tin nuggets, which can be good in a pinch.
* Cracked ore vessels contain a small assortment of bismuth, chromium, copper, gold, lead, silver, tin, titanium, and zinc nuggets; these vessels can be found in surface or underground {{ll|ruin|ruins}} or sold by {{ll|Trading#Treasure_Hunter|Treasure Hunter}} traders.
* {{ll|Trading#Commodities|Commodities}} traders might have bismuth, copper, tin, and zinc nuggets circulating in their current goods rotation.
* Surface ore bits can be found in most {{ll|rock|rock}} types, with the exception of bauxite, halite, obsidian, scoria volcanic rock, suevite impact rock, and tuff volcanic rock. These ore bits contain a single nugget that can be collected by breaking the stone with an empty or filled hand (active hotbar slot), and are an indicator of larger underground {{ll|Ore Deposits|deposits}}.
** Depending on the ore and stone combination, they can blend into the environment and be easily missed.
** While suevite impact rock is by itself not a host rock for ore, its presence is an {{ll|Meteorite|indicator}} of meteoric iron.
It is recommended to add waypoints to any ore location for later collection operations, especially with regards to a full inventory or a current lack of need for that particular ore.
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An alternate source of metal comes from {{ll|metal bit|metal bits}}, which can be obtained by combining a {{ll|chisel|chisel}} with any metal tool head or {{ll|ingot|ingot}} in the crafting grid. This allows players to break down metal items and re-cast them for other uses.
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=== Erze Finden ===
Metallbrocken können durch [[panning|Schwenken]] von Kies oder Sand in Wasser gefunden werden. Außerdem gibt es Splitter mit Erzvorkommen an der Oberfläche, die für den Anfang eine gute Quelle für Nuggets sind. Um Oberflächenvorkommen aufzusammeln, "zerbreche" die Splitter mit Erzvorkommen (mit der leeren Hand oder einem Gegenstand), um an die Nuggets zu kommen. Diese Oberflächenvorkommen zeigen an, dass sich unter ihnen größere Vorkommen im Fels befinden. Markiere dir diese Stellen deshalb auf der Karte, um sie später wiederfinden zu können.
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[[File:Nugget_extraction.png|200px|thumbnail|right|A copper hammer extracting ore from a rich chunk of iron.]]
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While loose nuggets are ready to be smelted and do not require additional preparation, the nuggets within regular and crystallized chunks are trapped within their parent stone, such as basalt or kimberlite, and are otherwise unusable until they are further processed. Chunks are placed in the inventory crafting grid under any tier of hammer, which crushes the stone and extracts the nuggets inside.
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There are four kinds of ore chunks - poor, medium, rich, and bountiful.
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* Poor chunks are the most common type of chunk and can be found in all strata where ores are available. A poor regular chunk will offer 3 nuggets and a poor crystalized chunk will offer 6 nuggets.
* Medium chunks, like poor chunks, can be found in all strata where ores are available. A medium regular chunk will offer 4 nuggets and a medium crystalized chunk will offer 8 nuggets.
* Rich chunks are somewhat uncommon and can be found in less strata than poor and medium chunks. A rich regular chunk will offer 5 nuggets and a rich crystalized chunk will offer 10 nuggets.
* Bountiful chunks are also uncommon and in strata where they are accessible, it is more likely that one will find greater amounts of rich ore than bountiful ore. A bountiful regular chunk will offer 7 nuggets and a bountiful crystalized chunk will offer 14 nuggets
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== Erze Vorbereiten ==
Nuggets, die aus Oberflächenvorkommen oder durch Schwenken gesammelt wurden, können ohne weitere Verarbeitung verwendet werden. Erze, die durch [[mining|Bergbau]] gesammelt wurden, sind in Felsbrocken eingeschlossen. Diese müssen mit einem [[hammer|Hammer]] im Craftingfenster platziert werden, um sie zu zerbrechen und die Nuggets herauszuholen. Jedes Nugget entspricht fünf Einheiten des jeweiligen Metalls.
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== Metall Schmelzen==
Metall wird in einem Tiegel geschmolzen. Ein Tiegel fasst vier komplette Stapel von jeweils 128 Nuggets, aber es kann nur ein Materialtyp, Metall oder Legierung, auf einmal geschmolzen werden.
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[[File:Crucible input slot.PNG|200px|thumbnail|right|Crucible in the input slot.]]
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The first step to processing metal is smelting, which is performed in a crucible. A single crucible can hold up to four complete stacks of 128 nuggets, however only one pure metal or alloy may be smelted within the crucible at a time. Each nugget is equivalent to 5 units of metal, which means that a full crucible can hold up to the equivalent of 2560 units. Most tools or ingots require 100 units (20 nuggets) per mold, with the exception of a few larger items, such as plates, anvils, and metal blocks, which can require significantly more.
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Nugget ratios that do not fulfill this numeric requirement create amounts of metal too small to cast.
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Pure metal smelting is very simple in that the same nugget type can be used throughout the entire process. Alloy smelting is slightly more complicated, as the ratios of each alloy all differ and the appropriate mix of several kinds of nuggets must be placed in the crucible prior to heating.
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The number of nuggets that can be used for an alloy are somewhat variable, which can be advantageous if certain nuggets are in shorter supply. As an example, an alloy of Bismuth Bronze requires 10 to 20% bismuth, 50 to 70% copper, and 20 to 30% zinc or, broken down into nuggets, 2 - 4 bismuth nuggets, 10 - 14 copper nuggets, and 4 - 6 zinc nuggets.
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If more zinc is available, a ratio of 2 bismuth nuggets, 12 copper nuggets, and 6 zinc nuggets can suffice, and vice versa, if more bismuth is available, a ratio of 4 bismuth nuggets, 12 copper nuggets, and 4 zinc nuggets is acceptable.
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===Den Tiegel Vorbereiten===
# Platziere den Tiegel in der Eingabespalte einer Feuerstelle um das Tiegelfenster zu öffnen.
# Platziere Nuggets (jeweils fünf Einheiten) in die vier Eingabespalten des Tiegels. Die Anzahl und Art der Erze, die man benötigt, hängt davon ab, welches Metall oder Legierung hergestellt werden soll, und wie viel Material nötig ist, um die Gussformen zu füllen.
# Wenn die korrekten Materialien für Legierungen im Tiegel platziert wurden, zeigt das Fenster Anzahl und Art des Materials an, das geschmolzen wird.
# Schüre die Feuerstelle mit [[Peat|Torf]], [[coal|Kohle]] oder [[charcoal|Holzkohle]] und zünde sie an. Stelle sicher, dass der richtige Brennstoff ausgewählt ist, um die benötigte Temperatur für den Schmelzpunkt des jeweiligen Metalls erreichen und halten zu können, damit es im Tiegel geschmolzen werden kann.
# Wenn das Metall flüssig geworden ist, wird der glühende Tiegel in der Ausgabespalte erscheinen.

=== Casting Tool Availability ===
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* Axe: (Harvesting) Damages Wood, Leaf and plant blocks including trees, logs, planks, fences, gates and wooden building components. Used to create firewood.
[[File:Crucible output slot.png|200px|thumbnail|right|Fully heated crucible in the output slot.]]
* Hammer: (Crafting) Used in smithing, and to crush stones/ores in the crafting grid when no quern is available.
* Hoe: (Crafting) Used in farming to convert soil into farmland.
* Pickaxe: (Harvesting) Damages Rock, Stone and Ceramic blocks; used to harvest [[rock]] and ores.
* Propick: (Harvesting) Damages Rock blocks; used to detect the presence of ores when mining.
* Shovel: (Harvesting) Damages Terrain blocks including Soil, Clay, Peat, Sand, and Gravel. Used to harvest terrain blocks or terraform the landscape.
* Sword: (Weapon) Damages Mobs; used as a melee combat weapon

== Obtaining Ores ==
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Metal nuggets can be obtained by [[panning]]. Small stones containing metal ores also appear on the surface of the world and are a good early game source of metal nuggets. To gather surface deposits, "breaking" the ore containing stones (with an empty hand or any item) to converts the stones into ore nuggets for collection. These surface deposits are an indicator of larger underground ore deposits. Be sure to add a waypoint to mark the location for later mining operations.  
# Place the crucible in the input slot (left) of the firepit to access the crucible GUI
# Add nuggets into one or more of the four input slots of the crucible GUI.
# When a proper alloy ratio has been reached, the GUI will display the amount in metal units and either the pure metal or alloy that will be produced from the smelting process.
# Add fuel and light the fire pit. Selecting the appropriate fuel is paramount to raising and maintaining the temperature of the metal above its particular smelting temperature, which liquifies the nuggets.
# When the nuggets have been fully liquified, the glowing crucible will shift to the output slot (right) of the firepit. The crucible will begin to cool down if it remains in the output slot or is otherwise pulled away from the heat, and if the crucible cools down far enough without being casted, the liquefied metal will be rendered solid and be otherwise unusable until heated up again.

== Preparing Ores ==
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Nuggets obtained by collecting small stone surface deposits or panning are "ready to use" and do not require additional processing. Ores collected by [[mining]] are trapped in the parent stone. Stone and metal ore chunks must be placed in the crafting grid with a [[hammer]] to crush the stone and obtain smeltable ore nuggets. Each nugget contains 5 units of base metal.
''Wenn Erze hinzugefügt werden, nachdem der Schmelzvorgang begonnen hat, wird die Temperatur zurückgesetzt.''

==Smelting Metal ==
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Smelting is performed in a crucible. The crucible will hold four complete stacks of 128 nuggets, but only one material type, base metal or alloy, may be smelted at a time.  
== Metalle Gießen ==  
Erze und Legierungen mit Schmelzpunkten unter 1300°C können im [[crucible|Tiegel]] geschmolzen und zu [[molds|Metallbarren]] zum [[smithing|Schmieden]] oder mit [[molds|Gussformen]] zu Werkzeugköpfen gegossen werden. <br>
'''Werkzeugköpfe und Barren benötigen jeweils 100 Einheiten (20 Nuggets).'''

===Preparing the Crucible===
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# Place the crucible in the input slot of the firepit to access the crucible GUI.
Once smelted, liquified metal is available within a crucible, it is ready to be cast within ingot or tool molds.
# Add ore nuggets (5 units each) into the four input slots of the crucible GUI. Ore amounts and types can be chosen based on which metal or alloy is to be created, and how much material is required to fill the selected molds.  
# When the correct ingredients for an alloy are added, the GUI displays the amount (metal units) and type of material that will result from the smelting process
# Add fuel, [[Peat]], [[coal]] or [[charcoal]] and light the firepit. Be sure to select the fuel appropriately, the fuel must raise and maintain the temperature of the metal above the melting point to liquefy the ores within the crucible.
# When the metals are liquefied, the glowing crucible will shift to the firepit output slot.

''Adding ores after the process begins resets the temperature.''
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===Gussformen Füllen===
# Platziere die [[molds|Gussform]] für Barren oder Werkzeugköpfe auf einer stabilen Oberfläche (Schleichen + rechte Maustaste). Werkzeugformen füllen einen ganzen Block, während Gussformen für Barren zu zweit auf einem Block platziert werden können.
# Nimm den glühenden Tiegel von der Feuerstelle. Wähle ihn in der Schnelleiste aus, ziele mit dem Fadenkreuz auf die [[molds|Gussform]] und halte die rechte Maustaste gedrückt, um sie zu füllen
# Wenn die Gussform voll ist, kann kein weiteres Material hinzugefügt werden.
# Das Metall wird in der Gussform auskühlen; die Temperatur kann in der Blockinfo eingesehen werden.
# Wenn das Metall ausgekühlt ist, kann der gegossene Gegenstand mit der rechten Maustaste aus der Gussform genommen werden.

== Casting Metals ==
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Metal ores and alloys with melting points at or below 1300°C can be smelted in a [[crucible]] and cast to form [[molds|metal ingots]] prior to [[smithing]] or tool heads using [[molds|clay molds]]. Copper and Bronze Alloys may be cast into tool heads using [[molds|clay molds]]. <br>
# Place the required mold to be filled on a solid surface. Tool molds occupy one block while ingot molds may be placed two to a block.
'''Tool heads and ingots require 100 metal units (20 ore nuggets) per item'''
# With the glowing crucible in an empty hand (active hotbar slot) and a pair of {{ll|tongs|tongs}} in your {{ll|off-hand|off-hand}}, select the desired mold with the display crosshairs and pour the liquid metal into that mold.
# When the mold is filled, metal will no longer be allowed to be added into the mold.
# The metal will reach various states of cooling in the mold- from liquid to soft to hardened to cold - which can be identified with the current item temperature in the mold GUI.
# When the tool or ingot is hardened or completely cold, it can be removed from the mold.

===Filling Molds===
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# Place the ingot or tool head [[molds|mold]] to be filled on a solid surface (Sneak + RMB). Tool molds occupy one block, but ingot molds may be placed two to a block. 
If a mold is picked up before the metal is hardened or cold, the soft or liquid material will be lost. Subsequently, a partially filled mold cannot be picked up, even if the metal is cold, because there are no assets available for metals that are too small to be fully cast and utilized.
# Pick up the glowing crucible will appear glowing and will shift to the firepit output slot (GUI: right).
# With the crucible in an active hotbar slot, select the mold with the display crosshairs and use RMB to pour materials into the [[molds|ingot or tool mold]].
# When the mold is filled, no more metal can be added to the mold.
# The metal will cool in the mold, and item temperature can be viewed in the block GUI.
# When the metal is cold, ingots and tool heads can be removed from the molds (RMB).  

''If a player attempts to pick up a mold before the metal is cool, the liquid material will be lost.'' A partially filled mold cannot be picked up without losing the material, even after the metal cools.
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''Wenn der Spieler eine Gussform aufhebt, bevor das Metall ausgekühlt ist, ist das Material verloren.'' Eine nur teilweise gefüllte Gussform kann auch nachdem das Metall ausgekühlt ist nicht aufgenommen werden, ohne das Material zu verlieren.

== Alloy Ratios ==
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* Tin bronze, a mixture of copper and tin, has twice the durability of copper.
== Legierungsverhältnisse ==
* Bismuth bronze, a mixture of copper, bismuth, and zinc, has slightly higher durability than tin bronze. In comparison to Tin Bronze, weapons and tools made from bismuth bronze are slightly slower (reduced mining speed) and have reduced attack power (HP).
* Zinnbronze, eine Legierung aus Zinn und Kupfer, hat die doppelte Haltbarkeit von Kupfer.
* Black bronze is a mixture of copper, gold, and silver. It has the highest durability of all bronze alloys.
* Bismuthbronze, eine Legierung aus Kupfer, Bismuth und Zink, hat eine leicht höhere Haltbarkeit als Zinnbronze. Im Vergleich mit Zinnbronze sind Waffen und Werkzeuge aus Bismuthbronze  etwas langsamer (verringerte Abbaugeschwindigkeit) und machen weniger Schaden (HP).
* Schwarzbronze ist eine Legierung aus Kupfer, Gold und Silber und hat die höchste Haltbarkeit aller Bronzelegierungen.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Alloy
! Legierung
! Name
! Name
! Melting point
! Schmelzpunkt
! Components
! Komponenten
! Uses
! Verwendungszwecke
| Brass
| Messing
| 920 °C
| 920 °C
|style="text-align: center;"| Zinc 30% to 40%
|style="text-align: center;"| Zink 30% bis 40%
Copper 60% to 70%
Kupfer 60% bis 70%
| Lanterns, Torch holders
| Laternen, Fackelhalter
| Bismuth Bronze
| Bismuthbronze
| 850 °C
| 850 °C
|style="text-align: center;"| Bismuth 10% to 20%
|style="text-align: center;"| Bismuth 10% bis 20%
Copper 50% to 70%
Kupfer 50% bis 70%

Zinc 20% to 30%
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center; width: 80%;"
| Armor, Tier 3 Tools/Weapons
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Mold</span>
! width="9%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Mold Type</span>
! width="9%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tool Type</span>
! width="15%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Uses</span>
|'''{{ll|Anvil|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Anvil</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crafting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Manual and mechanized smithing.</span>
|'''{{ll|Axe|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Axe</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Harvesting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Chopping leaf, plant, and wood blocks, including trees, logs, planks, fences, gates, and other wooden building components; creates firewood.</span>
|'''{{ll|Falx|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Falx blade</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Combat</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Mob damage, melee combat weapon.</span>
|'''{{ll|Hammer|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Hammer</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crafting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crushing ores, crystal clusters, and certain soft stones; crafting components for mechanical power, item transportation, and steel carburization; polishing stone; cutting stone brick.</span>
|'''{{ll|Helvehammer|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Helvehammer</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crafting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Mechanized smithing.</span>
|'''{{ll|Hoe|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Hoe</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crafting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tilling and converting soil for farming.</span>
|'''{{ll|Ingots|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingot</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Crafting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingot distribution, which can be used for manual and mechanized smithing and crafting components.</span>
|'''{{ll|lamellar armor|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lamallae</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Combat</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Creating and repairing body lamellar armor.</span>
|'''{{ll|Pickaxe|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pickaxe</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Harvesting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Mining ceramic, rock, stone, ore, metal, and ice blocks.</span>
|'''{{ll|Prospecting Pick|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Prospecting Pick</span>}}'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Harvesting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Damaging rock blocks for long and short range ore and mineral detection.</span>
|'''[[Shovel|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Shovel</span>]]'''
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Harvesting</span>
|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Digging clay, gravel, peat, sand, soil, and snow blocks.</span>
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Zink 20% bis 30%
| Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
| Black Bronze
| Schwarzbronze
| 1020 °C
| 1020 °C
|style="text-align: center;"| Copper 68% to 84%
|style="text-align: center;"| Kupfer 68% bis 84%
Gold 8% to 16%
Gold 8% bis 16%

Silver 8% to 16%
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| Armor, Tier 3 Tools/Weapons
There are 27 types of metal available for collection and usage, 14 castable metals and 13 uncastable metals. Of those castable metals, 6 are ''tiered'', or tied to progression through the metallurgic ages, and 8 are ''untiered'', which while useful, do not contribute to any advancement on their own merits.
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Silber 8% bis 16%
| Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
| Molybdochalkos
| Kupferblei
| 902 °C
| 902 °C
|style="text-align: center;"| Copper 8% to 12%
|style="text-align: center;"| Kupfer 8% bis 12%
Lead 88% to 92%
Blei 88% bis 92%
| Lanterns
| Laternen
| Tin Bronze
| Zinnbronze
| 950 °C
| 950 °C
|style="text-align: center;"| Copper 88% to 92%
|style="text-align: center;"| Kupfer 88% to 92%
Tin 8% to 12%
Zinn 8% to 12%
| Armor, Tier 3 Tools/Weapons
| Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 90%;"
|+ <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tiered Metals</span>
! width="9%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingot</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nugget</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bits</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Geologic Name</span>
! width="6%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal Type</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tier</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy%</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">% Conversion <br> ''in nuggets''</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Smelting Temperature</span>
! width="15%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Casting Uses</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-copper.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-nativecopper.png|64px]] [[File:nugget-malachite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-copper.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Copper|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Native copper</span><br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Malachite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 2
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1084°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-gold.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:Nugget_nativegold.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-gold.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Gold|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Gold</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Native gold</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 2
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1063°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-silver.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-nativesilver.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-silver.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Silver|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Native silver</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 2
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 961°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-tinbronze.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-tinbronze.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Bronze|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin Bronze</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| 3
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 88 - 92% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 8 - 12%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 18 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 2
|align=center| 950°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-bismuthbronze.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-bismuthbronze.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Bronze|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bismuth Bronze</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| 3
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bismuth</span>: 10 - 20% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 50 - 70% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Zinc</span>: 20 - 30%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bismuth</span>: 2 - 4 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 10 - 14 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Zinc</span>: 4 - 6
|align=center| 850°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-blackbronze.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-blackbronze.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Bronze|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Black Bronze</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| 3
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 68 - 84% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Gold</span>: 8 -16% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 8 -16%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 16 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Gold</span>: 2 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 2
|align=center| 1020°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips</span>
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 90%;"
|+ <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Untiered Metals</span>
! width="9%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingot</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nugget</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bits</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Geologic Name</span>
! width="6%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal Type</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tier</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy%</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">% Conversion <br> ''in nuggets''</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Smelting Temperature</span>
! width="15%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Casting Uses</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-bismuth.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-bismuthinite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-bismuth.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Bismuth|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bismuth</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bismuthinite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 271°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-lead.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-galena.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-lead.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Lead|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Galena</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 327°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots, leaded glass panes</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-tin.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-cassiterite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-tin.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Tin|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cassiterite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 232°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-zinc.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-sphalerite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-zinc.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Zinc|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Zinc</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Sphalerite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 419°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-brass.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-brass.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Brass|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Brass</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 60 - 70% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Zinc</span>: 30 - 40%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 12 - 14 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Zinc</span>: 6 - 8
|align=center| 327°C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-leadsolder.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-leadsolder.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Alcohol_brewing#Solderbars|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead Solder</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead</span>: 45 - 55% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 45 - 55%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead</span>: 9 - 11 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 9 - 11
|align=center| 327 °C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alcohol distillation, ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-molybdochalkos.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-molybdochalkos.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Molybdochalkos|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Molybdochalkos</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 8 - 12% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead</span>: 88 - 92%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 2 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Lead</span>: 18
|align=center| 902 °C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-silversolder.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-silversolder.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Alcohol_brewing#Solderbars|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver Solder</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 40 - 50% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 50 - 60%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 8 - 10 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tin</span>: 10 - 12
|align=center| 758 °C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alcohol distillation, ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-electrum.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-electrum.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Electrum|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Electrum</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Gold</span>: 40 - 60% <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 40 - 60%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Gold</span>: 8 - 12 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Silver</span>: 8 - 12
|align=center| 1010 °C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rift Ward, Jonas assemblies, tools, ingots</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-cupronickel.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-cupronickel.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Cupronickel|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Cupronickel</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 65 - 75 % <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nickel</span>: 25 - 35%
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Copper</span>: 13 - 15 <br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nickel</span>: 5 - 7
|align=center| 1171 °C
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Jonas assemblies, ingots, nails and strips</span>

== Tutorial Video: Casting ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Uncastable Metals ===
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
These metals can be found within the game’s asset library or in game, but cannot currently be smelted, cast, and/or worked.
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 90%;"
! width="9%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ingot</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nugget</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Bits</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal</span>
! width="8%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Geologic Name</span>
! width="6%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Metal Type</span>
! width="5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tier</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Alloy%</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">% Conversion <br> ''in nuggets''</span>
! width="8.5%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Smelting Temperature</span>
! width="15%" | <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Casting Uses</span>
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-iron.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-hematite.png|64px]] [[File:nugget-limonite.png|64px]] [[File:nugget-magnetite.png|64px]] [[File:Ironbloom.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-iron.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Iron|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Iron</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Hematite</span><br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Limonite</span><br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Magnetite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 4
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1482°C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-meteoriciron.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:stone-meteorite-iron.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-meteoriciron.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Meteoric Iron|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Meteoric Iron</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 4
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1476°C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-blistersteel.png|100px]] [[File:Ingot-steel.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-blistersteel.png|64px]] [[File:Metalbit-steel.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Steel|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Blister Steel</span><br><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Steel</span>}}'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| 5
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1602°C <br>1502°C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-chromium.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-chromite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-chromium.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Chromium</span>'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Chromite</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1907°C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:nugget-rhodochrosite.png|64px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Manganese</span>'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rhodochrosite</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-nickel.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-pentlandite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-nickel.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Nickel|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Nickel</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pentlandite</span>
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Pure</span>
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1455 °C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-platinum.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-platinum.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Platinum</span>'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| 1770°C
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-rhodium.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-rhodium.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Rhodium</span>'''
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Ingot-stainless_steel.png|100px]]
|align=center| ❌
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-stainless_steel.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Stainless Steel</span>'''
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|align=center| [[File:Ingot-titanium.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-ilmenite.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-titanium.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''{{ll|Titanium|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Titanium</span>}}'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ilmenite</span>
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|align=center| 1668°C
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|align=center| [[File:Ingot-uranium.png|100px]]
|align=center| [[File:nugget-uranium.png|64px]]
|align=center| [[File:Metalbit-uranium.png|64px]]
|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Uranium</span>'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Uranium</span>
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|align=center| '''<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Tungsten</span>'''
|align=center| <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Wolframite</span>
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== Casting Tutorial Videos ==

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Casting is the process of smelting ore into a liquid state and molding the molten metal into quick and convenient tool heads and ingots. While not inherently the most important facet of metallurgy, it is one of the first gateways by which a seraph can forge ahead into the throes of advancement and survival.

Durch Gießen werden hauptsächlich Metallwerkzeuge aus Kupfer und Bronze hergestellt, in dem des Metall zu einer flüssigen Masse geschmolzen und dann in Gussformen für Werkzeuge gegossen wird. Rohmetallnuggets und Legierungen können so auch zu Barren verarbeitet werden.

Erforderliche Materialien

Um Metallgegenstände zu gießen, benötigen Spieler einen Schmelztiegel, eine Feuerstelle, Brennstoff (Kohle oder Holzkohle), und Gussformen, hergestellt durch Töpfern und Metallnuggets.
Kupfererz kann in kleinen Vorkommen an der Oberfläche gefunden werden.

To cast metal, a player needs a crucible and molds , a firepit , fuel (firewood , peat , coal , charcoal , or coke ), and ore nuggets. Players can also use metal bits as an alternate source of metal, obtained by combining a metal tool head or an ingot with a chisel in the crafting grid.

Whereas most ore nuggets can be thrown within the crucible and cast, because of high temperature thresholds and a lack of fuels that reach those thresholds, Iron, Meteoric Iron, Blister Steel, and Steel must be bloomed , smithed on an anvil, or carburized in order to be utilized.

Gießbare Werkzeuge

  • Axt: (Sammeln) Kann Holz-, Laub- und Pflanzenblöcke abbauen, inklusive Bäume, Baumstämme, Zäune, Zauntore und hölzerne Baukomponenten.
  • Hammer: (Craften) Wird zum Schmieden benötigt, um Erze zu zerschlagen, und um Steine im Craftingfenster zu zerkleinern, wenn keine Handmühle zur Verfügung steht.
  • Hacke: (Craften) Wird dazu benötigt, Bodenblöcke in Ackerboden zu verwandeln.
  • Spitzhacke: (Sammeln) Kann Fels-, Stein-, Keramikblöcke und Erze abbauen.
  • Prospektionspickel: (Sammeln) Kann Felsblöcke abbauen; wird dazu verwendet, Erzvorkommen zu entdecken.
  • Schaufel: (Sammeln) Kann Terrainblöcke wie Boden, Ton, Torf, Sand und Kies abbauen, um diese zu sammeln und die Landschaft zu verändern.
  • Schwert: (Waffe) Nahkampfwaffe, die Kreaturen Schaden zufügen kann.
Copper ore can be found in small stone surface deposits.

Ore nuggets can be found in one of four ways: panning , cracked ore vessels , buying them directly from a trader, or via surface ore bits.

  • Panning sand, gravel, or bony soil can yield a 15% chance or less to receive copper, gold, silver or tin nuggets, which can be good in a pinch.
  • Cracked ore vessels contain a small assortment of bismuth, chromium, copper, gold, lead, silver, tin, titanium, and zinc nuggets; these vessels can be found in surface or underground ruins or sold by Treasure Hunter traders.
  • Commodities traders might have bismuth, copper, tin, and zinc nuggets circulating in their current goods rotation.
  • Surface ore bits can be found in most rock types, with the exception of bauxite, halite, obsidian, scoria volcanic rock, suevite impact rock, and tuff volcanic rock. These ore bits contain a single nugget that can be collected by breaking the stone with an empty or filled hand (active hotbar slot), and are an indicator of larger underground deposits .
    • Depending on the ore and stone combination, they can blend into the environment and be easily missed.
    • While suevite impact rock is by itself not a host rock for ore, its presence is an indicator of meteoric iron.

It is recommended to add waypoints to any ore location for later collection operations, especially with regards to a full inventory or a current lack of need for that particular ore.

An alternate source of metal comes from metal bits , which can be obtained by combining a chisel with any metal tool head or ingot in the crafting grid. This allows players to break down metal items and re-cast them for other uses.

Erze Finden

Metallbrocken können durch Schwenken von Kies oder Sand in Wasser gefunden werden. Außerdem gibt es Splitter mit Erzvorkommen an der Oberfläche, die für den Anfang eine gute Quelle für Nuggets sind. Um Oberflächenvorkommen aufzusammeln, "zerbreche" die Splitter mit Erzvorkommen (mit der leeren Hand oder einem Gegenstand), um an die Nuggets zu kommen. Diese Oberflächenvorkommen zeigen an, dass sich unter ihnen größere Vorkommen im Fels befinden. Markiere dir diese Stellen deshalb auf der Karte, um sie später wiederfinden zu können.

A copper hammer extracting ore from a rich chunk of iron.

While loose nuggets are ready to be smelted and do not require additional preparation, the nuggets within regular and crystallized chunks are trapped within their parent stone, such as basalt or kimberlite, and are otherwise unusable until they are further processed. Chunks are placed in the inventory crafting grid under any tier of hammer, which crushes the stone and extracts the nuggets inside.

There are four kinds of ore chunks - poor, medium, rich, and bountiful.

  • Poor chunks are the most common type of chunk and can be found in all strata where ores are available. A poor regular chunk will offer 3 nuggets and a poor crystalized chunk will offer 6 nuggets.
  • Medium chunks, like poor chunks, can be found in all strata where ores are available. A medium regular chunk will offer 4 nuggets and a medium crystalized chunk will offer 8 nuggets.
  • Rich chunks are somewhat uncommon and can be found in less strata than poor and medium chunks. A rich regular chunk will offer 5 nuggets and a rich crystalized chunk will offer 10 nuggets.
  • Bountiful chunks are also uncommon and in strata where they are accessible, it is more likely that one will find greater amounts of rich ore than bountiful ore. A bountiful regular chunk will offer 7 nuggets and a bountiful crystalized chunk will offer 14 nuggets

Erze Vorbereiten

Nuggets, die aus Oberflächenvorkommen oder durch Schwenken gesammelt wurden, können ohne weitere Verarbeitung verwendet werden. Erze, die durch Bergbau gesammelt wurden, sind in Felsbrocken eingeschlossen. Diese müssen mit einem Hammer im Craftingfenster platziert werden, um sie zu zerbrechen und die Nuggets herauszuholen. Jedes Nugget entspricht fünf Einheiten des jeweiligen Metalls.

Metall Schmelzen

Metall wird in einem Tiegel geschmolzen. Ein Tiegel fasst vier komplette Stapel von jeweils 128 Nuggets, aber es kann nur ein Materialtyp, Metall oder Legierung, auf einmal geschmolzen werden.

Crucible in the input slot.

The first step to processing metal is smelting, which is performed in a crucible. A single crucible can hold up to four complete stacks of 128 nuggets, however only one pure metal or alloy may be smelted within the crucible at a time. Each nugget is equivalent to 5 units of metal, which means that a full crucible can hold up to the equivalent of 2560 units. Most tools or ingots require 100 units (20 nuggets) per mold, with the exception of a few larger items, such as plates, anvils, and metal blocks, which can require significantly more.

Nugget ratios that do not fulfill this numeric requirement create amounts of metal too small to cast.

Pure metal smelting is very simple in that the same nugget type can be used throughout the entire process. Alloy smelting is slightly more complicated, as the ratios of each alloy all differ and the appropriate mix of several kinds of nuggets must be placed in the crucible prior to heating.

The number of nuggets that can be used for an alloy are somewhat variable, which can be advantageous if certain nuggets are in shorter supply. As an example, an alloy of Bismuth Bronze requires 10 to 20% bismuth, 50 to 70% copper, and 20 to 30% zinc or, broken down into nuggets, 2 - 4 bismuth nuggets, 10 - 14 copper nuggets, and 4 - 6 zinc nuggets.

If more zinc is available, a ratio of 2 bismuth nuggets, 12 copper nuggets, and 6 zinc nuggets can suffice, and vice versa, if more bismuth is available, a ratio of 4 bismuth nuggets, 12 copper nuggets, and 4 zinc nuggets is acceptable.

Den Tiegel Vorbereiten

  1. Platziere den Tiegel in der Eingabespalte einer Feuerstelle um das Tiegelfenster zu öffnen.
  2. Platziere Nuggets (jeweils fünf Einheiten) in die vier Eingabespalten des Tiegels. Die Anzahl und Art der Erze, die man benötigt, hängt davon ab, welches Metall oder Legierung hergestellt werden soll, und wie viel Material nötig ist, um die Gussformen zu füllen.
  3. Wenn die korrekten Materialien für Legierungen im Tiegel platziert wurden, zeigt das Fenster Anzahl und Art des Materials an, das geschmolzen wird.
  4. Schüre die Feuerstelle mit Torf, Kohle oder Holzkohle und zünde sie an. Stelle sicher, dass der richtige Brennstoff ausgewählt ist, um die benötigte Temperatur für den Schmelzpunkt des jeweiligen Metalls erreichen und halten zu können, damit es im Tiegel geschmolzen werden kann.
  5. Wenn das Metall flüssig geworden ist, wird der glühende Tiegel in der Ausgabespalte erscheinen.
Fully heated crucible in the output slot.
  1. Place the crucible in the input slot (left) of the firepit to access the crucible GUI
  2. Add nuggets into one or more of the four input slots of the crucible GUI.
  3. When a proper alloy ratio has been reached, the GUI will display the amount in metal units and either the pure metal or alloy that will be produced from the smelting process.
  4. Add fuel and light the fire pit. Selecting the appropriate fuel is paramount to raising and maintaining the temperature of the metal above its particular smelting temperature, which liquifies the nuggets.
  5. When the nuggets have been fully liquified, the glowing crucible will shift to the output slot (right) of the firepit. The crucible will begin to cool down if it remains in the output slot or is otherwise pulled away from the heat, and if the crucible cools down far enough without being casted, the liquefied metal will be rendered solid and be otherwise unusable until heated up again.

Wenn Erze hinzugefügt werden, nachdem der Schmelzvorgang begonnen hat, wird die Temperatur zurückgesetzt.

Metalle Gießen

Erze und Legierungen mit Schmelzpunkten unter 1300°C können im Tiegel geschmolzen und zu Metallbarren zum Schmieden oder mit Gussformen zu Werkzeugköpfen gegossen werden.
Werkzeugköpfe und Barren benötigen jeweils 100 Einheiten (20 Nuggets).

Once smelted, liquified metal is available within a crucible, it is ready to be cast within ingot or tool molds.

Gussformen Füllen

  1. Platziere die Gussform für Barren oder Werkzeugköpfe auf einer stabilen Oberfläche (Schleichen + rechte Maustaste). Werkzeugformen füllen einen ganzen Block, während Gussformen für Barren zu zweit auf einem Block platziert werden können.
  2. Nimm den glühenden Tiegel von der Feuerstelle. Wähle ihn in der Schnelleiste aus, ziele mit dem Fadenkreuz auf die Gussform und halte die rechte Maustaste gedrückt, um sie zu füllen
  3. Wenn die Gussform voll ist, kann kein weiteres Material hinzugefügt werden.
  4. Das Metall wird in der Gussform auskühlen; die Temperatur kann in der Blockinfo eingesehen werden.
  5. Wenn das Metall ausgekühlt ist, kann der gegossene Gegenstand mit der rechten Maustaste aus der Gussform genommen werden.
  1. Place the required mold to be filled on a solid surface. Tool molds occupy one block while ingot molds may be placed two to a block.
  2. With the glowing crucible in an empty hand (active hotbar slot) and a pair of tongs in your off-hand , select the desired mold with the display crosshairs and pour the liquid metal into that mold.
  3. When the mold is filled, metal will no longer be allowed to be added into the mold.
  4. The metal will reach various states of cooling in the mold- from liquid to soft to hardened to cold - which can be identified with the current item temperature in the mold GUI.
  5. When the tool or ingot is hardened or completely cold, it can be removed from the mold.

If a mold is picked up before the metal is hardened or cold, the soft or liquid material will be lost. Subsequently, a partially filled mold cannot be picked up, even if the metal is cold, because there are no assets available for metals that are too small to be fully cast and utilized.

Wenn der Spieler eine Gussform aufhebt, bevor das Metall ausgekühlt ist, ist das Material verloren. Eine nur teilweise gefüllte Gussform kann auch nachdem das Metall ausgekühlt ist nicht aufgenommen werden, ohne das Material zu verlieren.


  • Zinnbronze, eine Legierung aus Zinn und Kupfer, hat die doppelte Haltbarkeit von Kupfer.
  • Bismuthbronze, eine Legierung aus Kupfer, Bismuth und Zink, hat eine leicht höhere Haltbarkeit als Zinnbronze. Im Vergleich mit Zinnbronze sind Waffen und Werkzeuge aus Bismuthbronze etwas langsamer (verringerte Abbaugeschwindigkeit) und machen weniger Schaden (HP).
  • Schwarzbronze ist eine Legierung aus Kupfer, Gold und Silber und hat die höchste Haltbarkeit aller Bronzelegierungen.

Legierung Name Schmelzpunkt Komponenten Verwendungszwecke
Ingot-brass.png Messing 920 °C Zink 30% bis 40%

Kupfer 60% bis 70%

Laternen, Fackelhalter
Ingot-bismuthbronze.png Bismuthbronze 850 °C Bismuth 10% bis 20%

Kupfer 50% bis 70%

Mold Mold Type Tool Type Uses
Toolmold-burned-anvil.png Amboss Crafting Manual and mechanized smithing.
Toolmold-burned-axe.png Axt Harvesting Chopping leaf, plant, and wood blocks, including trees, logs, planks, fences, gates, and other wooden building components; creates firewood.
Toolmold-burned-blade-falx.png Falx Combat Mob damage, melee combat weapon.
Toolmold-burned-hammer.png Hammer Crafting Crushing ores, crystal clusters, and certain soft stones; crafting components for mechanical power, item transportation, and steel carburization; polishing stone; cutting stone brick.
Toolmold-burned-helvehammer.png Helvehammer Crafting Mechanized smithing.
Toolmold-burned-hoe.png Hoe Crafting Tilling and converting soil for farming.
Ingotmold-burned.png Ingots Crafting Ingot distribution, which can be used for manual and mechanized smithing and crafting components.
Toolmold-burned-lamellae.png lamellar armor Combat Creating and repairing body lamellar armor.
Toolmold-burned-pickaxe.png Pickaxe Harvesting Mining ceramic, rock, stone, ore, metal, and ice blocks.
Toolmold-burned-prospectingpick.png Geologenhammer Harvesting Damaging rock blocks for long and short range ore and mineral detection.
Toolmold-burned-shovel.png Shovel Harvesting Digging clay, gravel, peat, sand, soil, and snow blocks.

Zink 20% bis 30%

Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
Ingot-blackbronze.png Schwarzbronze 1020 °C Kupfer 68% bis 84%

Gold 8% bis 16%

There are 27 types of metal available for collection and usage, 14 castable metals and 13 uncastable metals. Of those castable metals, 6 are tiered, or tied to progression through the metallurgic ages, and 8 are untiered, which while useful, do not contribute to any advancement on their own merits.

Silber 8% bis 16%

Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
Ingot-molybdochalkos.png Kupferblei 902 °C Kupfer 8% bis 12%

Blei 88% bis 92%

Ingot-tinbronze.png Zinnbronze 950 °C Kupfer 88% to 92%

Zinn 8% to 12%

Rüstung, Werkzeuge/Waffen Stufe 3
Tiered Metals
Ingot Nugget Bits Metal Geologic Name Metal Type Tier Alloy% % Conversion
in nuggets
Smelting Temperature Casting Uses
Ingot-copper.png Nugget-nativecopper.png Nugget-malachite.png Metalbit-copper.png Copper Native copper
Pure 2 1084°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Ingot-gold.png Nugget nativegold.png Metalbit-gold.png Gold Native gold Pure 2 1063°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Ingot-silver.png Nugget-nativesilver.png Metalbit-silver.png Silber Native silver Pure 2 961°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Ingot-tinbronze.png Metalbit-tinbronze.png Bronze Alloy 3 Copper: 88 - 92%
Tin: 8 - 12%
Copper: 18
Tin: 2
950°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Ingot-bismuthbronze.png Metalbit-bismuthbronze.png Bronze Alloy 3 Bismuth: 10 - 20%
Copper: 50 - 70%
Zinc: 20 - 30%
Bismuth: 2 - 4
Copper: 10 - 14
Zinc: 4 - 6
850°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Ingot-blackbronze.png Metalbit-blackbronze.png Bronze Alloy 3 Copper: 68 - 84%
Gold: 8 -16%
Silver: 8 -16%
Copper: 16
Gold: 2
Silver: 2
1020°C Armor, ingots, tools, weapons, nails and strips
Untiered Metals
Ingot Nugget Bits Metal Geologic Name Metal Type Tier Alloy% % Conversion
in nuggets
Smelting Temperature Casting Uses
Ingot-bismuth.png Nugget-bismuthinite.png Metalbit-bismuth.png Bismuth Bismuthinite Pure 271°C Ingots
Ingot-lead.png Nugget-galena.png Metalbit-lead.png Lead Galena Pure 327°C Ingots, leaded glass panes
Ingot-tin.png Nugget-cassiterite.png Metalbit-tin.png Tin Cassiterite Pure 232°C Ingots
Ingot-zinc.png Nugget-sphalerite.png Metalbit-zinc.png Zinc Sphalerite Pure 419°C Ingots
Ingot-brass.png Metalbit-brass.png Brass Alloy Copper: 60 - 70%
Zinc: 30 - 40%
Copper: 12 - 14
Zinc: 6 - 8
327°C Ingots
Ingot-leadsolder.png Metalbit-leadsolder.png Alkohol brauen Alloy Lead: 45 - 55%
Tin: 45 - 55%
Lead: 9 - 11
Tin: 9 - 11
327 °C Alcohol distillation, ingots
Ingot-molybdochalkos.png Metalbit-molybdochalkos.png Molybdochalkos Alloy Copper: 8 - 12%
Lead: 88 - 92%
Copper: 2
Lead: 18
902 °C Ingots
Ingot-silversolder.png Metalbit-silversolder.png Alkohol brauen Alloy Silver: 40 - 50%
Tin: 50 - 60%
Silver: 8 - 10
Tin: 10 - 12
758 °C Alcohol distillation, ingots
Ingot-electrum.png Metalbit-electrum.png Electrum Alloy Gold: 40 - 60%
Silver: 40 - 60%
Gold: 8 - 12
Silver: 8 - 12
1010 °C Rift Ward, Jonas assemblies, tools, ingots
Ingot-cupronickel.png Metalbit-cupronickel.png Cupronickel Alloy Copper: 65 - 75 %
Nickel: 25 - 35%
Copper: 13 - 15
Nickel: 5 - 7
1171 °C Jonas assemblies, ingots, nails and strips

Uncastable Metals

These metals can be found within the game’s asset library or in game, but cannot currently be smelted, cast, and/or worked.

Ingot Nugget Bits Metal Geologic Name Metal Type Tier Alloy% % Conversion
in nuggets
Smelting Temperature Casting Uses
Ingot-iron.png Nugget-hematite.png Nugget-limonite.png Nugget-magnetite.png Ironbloom.png Metalbit-iron.png Eisen Hematite
Pure 4 1482°C
Ingot-meteoriciron.png Stone-meteorite-iron.png Metalbit-meteoriciron.png Meteoric Iron Pure 4 1476°C
Ingot-blistersteel.png Ingot-steel.png Metalbit-blistersteel.png Metalbit-steel.png Steel Pure 5 1602°C
Ingot-chromium.png Nugget-chromite.png Metalbit-chromium.png Chromium Chromite 1907°C
Nugget-rhodochrosite.png Manganese Rhodochrosite
Ingot-nickel.png Nugget-pentlandite.png Metalbit-nickel.png Nickel Pentlandite Pure 1455 °C
Ingot-platinum.png Metalbit-platinum.png Platinum 1770°C
Ingot-rhodium.png Metalbit-rhodium.png Rhodium
Ingot-stainless steel.png Metalbit-stainless steel.png Stainless Steel
Ingot-titanium.png Nugget-ilmenite.png Metalbit-titanium.png Titanium Ilmenite 1668°C
Ingot-uranium.png Nugget-uranium.png Metalbit-uranium.png Uranium Uranium
Nugget-wolframite.png Tungsten Wolframite

Casting Tutorial Videos

Erze, Metalle und Mineralien
Guides Erzansammlungen Metalle
Nützliche Metalle Kupfer Eisen Meteor Eisen Gold Silber Blei Zinn Zink Bismuth Titanium (Ilmenite) Nickel
Nützliche Legierungen Bronze (Zinnbronze, Bismuthbronze, Schwarzbronze) • Stahl Messing Lötkolben (Lötkolben aus Blei, Lötkolben aus Silber) • Molybdochalkos Cupronickel Electrum
Mineralien Alaun Borax Zinnober Kohle Halit (Salz) Lapislazuli Quarz Salpeter Schwefel Pottasche
Werkzeuge Spitzhacke Hammer Geologenhammer Crucible Schmiede Ore blasting bomb Handmühle Amboss Hochofen Stielhammer Pulverisierer
Sonstiges Edelsteine
Related mechanics Schürfen Erzabbau Clay forming Metallgießen Schmieden Stahl Herstellung

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