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This article requires you a setup development environment. If you don't have one, read the tutorial at 'Setting up your Development Environment'. For brevity, this article presupposes some familiarity with VintageStory code modding and how to package a mod ( If you are looking to create your first mod, start here =Link to first code mod sample=. [Contents]


VintageStory makes it possible to retrieve all loaded mods through the API. This makes it possible for code mods to interact with eachother and use eachother's interfaces.

The loading and retrieving of mods is done through the =ModLoader=, which is accessible via the API. We can retrieve both the full =Mod= with all it's useful data, as well as it's contained ModSystems.

This is superbly useful in multiple scenarios, for example -

  • Splitting up a large mod into a modpack, where individual mod parts can communicate with eachother, but don't break if parts of the pack are taken out.
  • Utility mods that centralize some functionality for other mods or provide an interface for some common action, such as the creative mode gui tool for growing trees, wherein you can register new tree types.

In this article, we will be creating two mods. Our first mod will provide an interface for our second mod to interact with. We will demonstrate the use of the =ModLoader= and also explain how to reference an external mod and have that reference resolve at game runtime. We'll also take note of execution order to make sure our moddable mod is loaded by the ModLoader before we try to access it.

Note that, excluding the use of refleciton, which is outside the scope of this article, only compiled mods will be able to interact with eachother. If you do not compile the code of your mods into .dll files, they will not be able to resolve eachother at runtime.

InfoMod & SpawnMod

The two mods we will be creating are named "InfoMod" and "SpawnMod".

"InfoMod" will store descriptions of other mods. It will provide a function for mods to add their descriptions through, and will also register a command that prints the stored descriptions in chat.

"SpawnMod" will register a command which teleports the player to his set or default spawnpoint. It will also access "InfoMod" and add it's description.


- THIS IS CURRENTLY A DRAFT - We start by setting up two empty mods, "InfoMod" and "SpawnMod". In each mod, we add a new *.cs source file - we will be naming these files InfoMod.cs and SpawnMod.cs respectively. In our .cs files, we add the necessary using statements, create classes named after our mods and have them inherit ModSystem, the base for any VintageStory code mod. In both our mods we override the StartServerSide method to access the API.

- img of folders -

// Inside InfoMod.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Vintagestory.API.Common;
using Vintagestory.API.Server;

namespace infomod.src
    class InfoMod : ModSystem
        public override void StartServerSide(ICoreServerAPI api)
// Inside SpawnMod.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Vintagestory.API.Common;
using Vintagestory.API.Server;

namespace spawnmod.src
    class SpawnMod : ModSystem
        public override void StartServerSide(ICoreServerAPI api)

This concludes setting up the basis of our mods. Lastly, in InfoMod, we create an additional file called ModDescription.cs, where we will define the data structure for storing mod descriptions.

// Inside ModDescription.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace infomod.src
    class ModDescription
        public ModDescription(string name, string author, string description)
   = name;
   = author;
            this.description = description;

        public string Get()
            return name + " by \"" + author + "\": " + description;

        private string name;
        private string author;
        private string description;

We are now ready to start adding the functionality of our mods. We will start with InfoMod, as that will be our moddable mod.

Setting up InfoMod

For InfoMod, we do the following

  • Define a List to store ModDescriptions
  • Register a command for printing ModDescriptions
  • Define a method for adding new ModDescriptions
  • Publicize our InfoMod class and the method for adding new ModDescriptions, so that it can be called by other mods
    public class InfoMod : ModSystem
        List<ModDescription> modDescriptions = new List<ModDescription>();

        public override void StartServerSide(ICoreServerAPI api)

            api.RegisterCommand("mods", "Print descriptions of server mods", "", CmdMods);

        private void CmdMods(IServerPlayer player, int groupId, CmdArgs args)
            string message = "";

            bool noModsDescribed = modDescriptions.Count() == 0;
            if (noModsDescribed)
                message += "There are no mod descriptions listed";
                foreach (ModDescription desc in modDescriptions)
                    message += desc.Get() + "\n";

            player.SendMessage(groupId, message, EnumChatType.OwnMessage);

        public void AddModDescription(string name, string author, string description)
            modDescriptions.Add(new ModDescription(name, author, description));

Remember, both classes and methods which other mods will interact with have to be declared public. In C#, classes and methods are not public by default. You can read more about this here (

We can now compile our mod, add it to our VintageStory mod folder, and test it ingame. If the /commandhere prints out a message, we are ready to setup SpawnMod and have it interact with InfoMod.

Setting up SpawnMod

Before we get started, we have to add a reference to ModInfo. You can either reference the uncompiled project, or the compiled .dll file. If you are using Visual Studio, in your Solution Explorer, directly under your project, right-click "References" and select "Add Reference".

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Next, we do the following

  • Register a command for teleporting the player to spawn
  • Access the ModLoader and retrieve InfoMod
  • Call the method provided by InfoMod to describe our mod

Let's compile our mod and try it ingame. ? does only the includable need to be compiled ? If we call /spawn and are teleported to spawn, our mod has been added successfuly. Next, we can try calling /commandhere to see if SpawnMod successfuly described itself to InfoMod.

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Great! Next, we can add some code to make sure SpawnMod runs without InfoMod, if the user of our mod has not deemed it necessary to add.

Making SpawnMod not depend on InfoMod

add throw statement here


All done. This is how our code should look.

- code -
