Modding:Code Tutorial Essentials

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This page will give a breakdown of a number of topics and terminology used with code modding. Since some code topics can become quite complex, it is important to read through this page.

This page will also introduce you to the coding tutorials and how they work.


Vintage Story loads all worlds by using a client/server system. There always exists one server per world, however there can be any number of clients. Each player that joins the world, including a singleplayer world, is classed as a client.

Many aspects of code are split between the server and the client. In general,

Mod System

A Mod System is used entry point for your mod, and contains many useful functions for the execution of your mod. A single mod can have multiple mod systems, but must have at least one for any code to be executed.

When creating a mod using the mod template, you will notice that a mod system is automatically generated with a number of functions.

Some useful functions that your mod system can use are:

  • Start -

(Mod System on GitHub)