
From Vintage Story Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Weather and the translation is 37% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.





Weather is location based. Climates that are more like jungles will have more frequent rain, while those resembling deserts will have less rainfall. Differences in climates can be viewed using the player's map . In general, areas appearing more green are areas of higher rainfall, while areas appearing more brown are drier. And of course, white areas indicate snowy regions.



Climatic areas are defined with a few properties, the ones weather patterns are effected by are temperature and rainfall. A weather pattern can specify a weight function that handles checking where a pattern can form. Either AvoidHotAndDry or TestRainTemp may be chosen, TestRainTemp requires the pattern to specify ranges for rain and temp. Without a weight function a pattern may occur in any climate. Patterns also have a weight property that generally specifies the probability a pattern will occur.



There are nine basic weather patterns in the game and several more variants. Each one has associated cloud shapes and precipitation. However, there are still only four different attributes for a weather pattern, clouds, fog, precipitation, and lightning.
The weather can be influenced by server commands, for more info check the List of server commands .



There are a number of specific, weather related events that can randomly occur or be toggled by the following server commands:

  • /weather setev [event]:指定した天候イベントを世界的に設定します。
  • /weather setevr [event]:指定した天候イベントをプレイヤーのエリアだけに設定します。


  • noevent
  • lightthunder
  • heavythunder
  • smallhail
  • largehail



There a number of different of cloud formations and mist appearances that can appear in-game. They are all relatively faithful to the real life formations they are based on. These patterns can be changed with the following commands:

  • /weather setir [pattern]:プレイヤーの地域のみ、天候パターンを即座に設定します。
  • /weather setir [pattern]:ランダムな天候パターンを即座に設定します。


  • stratusc:軽くて長い平たい筋状の雲
  • stratusl:軽くて長い平たい筋状の雲と霧
  • overcast:100%の雲
  • overcastundulating:いたるところに波打つ雲
  • stronghaze:珍しい強いかすみ
  • mediumhaze: - いたるところに中程度のかすみ
  • cumulus:積乱雲と晴れた空
  • scumulus:小さな積乱雲と晴れた空
  • cumulonimbus:積乱雲、塔状の雲
  • cumulonimbusr:積乱雲と雨
  • cumulonimbusrf:積乱雲と雨、霧がかかる
  • clearsky:晴れた空と少しの雲
  • cirrocumulus:多数の小さな雲
  • cirrocumulusm:積乱雲と霧雨
  • altocumulus:多数の普通サイズの雲



Weather patterns can cause rain, snow, or hail. For some patterns, the precipitation is controlled by the climate, so a cold location will snow while a warm location will rain. Other patterns will always have one form of precipitation.




  • とても珍しい:降水量 0 - 0.15
  • 珍しい:降水量 0.15 - 0.30
  • ありふれていない:降水量 0.30 - 0.45
  • ありふれている:降水量 0.45 - 0.70
  • とてもありふれている:降水量 0.70 - 0.90
  • ほぼ常に:降水量 0.90+


There are different wind strengths and patterns in the game. Wind is mostly relevant for mechanical power , because windmills need strong wind to function. The wind pattern can be changed using the following command:

  • /weather setw [pattern]:現在の風パターンを指定のパターンに変更する。


  • still:無風
  • lightbreeze:軽い微風
  • mediumbreeze:微風
  • strongbreeze:強い微風
  • storm:激しい雷雨のような風

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