Temporal gear

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Temporal gear
Grid temporal gear.png
Stackable 1

Temporal gears are acquired as loot for killing some creatures, as a rare drop from panning , or can be purchased from specific traders . They are used to craft some devices and as an energy source. They can reset the player's spawn point and repair translocators .



Temporal gears can be looted from slained:

They can also be looted from chests in the Resonance Archives .


You can purchase temporal gears form Treasure Hunter traders for an average price of 5 rusty gears . When they offer this item for sale, they have only one unit each time.


Very rarely, you can get a temporal gear when panning bony soil. The chance to get one is 0.1% or 1 in 1000.

It is even more rare to get one when panning gravel at 0.05% or 1 in 2000.


Temporal gears are used to repair broken translocators found in ruins . Each damaged translocator requires 2 metal parts and 3 temporal gears to be repaired. Note: If your character's class is Clockmaker, you will only need 2 temporal gears and 2 metal parts.


Temporal gears are used to craft:

Energy source

Temporal gears are used as an energy source for:

Spawn points

When a player starts a game or joins a server, they appear at the spawn point of the world. Any time a player is killed they will be sent back to respawn at their original location until they acquire a temporal gear. Using this item allows a player to choose any location as their spawn point. Each player in a game must acquire their own temporal gear, and resetting the spawn for one player does not affect any other player's spawn point. A player may override their set spawn location at any time by using an additional temporal gear.


  1. Place the temporal gear in an empty slot in your hotbar.
  2. With the temporal gear in your active hand, aim at the block on the ground you choose as your new spawn point.
  3. Hold right mouse button to use the item. As this happens, your screen will shake quite dramatically.
  4. When the gear is consumed, the shaking will stop, and your spawn point is reset.

Temporal gear tutorial video

Thanks to Ashantin for creating this video and sharing with the VS Community (Geronimo!)



Spoilers ahead!
This page contains spoilers. If you do not want the game's story spoiled, go back!

Item description:
Shivering, yet somehow sturdy. Seems to endlessly turn a constant level of inertia, even when resisted.

Just like the rusty gears or the metal parts , the temporal gears cannot be crafted by smelting or forging metal, and they are sometimes used as an energy source for Jonas' inventions (terminus teleporter, rift ward, night vision mask). So it is safe to assume that they were also created by inventor Jonas Falx.

Jonas Falx is a very important character in the game's story. Several Lore Books mention his name, but most important of all is the five-part narrative entitled Reflection .

Resources Beeswax.pngBeeswaxBlastingpowder.pngBlasting powderBone.pngBoneBonemeal.pngBonemealCandle.pngCandleCattailtops.pngCattailsCharcoal.pngCharcoalClay-blue.pngClayRawbrick-fire.pngClay bricksClearquartz.pngClear quartzCloth-plain.pngClothCoke.pngCokeCompost.pngCompostCrushed-quartz.pngCrushed resourcesDrygrass.pngDry grassEgg-chicken.pngEggFat.pngFatFeather.pngFeatherFirewood.pngFirewoodFlaxfibers.pngFlax fibersFlaxtwine.pngFlax twineFlint.pngFlintGem-emerald-rough.pngGemsHerbbundle-basil.pngHerb bundlesHide-raw-large.pngHidesHoneycomb.pngHoneycombLargegearsection.pngLarge gear sectionLeather-plain.pngLeatherLime.pngLimeMortar.pngMortarPaper-parchment.pngParchmentPapyrustops.pngPapyrusPlank-oak.pngPlanksPotash.pngPotashQuicklime.pngQuicklimeRefractorybrick-fired-tier1.pngRefractory brickResin.pngResinSail.pngSailSewingkit.pngSewing kitShingle-burned-blue.pngShinglesStick.pngStickStone-granite.pngStonesStonebrick-granite.pngStone bricksInsect-termite.pngTermites
Metal Metalbit-iron.pngMetal BitsMetalchain-iron.pngChainsIngot-iron.pngIngotsNightvisionupgrades-nightvisionlens1.pngJonas partsMetallamellae-iron.pngLamellaeMetal-scraps.pngMetal scrapsMetal-parts.pngMetal partsMetalbit-iron.pngNuggetsOre-bountiful-nativecopper-basalt.pngOrePadlock-iron.pngPadlocksMetalplate-iron.pngPlatesPoundercap-iron.pngPounder capsGear-rusty.pngRusty gearMetalscale-iron.pngScalesScrapweaponkit.pngScrap weapon kitSolderbar.pngSolder barGear-temporal.pngTemporal gearPickaxehead-iron.pngTool heads
Seeds Cattailroot.pngCattail rootSeeds-flax.pngCrop seedsPapyrusroot.pngPapyrus rootTreeseed-oak.pngTree seeds
Tools Axe-copper.pngAxeChisel-copper.pngChiselCleaver-copper.pngCleaverFirestarter.pngFirestarterHammer-copper.pngHammerHelvehammer-bismuthbronze.pngHelve hammerHoe-copper.pngHoeInkandquill.pngInk and quillKnife-copper.pngKnifeOreblastingbomb.pngOre blasting bombPickaxe-copper.pngPickaxePlumbandsquare.pngPlumb and SquareProspectingpick-copper.pngProspecting pickSaw-iron.pngSawScythe-copper.pngScytheShears-copper.pngShearsShovel-copper.pngShovelSieve-linen.pngSieveSolderingiron.pngSoldering ironTongs.pngTongsPan-wooden.pngWooden panWrench-copper.pngWrench
Weapons Arrow-flint.pngArrowBeenade-opened.pngBeenadeBow-simple.pngBowBlade-falx-copper.pngFalxSword-copper.pngSwordSpear-copper.pngSpearSling.pngSlingSpear-hacking.pngTuning spear
Transport Glider.pngGliderBoat-raft-pine.pngRaftOar-crude-pine.pngCrude oar
Miscellaneous Book-normal-brickred.pngBookOmoktabletop.pngGame of OmokTuningcylinder-1.pngTuning cylinder
Creative only Stackrandomizer-ingot.pngStack randomizers

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