Cooking pot

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Cooking pot
Material Ceramic
Stackable 1
Drops Itself

The cooking pot is used to cook various meats , vegetables , grains , or fruit on a firepit and create meals . It is crafted from clay using the process of clay forming . Ingredients used in the cooking pot will increase the base satiety of the ingredients, and they must be added in a specific order for the cooking pot to work. To remove the contents in a cooking put, use a bowl on it to consume the meal, or pick up the cooking pot and throw it into water if the contents had rotted .


The creation window showing a vegetable stew being cooked with 2 turnips.
An unfired cooking pot.

Cooking pots are created by clay forming . Cooking pots can be made from any type of clay . Raw unfired cooking pots must be fired in a pit kiln before use.


Cooking pots act as storage container with four slots, each holding up to 6 pieces of a food item or up to 6L of a liquid. Inedible items can also be placed in a cooking pot.

When placed on a firepit, the firepit interface will reflect the contents of the cooking pot. Ingredients can then be placed in the cooking pot in order to create a variety of meals . Once cooked, the meal must be removed using a bowl or a crock on the filled cooking pot. The bowl will "use up" one portion of the meal from the cooking pot.

Cleaning a cooking pot

A cooking pot being emptied of rotten food.

If food rots inside a cooking pot, the resulting rot must be cleaned out before the cooking pot can be reused. This can be done by throwing the rot-filled cooking pot into a block of water and waiting a few seconds. The rot will float up while the now-empty pot will sink down.


The first two slots, Slot 1 and Slot 2, determine the type of meal that will be created. Slot 3 and 4 are extra ingredients that can be added to boost the satiety of the meal, except jam which uses all 4 slots.

Meal type Slot 1 Slot 2 Optional
Meat stew Redmeat-raw.pngAny meat Redmeat-raw.pngAny meat
  • Redmeat-raw.pngAny meat
  • Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
  • Egg-chicken.pngAny egg
  • Fruit-redcurrant.pngAny fruit (limited to 1 slot)
  • Bowl-honey.png0.2L of honey (limited to 1 slot)
Vegetable Stew Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
  • Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
  • Legume-soybean.pngSoybean or other legume
Porridge Grid rice.pngAny grain Grid rice.pngAny grain
  • Grid rice.pngAny grain
  • Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
  • Fruit-redcurrant.pngAny fruit
  • Bowl-honey.png0.2L of honey (limited to 1 slot)
Soup Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable Water-blob.pngWater from container
  • Redmeat-raw.pngAny meat (limited to 1 slot)
  • Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
  • Egg-chicken.pngAny egg
Scrambled eggs Egg-chicken.pngAny egg Egg-chicken.pngAny egg
  • Egg-chicken.pngAny egg
  • Cheese-cheddar-4slice.pngAny cheese slice
  • Grid turnip.pngAny vegetable
Meal type Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Jam Fruit-redcurrant.pngAny fruit Fruit-redcurrant.pngAny fruit Bowl-honey.png0.2L of honey Bowl-honey.png0.2L of honey

Improved satiety of ingredients

Cooking ingredients in the cooking pot increases the satiety of the ingredient. The tables below list each ingredient's improved satiety, if they are used in a meal.

Ingredient Raw Cooked Improvement (%)
Mushroom-fieldmushroom.pngAll mushroom types[1] 80 120 50%
Vegetable-bellpepper.pngBell peppers[2] 100 150 50%
Vegetable-cabbage.pngCabbage 300 450 50%
Vegetable-carrot.pngCarrots 100 150 50%
Vegetable-cassava.pngCassava 100 120 20%
Vegetable-olive.pngOlive 100 150 50%
Grid onion.pngOnion 100 150 50%
Vegetable-parsnip.pngParsnip 100 150 50%
Pumpkin slices.pngPumpkin slice[3] 140 180 29%
Vegetable-turnip.pngTurnip 100 150 50%
Ingredient Raw Cooked Improvement (%)
Grid flax.pngFlax 30 120 300%
Grid rice.pngRice 75 280 274%
Grid rye.pngRye 60 240 300%
Grid spelt.pngSpelt 60 240 300%
Grid amaranth.pngAmaranth 60 240 300%
Rawcassava-dried.pngDried cassava 100[4] 240 140%
Grid sunflower.pngSunflower 60 240 300%
Ingredient Raw Cooked Improvement (%)
Pickledlegume-soybean.pngPickled soybean 150 240 60%
Redmeat-raw.pngRaw redmeat 280[5] 420 50%
Redmeat-cured.pngCured redmeat 200 420 110%
Raw poultry.pngRaw poultry 200[6] 375 88%
Poultry-cured.pngCured poultry 150 375 150%
Egg-chicken.pngEgg -[7] 200 -
Fish-raw.pngRaw fish 220 375 70%
Fish-cured.pngCured fish 150 375 150%
Ingredient Raw Cooked Improvement (%)
Fruit-redapple.pngApple 80 120 50%
Fruit-blackcurrant.pngBlack currant 80 120 50%
Fruit-breadfruit.pngBread fruit 200 250 25%
Fruit-blueberry.pngBlueberry 80 120 50%
Fruit-cherry.pngCherry 40 60 50%
Fruit-cranberry.pngCranberry 60 90 50%
Bowl-honey.pngHoney (0.2L) 60 40 -33%
Fruit-lychee.pngLychee 40 60 50%
Fruit-mango.pngMango 80 120 50%
Fruit-orange.pngOrange 80 120 50%
Fruit-peach.pngPeach 80 120 50%
Fruit-pear.pngPear 80 120 50%
Fruit-pineapple.pngPineapple slice 80 120 50%
Fruit-pomegranate.pngPomegranate 80 120 50%
Fruit-redcurrant.pngRed currant 80 120 50%
Fruit-saguaro.pngSaguaro fruit 60 90 50%
Fruit-whitecurrant.pngWhite currant 80 120 50%
Ingredient Raw Cooked Improvement (%)
Cheese-blue-slice.pngBlue cheese (1 slice) 200 200 0%
Cheese-cheddar-slice.pngCheddar (1 slice) 240 240 0%




See also


  1. Mushrooms that are poisonous will apply their negative effects to the meal.
  2. Not currently obtainable in Vintage Story.
  3. Whole pumpkins cannot be used for cooking.
  4. Dried cassava cannot be eaten so the satiety value for the edible version is used.
  5. Raw redmeat cannot be eaten so the satiety value for the cooked version is used.
  6. Raw poultry cannot be eaten so the satiety value for the cooked version is used.
  7. Eggs cannot be eaten raw, and there are no other edible variants other than being cooked.

Terrain Rawclay blue.pngClayGrid Cob.pngCobGrid Gravel Granite.pngGravelPeat-none.pngPeatGrid Granite sand.pngSandGrid Barren low fertility soil.pngSoil (Packed dirt.pngPacked dirt)
Stone Grid Granite cobblestone.pngCobblestone (Cobbleskull-granite.pngCobble skull) • Ember.pngEmberRock-obsidian.pngObsidianMantle.pngMantleGrid Rock granite.pngRocks (Rock-claystone.pngSedimentaryRock-whitemarble.pngMetamorphicRock-andesite.pngIgneousCrackedrock-granite.pngCracked) • Stalagsection-granite-04.pngStalagmite
Ore Ore-alum-conglomerate.pngAlumOre-anthracite-conglomerate.pngAnthraciteOre-bituminouscoal-conglomerate.pngBlack coalOre-medium-bismuthinite-granite.pngBismuthiniteOre-borax-conglomerate.pngBoraxOre-medium-cassiterite-granite.pngCassiteriteOre-medium-chromite-granite.pngChromiteOre-cinnabar-granite.pngCinnabarOre-medium-nativecopper-granite.pngNative CopperOre-corundum-phyllite.pngCorundumOre-fluorite-conglomerate.pngFluoriteOre-medium-galena-claystone.pngGalenaOre-graphite-phyllite.pngGraphiteOre-sylvite-halite.pngHaliteOre-medium-hematite-granite.pngHematiteOre-medium-ilmenite-granite.pngIlmeniteOre-kernite-conglomerate.pngKerniteOre-lapislazuli-limestone.pngLapis lazuliOre-lignite-conglomerate.pngBrown coalOre-medium-limonite-chert.pngLimoniteOre-medium-magnetite-conglomerate.pngMagnetiteOre-medium-malachite-limestone.pngMalachiteMeteorite-iron.pngMeteoric ironOre-medium-pentlandite-granite.pngPentlanditeOre-phosphorite-conglomerate.pngPhosphoriteOre-quartz-granite.pngQuartzOre-medium-rhodochrosite-conglomerate.pngRhodochrositeOre-medium-sphalerite-granite.pngSphaleriteOre-sulfur-conglomerate.pngSulfurOre-medium-uranium-granite.pngUranium
Plants Bamboo-placed-green-segment1.pngBambooBerrybush red currant ripe.pngBerry bushSaguarocactus-topflowering.pngCactusFlax-Normal9.pngCropsTallgrass-tall.pngGrassTallfern.pngFernFlower-californiapoppy.pngFlowersHay-normal.pngHayGrid mushroom bolete.pngMushroomHanginglichen-lace-bottom.pngLace lichenLeaves-placed-oak.pngLeavesLog-oak.pngLogGrid Cattail tops.pngReedSapling-oak.pngSaplingSeaweed-top.pngSeaweedWaterlily.pngWaterlilyWildvine-section.pngWild vine
Liquids Glacierice.pngIceLava-still-7.pngLavaSnowblock.pngSnow blockWater-still-7.pngWater
Miscellaneous Quartz-ornate.pngAncient segmentBonyremains-ribcage.pngBony ribcageCarcass-medium.pngCarcassEgg-chicken-3.pngChicken eggCrystal-amethyst-large2.pngCrystalGlowworms-base1-short.pngGlow wormsLocustnest-cage.pngLocust nestLooseboulders-granite.pngLoose bouldersLooseflints-granite-free.pngLoose flintLooseores-nativecopper-granite.pngLoose oreLoosestick-free.pngLoose stickLootvessel.pngCracked vesselMetalpartpile-large.pngPile of junk metalSeashell-volute-cinnamon.pngSea shellGrid Granite stone.pngStonesTermitemound-granite-medium.pngTermite moundWildbeehive-large.pngWild bee hive
Structural Debarkedlog oak.pngDebarked logGrid Drystone granite.pngDrystoneGlass-plain.pngGlass (Glasspane-leaded-oak.pngGlass panes) • Hardenedclay-blue.pngHardened clayMetalblock-copper.pngMetal blockMudbrick-light.pngMudbricksPlanks-oak.pngPlanksPlaster-diagonal.pngPlasterGrid Polished Granite.pngPolished rockRefractorybricks-good-tier1.pngRefractory brickSlantedroofing-thatch.pngRoofingClayshingleblock-blue.pngShingle blockPlankslab-oak.pngSlabPlankstairs-oak.pngStairsGrid Granite Brick Block.pngStone brickStrewn straw.pngStrewn strawSupportbeam-oak.pngSupport beamStatictranslocator-broken.pngTranslocator
Decorative Mediumcarpet-black-ns.pngCarpetChair-plain.pngChairChandelier-candle8.pngChandelierClaybrickchimney-fire.pngClay brick chimneyDisplaycase.pngDisplay caseDrystonefence-granite.pngDry stone fenceRoughhewnfence-oak.pngFenceFlowerpot-burnt.pngFlowerpotLinen-normal-down.pngLinenPainting-castleruin.pngPaintingClayplanter-burnt.pngPlanterPlaque-fancy-copper-wall-north.pngPlaqueSign.pngSignSignpost.pngSignpostStonecoffinlid-granite.pngStone coffinStonepath.pngStone pathWallpaper-lightgreen.pngWallpaperWoodenpath.pngWooden path
Lighting Torch-basic-lit.pngTorchTorchholder-brass.pngTorch holder
Storage Barrel.pngBarrelBookshelves-ns.pngBookshelfCrock-burned-east.pngCrockCurdbundle.pngCurd bundleJug-blue-fired.pngJugShelf.pngShelfStoragevessel-burned.pngStorage vesselToolrack.pngTool rackMoldrack.pngVertical rackGrid Woodbucket.pngWooden bucket
Functional Anvil-copper.pngAnvilArchimedesscrew-straight.pngArchimedes screwArmorstand.pngArmor standBasereturnteleporter.pngBase return teleporterBed-wood-head-north.pngBedBloomerybase.pngBloomery base (Bloomerychimney.pngBloomery chimney) • Verticalboiler.pngBoilerBowl-burned.pngBowlClayoven.pngClay ovenCondenser.pngCondenserChute-straight.pngChuteClaypot-burned.pngCooking potCrucible-burned.pngCrucibleDoor-plank.pngDoorFarmland-dry-medium.pngFarmlandRoughhewnfencegate-oak.pngFence gateFruitpress.pngFruit pressForge.pngForgeHenbox-empty.pngHenboxIngotmold-burned.pngIngot moldLadder-wood.pngLadderLightningrod.pngLightning rodQuern-granite.pngQuernResonator-north.pngResonatorRiftward.pngRift wardSkep-empty-east.pngSkepStrawdummy.pngStraw dummyTable-normal.pngTableCorpsereturnteleporter.pngTerminus teleporterToolmold-burned-pickaxe.pngTool moldTrapdoor-closed.pngTrapdoorTrough-genericwood-large.pngTrough
Mechanical Grid Angled Gears.pngAngled gearGrid Brake.pngBrakeGrid Clutch.pngClutchHelvehammerbase.pngHelve hammer baseLargegear.pngLarge wooden gearPulverizerframe.pngPulverizerGrid Transmission.pngTransmissionWindmillrotor.pngWindmill rotorWoodenaxle-ud.pngWooden axleWoodentoggle.pngWooden toggle
Creative only Commandblock.pngCommand blockCreativeblock-0.pngCreative blocksCreativeglow-32.pngCreative glowsCreativeglow-32.pngCreative lightsCreativerotor.pngCreative rotorPaperlantern-off.pngPaper lanternTeleporterbase.pngTeleporter base
Unused/Unreleased Altar.pngAltarStove-lit.pngStoveWorkbench.pngWorkbench

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