
From Vintage Story Wiki

This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.19.8.

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A candle is a a versatile source of light.

Grid Candle.png
Stackable 64
Drops Itself



Breaking a hive or harvestable skep yields 3 pieces of honeycomb. After the honey has been squeezed out, the beeswax can be used to make a candle.


The following information applies only to the latest prerelease version. It may not be accurate for the current stable version.

Candles are now a cooking pot recipe, no longer a grid recipe.


Sifting through bony soil while standing in water can yield candles, at a rate of 1 in 66.67. Panning regular sand or gravel cannot yield candles.


You can place candles directly on the surface of a full block, or on a wooden shelf. Adding additional candles to the same spot will increase the light level produced, and re-arrange the placement of the candles.

Combined with clear quartz or glass and a plate of nearly any metal, a candle can produce a lantern with a significant boost to brightness.

A chandelier can hold 1 or more (up to 8) candles.

1 candle produces a light level of 7. A lantern (with no silver/gold lining) produces a light level of 18. A chandelier with 8 candles produces a light level of 22.

Candles, lanterns, and chandeliers never burn out or get extinguished by rain or deep water.


Prior to version 1.20, candles were made in the crafting grid by aligning 3 pieces of beeswax.



See also



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