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A belt is a clothing item which can be worn in the player's waist slot.

There are 30 waist clothing items (as of 1.19.8). They provide 0, 0.1, or 0.25 warmth, although in game 0.25 is rounded to 0.3 warmth.

List of items

Item Icon Item Name Warmth Sold by Purchased by Craftable by all Classes? Crafting Flavor Text
Clothes-waist-fortune-teller-hip-scarf.png Fortune teller hip scarf 0.25 Luxuries trader Clothier only

Nugget (Native gold)

Sewing kit

Nugget (Native gold)

Red cloth

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Red cloth

Fortune teller hip scarf

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Red cloth

Red cloth

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Nugget (Native gold)

Red cloth

Red cloth

He believed there was truth in the words of the old crones and wanderers. A truth only he could see.
Clothes-waist-reindeer-herder-waistband.png Reindeer herder waistband 0.25 Clothier only

Blue cloth

Blue cloth

Sewing kit

Blue cloth

Reindeer herder waistband

The colorful wear of a Sámi. They fared well in their frozen lands. Truly, we envied them.
Clothes-waist-merchant-belt.png Merchant belt 0 Clothing trader No The Hanseatic League, with their merchant navies, offered their services to charter and transport the incredible amount of goods, materials, and refugees. It was a monumental effort of logistics; something only they could pull off.
Clothes-waist-moss-embroidered-belt.png Moss embroidered belt 0.1 Clothing trader No
Clothes-waist-sturdy-leather-belt.png Sturdy leather belt 0 Clothing trader No
Clothes-waist-messenger-belt.png Messenger belt 0.1 Treasure hunter trader No They carried a simple message, and they were hated and feared for it.
Clothes-waist-heavy-tool-belt.png Heavy tool belt 0 Building materials trader, Furniture trader No
Clothes-waist-aristocrat-belt.png Aristocrat sash 0.25 Clothing trader No Despite his efforts, the nobility flourished during those golden years.
Clothes-waist-squire-belt.png Squire belt 0 Clothing trader No Such clothes are cast aside for more protective accoutrements upon achieving knighthood.
Clothes-waist-noble-sash.png Noble sash 0.25 Clothing trader, Luxuries trader No The Stadtholder’s garb. He was a vain man.
Clothes-waist-fancy-royal-belt.png Fancy royal belt 0 Luxuries trader No One day a strange man came to the gate, claiming to be a lost king. He wore only this gaudy belt and a collar.
Clothes-waist-gold-waist-chain.png Gold waist chain 0 Luxuries trader No
Clothes-waist-prince-waistband.png Prince waistband 0 Luxuries trader No The ceremonial garb of Prince Wilfried. The proud, last-remaining Imperial son.
Clothes-waist-blackguard-belt.png Blackguard belt 0 No (Blackguard class only) In those days a certain discipline and practicality took hold of many soldiers.
Clothes-waist-clockmaker-belt.png Clockmaker toolbelt 0 No (Clockmaker class only) Small precision tools. Caliper, file, ball-peen hammer.
Clothes-waist-malefactor-sash.png Malefactor sash 0.25 No (Malefactor class only) Some outcasts liked to keep a few findings for themselves.
Clothes-waist-tailor-belt.png Tailor belt 0.25 No (Tailor class only) Tools of the trade ready to sever or sew as needed.
Clothes-waist-cerise-embroidered-reindeer-herder-waistband.png Cerise embroidered reindeer herder waistband 0.25 No The colorful wear of a Sámi. Warm and comfortable.
Clothes-waist-heavy-belt.png Heavy belt 0.25 No
Clothes-waist-jailor-belt.png Jailor belt 0 No Cruel devices. Pained cries. Ever our shame.
Clothes-waist-linen-rope.png Linen rope 0 No
Clothes-waist-peasant-strap.png Peasant strap 0 No From a time when men were corralled by other men, not by monsters.
Clothes-waist-sturdy-belt.png Sturdy belt 0 No
Clothes-waist-forlorn-belt.png Forlorn Hope belt 0.1 No Fastened with charms and trinkets to guide them.
Clothes-waist-scribe.png Scribe belt 0 No
Clothes-waist-alchemist.png Alchemist belt 0 No
Clothes-waist-miner.png Miner belt 0.25 No
Clothes-waist-king.png King belt 0.1 No
Clothes-waist-rottenking.png Rotten king belt 0.1 No
Clothes-waist-marketeer.png Marketeer belt 0.1 No

Resources Beeswax.pngBeeswaxBlastingpowder.pngBlasting powderBone.pngBoneBonemeal.pngBonemealCandle.pngCandleCattailtops.pngCattailsCharcoal.pngCharcoalClay-blue.pngClayRawbrick-fire.pngClay bricksClearquartz.pngClear quartzCloth-plain.pngClothCoke.pngCokeCompost.pngCompostCrushed-quartz.pngCrushed resourcesDrygrass.pngDry grassEgg-chicken.pngEggFat.pngFatFeather.pngFeatherFirewood.pngFirewoodFlaxfibers.pngFlax fibersFlaxtwine.pngFlax twineFlint.pngFlintGem-emerald-rough.pngGemsHerbbundle-basil.pngHerb bundlesHide-raw-large.pngHidesHoneycomb.pngHoneycombLargegearsection.pngLarge gear sectionLeather-plain.pngLeatherLime.pngLimeMortar.pngMortarPaper-parchment.pngParchmentPapyrustops.pngPapyrusPlank-oak.pngPlanksPotash.pngPotashQuicklime.pngQuicklimeRefractorybrick-fired-tier1.pngRefractory brickResin.pngResinSail.pngSailSewingkit.pngSewing kitShingle-burned-blue.pngShinglesStick.pngStickStone-granite.pngStonesStonebrick-granite.pngStone bricksInsect-termite.pngTermites
Metal Metalbit-iron.pngMetal BitsMetalchain-iron.pngChainsIngot-iron.pngIngotsNightvisionupgrades-nightvisionlens1.pngJonas partsMetallamellae-iron.pngLamellaeMetal-scraps.pngMetal scrapsMetal-parts.pngMetal partsMetalbit-iron.pngNuggetsOre-bountiful-nativecopper-basalt.pngOrePadlock-iron.pngPadlocksMetalplate-iron.pngPlatesPoundercap-iron.pngPounder capsGear-rusty.pngRusty gearMetalscale-iron.pngScalesScrapweaponkit.pngScrap weapon kitSolderbar.pngSolder barGear-temporal.pngTemporal gearPickaxehead-iron.pngTool heads
Seeds Cattailroot.pngCattail rootSeeds-flax.pngCrop seedsPapyrusroot.pngPapyrus rootTreeseed-oak.pngTree seeds
Tools Axe-copper.pngAxeChisel-copper.pngChiselCleaver-copper.pngCleaverFirestarter.pngFirestarterHammer-copper.pngHammerHelvehammer-bismuthbronze.pngHelve hammerHoe-copper.pngHoeInkandquill.pngInk and quillKnife-copper.pngKnifeOreblastingbomb.pngOre blasting bombPickaxe-copper.pngPickaxePlumbandsquare.pngPlumb and SquareProspectingpick-copper.pngProspecting pickSaw-iron.pngSawScythe-copper.pngScytheShears-copper.pngShearsShovel-copper.pngShovelSieve-linen.pngSieveSolderingiron.pngSoldering ironTongs.pngTongsPan-wooden.pngWooden panWrench-copper.pngWrench
Weapons Arrow-flint.pngArrowBeenade-opened.pngBeenadeBow-simple.pngBowBlade-falx-copper.pngFalxSword-copper.pngSwordSpear-copper.pngSpearSling.pngSlingSpear-hacking.pngTuning spear
Transport Glider.pngGliderBoat-raft-pine.pngRaftOar-crude-pine.pngCrude oar
Miscellaneous Book-normal-brickred.pngBookOmoktabletop.pngGame of OmokTuningcylinder-1.pngTuning cylinder
Creative only Stackrandomizer-ingot.pngStack randomizers

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