
From Vintage Story Wiki
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This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.19.8.

A simple embeded library for Vintage Story that makes it easy to add compatibility with other mods for assets.

Easy way (overwriting assets)

You just need to add your asset to assets/<yourmodid>/compatibility/<othermodid>/<path-to-asset>. They will only be loaded if <othermodid> is loaded.

If assets/<yourmodid>/<vanilla-path> and assets/<yourmodid>/compatibility/<othermodid>/<vanilla-path> exists then if <othermodid> is loaded, the first asset will be rewritten.

Usage example

I have a More Variants mod (morevariants), I want to add a patch to support Carry Capacity (carrycapacity) and add recipes for Better Chests (betterchests). As a result, the assets will look like this:

 - assets
   - morevariants
     - blocktypes
     - patches
     - recipes
     - compatibility
       - carrycapacity
         - patches
           - carryable.json
       - betterchests
         - recipes
           - grid
             - copperchest.json
             - copperlabeledchest.json

Mod-dependent json-patch

You can use dependsOn[] in a JSON patch to create a mod-dependent patch.

Do not use this for patches of other patches as this will lead to undefined behavior. If you want to change a patch from another mod, use the method detailed above to overwrite those assets.

Usage example

dependsOn[{"modid": "morerecipes"}] - loaded if the morerecipes mod is enabled
dependsOn[{"modid": "morerecipes", "invert": true}] - loaded if the morerecipes mod is disabled
dependsOn[{"modid": "morerecipes"}, {"modid": "captureanimals"}] - loaded if the morerecipes AND captureanimals mods are enabled
dependsOn[{"modid": "morerecipes"}, {"modid": "captureanimals", "invert": true}] - loaded if the morerecipes mod is enabled AND the captureanimals mod is disabled

    // If you add enabled: false to your recipe, you can simply enable it when the desired mod is loaded
    "file": "recipes/grid/best-other-fish-recipe.json",
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enabled",
    "value": true,
    "dependsOn": [{ "modid": "primitivesurvival" }]
    // Otherwise, just disable the recipe when the mod is not loaded
    "file": "recipes/grid/best-fish-recipe.json",
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/enabled",
    "value": false,
    "dependsOn": [{ "modid": "primitivesurvival", "invert": true }]
    // Or when two mods are loaded :P
    "file": "recipes/grid/best-fish-recipe-with-acorns.json",
    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/enabled",
    "value": true,
    "dependsOn": [
        { "modid": "primitivesurvival" },
        { "modid": "acorns" }
    // For simplicity, you can patch all recipes in a folder at once with *
    "file": "recipes/grid/morerecipes-disable/*",
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/enabled",
    "value": false,
    "dependsOn": [{ "modid": "morerecipes" }]
    // In some cases you need to specify which recipe you want to change if they were created in an array. For more see JSON Patching wiki page
    "file": "recipes/grid/best-fish-recipes.json",
    "op": "add",
    "path": "/0/enabled",
    "value": false,
    "dependsOn": [{ "modid": "primitivesurvival" }]
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