Modding:Block Classes
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Using block classes
Sometimes a block requires additional functionality that can't be accomplished with a JSON. Doing so requires a block to utilize a C# class, which uses the following format in the JSON:
class: "BlockClass"
A majority of all block classes can be viewed here in the Vintage Story Github for those looking to learn more about how each works.
Additionally, mechanical blocks classes are stored here.
All Block Classes
Here is a table containing all classes used by blocks as of version 1.9.+
Class Name | Example Blocks | Description | Github Link |
Block | most regular blocks | A standard block class that almost all blocks utilize or inherit. | Block Class |
BlockAnvil | anvil | Used by the anvil | Anvil Class |
BlockBamboo | bamboo | - | Bamboo Class |
BlockBarrel | barrel | - | Barrel Class |
BlockBed | bed | - | Bed Class |
BlockBeehive | wildbeehive | - | Wild Beehive Class |
BlockBigBerryBush | smallberrybush, largeberrybush | - | Berry Bush Class |
BlockBloomery | bloomerybase | - | Bloomery Class |
BlockBomb | oreblastingbomb | - | Bomb Class |
BlockBowl | bowl | - | Bowl Class |
BlockBucket | bucket | - | Bucket Class |
BlockBunchOCandles | bunchocandles | - | Candle Class |
BlockCactus | saguarocactus | - | Cactus Class |
BlockCanvas | canvas | - | Canvas Class |
BlockChandelier | chandelier | - | Chandelier Class |
BlockChisel | chiseledblock | - | Chiseled Class |
BlockClayForm | clayform | - | Clay Form Class |
BlockCookedContainer | pot | A container that has finished cooking its contents and is ready to be taken from etc. | Meal Container |
BlockCookingContainer | pot | A container that has not finished cooking its contents (if any). | Meal Container |
BlockCrock | crock | - | Meal Container |
BlockCrystal | crystallargecluster, crystalsmall | - | Crystal Class |
BlockDisplayCase | displaycase | - | Display Case Class |
BlockDoor | door, irondoor | - | Door Class |
BlockEchoChamber | echochamber | - | Echo Chamber Class |
BlockFarmland | farmland | - | Farmland Class |
BlockFence | fence, ironfence | Used to change the shape based off of nearby attachable surfaces. Requires shape variants for every horizontal orientation. | Fence Class |
BlockFenceGate | fencegate | - | Fence Gate Class |
BlockFirepit | firepit | - | Firepit Class |
BlockFirewoodPile | firewoodpile | - | Firewood Pile Class |
BlockFlowerPot | flowerpot, planter | - | Flower Pot Class |
BlockForge | forge | - | Forge Class |
BlockFullCoating | saltpeter | Used to make a block which coats all flat surfaces when placed. Requires shape variants for every possible orientation. | Full Coating Class |
BlockGenericTypedContainer | chest, storagevessel, stationarybasket | - | Generic Container Class |
BlockGlowworms | glowworms | - | Glowworms Class |
BlockHopper | hopper | - | Hopper Class |
BlockIngotMold | ingotmold | - | Ingot Mold Class |
BlockIngotPile | ingotpile | - | Ingot Pile Class |
BlockKnappingSurface | knappingsurface | - | Knapping Surface Class |
BlockLabeledChest | chest-labeled | - | Labeled Chest Class |
BlockLantern | lantern | - | Lantern Class |
BlockLava | lava | - | Lava Class |
BlockLayered | snow | A generic class that can be layered. Requires a variant for each height. | Layered Block Class |
BlockLayeredSlowDig | charcoalpile | A version of the layered class that is much slower to dig. | Layered Block Class (slow dig) |
BlockLeaves | leaves, leavesbranchy | - | Leaves Class |
BlockLocustNest | cage (locustnest) | - | Locust Nest Class |
BlockLog | log | Only contains code for OnPickBlock method. | Lava Class |
BlockLooseGears | loosegears | - | Loose Gears Class |
BlockLooseOres | looseores | - | Loose Ores Class |
BlockLooseStones | loosestones | - | Loose Stones Class |
BlockLootVessel | lootvessel | - | Loot Vessel Class |
BlockLupine | flower-lupine | - | Lupine Flower Class |
BlockMeal | bowl-meal | Gives a block the ability to store meal data. | Meal Container |
BlockMetalPartPile | partpile, partpile-wall | - | Part Pile Class |
BlockMetalSpikes | metalspikes (locustnest) | - | Metal Spikes Class |
BlockMeteorite | meteorite | - | Meteorite Class |
BlockMushroom | mushroom | - | Mushroom Class |
BlockOre | ore-graded, ore-ungraded | - | Ore Class |
BlockPan | pan | - | Pan Class |
BlockPeatbrick | peatbrick | - | Peat Brick Class |
BlockPeatPile | peatpile | - | Peat Pile Class |
BlockPlaceOnDrop | meteorite | - | Place on Drop Class |
BlockPlant | flower, frostedtallgrass, herb, plaintreesapling, tallfern, tallgrass | - | Plant Class |
BlockPlatePile | platepile | - | Plate Pile Class |
BlockPlankPile | plankpile | - | Plank Pile Class |
BlockQuern | quern | - | Quern Class |
BlockRails | rails | - | Rails Class |
BlockReeds | reeds-free, reeds-water | - | Meteorite Class |
BlockRequireSolidGround | barrelcactus | - | Requires Solid Ground Class |
BlockReeds | reeds-free, reeds-water | - | Meteorite Class |
BlockSeaweed | seaweed | - | Seaweed Class |
BlockShelf | shelf | - | Shelf Class |
BlockSign | sign | - | Sign Class |
BlockSignPost | signpost | - | Sign Post Class |
BlockSimpleCoating | linen, sheet (metal), wool | Allows a thin, flat block to be placed on a single side of a surface. Requires directional variants for each orientation. | Simple Coating Class |
BlockSkep | skep | - | Skep Class |
BlockSmeltedContainer | crucible | - | Smelted Container Class |
BlockSmeltingContainer | crucible | - | Smelting Container Class |
BlockSnow | snow | - | Snow Class |
BlockSoil | soil | - | Soil Class |
BlockSoilDeposit | clay, peat | Used to generate a soil type and then generate soil beneath it to prevent gaps formation. | Soil Deposit Class |
BlockSpawner | meta | - | Entity Spawner Class |
BlockStairs | All stairs | Allows stair blocks to be placed in different orientations. Requires variants for each orientation. | Stairs Class |
BlockStalagSection | stalagsection | - | Stalag Section Class |
BlockStaticTranslocator | statictranslocator | - | Static Translocator Class |
BlockTeleporter | teleporterbase | - | Teleporter Class |
BlockThermalDifference | - | - | Thermal Difference Class |
BlockToolMold | toolmold | - | Tool Mold Class |
BlockTorch | torch | - | Torch Class |
BlockTorchHolder | torchholder | - | Torchholder Class |
BlockTrough | trough-small | - | Trough Class |
BlockTroughDoubleBlock | trough-large | - | Double Block Trough Class |
BlockVines | wildvine | - | Vine Class |
BlockWater | water | - | Water Class |
BlockWaterflowing | water | - | Flowing Water Class |
BlockWaterLily | waterlily | - | Water Lily Class |
BlockWaterPlant | water | - | Water Plant Class |
BlockWaterfall | water | - | Waterfall Class |
BlockWateringCan | wateringcan | - | Wateringcan Class |
BlockWithGrassOverlay | - | - | Grass Overlay Class |
Mechanical Power Block Classes
This table contains all the blocks relevant to mechanical power.
Class Name | Example Blocks | Description | Github Link |
BlockAngledGears | angledgears | - | Angled Gears Class |
BlockAxle | axle | - | Axle Class |
BlockBrake | brake | - | Brake Class |
BlockClutch | clutch | - | Clutch Class |
BlockHelveHammer | helvehammerbase | - | Helve Hammer Class |
BlockToggle | toggle | - | Toggle Class |
BlockTransmission | transmission | - | Transmission Class |
BlockWindmillRotor | windmillrotor | Controls the placement of the rotor and determines what happens when the player tries to add sails to it. | Windmill Rotor Class |
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