Hostile entities

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Hostile entities are a term for all aggressive creatures present in Vintage Story. As of version 1.18.0 hostile entities largely come in the form of supernatural enemies and aggressive animals.

Aggressive animals

The two most dangerous animals that players will face are wolves and bears . Wolves and bears both spawn near forests, or other locations with temperate climates, moderate rainfall and a lot of trees. Wolves are generally encountered in packs of 2-3 adults while bears are generally encountered on their own. Both wolves and bears have an aggression radius of 20 blocks, meaning they will actively hunt players that are within 20 blocks of them.

In hotter climates, players are less likely to face wolves and more likely to face hyena . Hyenas behave similarly to wolves although their aggression radius is only 10 blocks.

Supernatural creatures

The most commonly encountered supernatural enemy are drifter , which have multiple subtypes. Drifters spawn at low light levels, and near temporal rifts . They also spawn continuously during temporal storms . Drifters are capable of throwing rocks as a rudimentary ranged attack, which knock back the player. They can be harvested for temporal gears , flax twine and rusty gear . They are the only hostile supernatural entity that can spawn both above- and below-ground.

Locusts are insectoid creatures made of metal, and can be encountered in dark caves. Though the actual locust enemies do not drop anything on death (except saw blade locusts), their nests can be harvested for resources. Locusts are capable of moving across vertical walls and ceilings, and are always encountered as a group. Therefore players should take care not to be overwhelmed by locusts.

Bells are only encountered deep underground. They continuously spawn drifters and occasionally bronze locusts when encountered, and serve as a "mini-boss" in the game.

Tips and tricks

  • Wolves, bears and hyenas all deal tier 2 damage. Therefore, while low-tier armor such as improvised body armor can provide minor mitigation, it is advised to construct tier 2 armor to more effectively block their attacks. Examples of tier 2 armor include gambeson armor and bronze lamellar armor.
  • In the early-game, the most effective weapon available to players will be the spear , which does additional damage when thrown. A stockpile of basic flint spears can be useful against night-time drifter spawns.
  • Wolf, bear and hyena spawns are decided on world generation. Therefore, even clear-cutting forests will not stop them from respawning in that area - the only way to deal with a known aggressive animal spawn is to move away or prepare traps.

See also

Passive Butterfly Deer Gazelle Goat Hare Salmon
Neutral Bees Bighorn sheep Chicken Raccoon Traders Wild pig
Hostile Bear Bell Drifter Fox Hyena Immobilized eidolon Locust Wolf

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