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Flowers are useful in beekeeping , crafting healing poultices, and can be used to make dye .

Natural generation

Flowers naturally generate when chunks load for the first time. They do not generate in all types of climates, while some climatic regions generate more than one type of flower. Horsetails are the only type of flower that can spawn after world generation, rarely spawning in on empty farmland blocks.


In the table below, values in the MinY and MaxY columns seem to be on a scale of 0 to 2. 0 likely refers to the mantle of the world, elevation 0 blocks. If the value of 2 refers to the ceiling of the world, MaxY 2 = Y 256 for a default world:
MaxY 1 = Y 128 (elevation 128 blocks)
MaxY 0.5 = Y 64
MaxY 0.25 = Y 32
and so on.
(If the value of 1 = sealevel, the numbers are somewhat more complex.)

The coordinates of the player's current location are visible in the top-right of the screen, below the minimap. The coordinate overlay may be toggled with Ctrl+V. The first number is the X value, second is Y value, third is Z value. X refers to distance east-west in blocks: an X value of 12 is 12 blocks east of the world origin. Y refers to distance up-down in blocks: an X value of 12 is 12 meters above the world origin, in midair if there are no blocks that high. Z refers to distance north-south in blocks: a Z value of 12 is 12 blocks south of the world origin.

Since the height of the world is customizable, the heights stated in block elevation would not be accurate for all worlds. Multiply half of your world's height by the decimal in the MinY and MaxY columns. For example:

World height Height/2 Flower MinY Min Elevation MaxY Max Elevation
256 128 Edelweiss 0.65 0.65*128 = 83.2 blocks 1 1*128 = 128 blocks
384 192 Edelweiss 0.65 0.65*192 = 124.8 blocks 1 1*192 = 192 blocks

If you're looking for edelweiss flowers, look between elevations of 83 blocks and 128 blocks.

Some flowers can spawn in more than one set of conditions, for example in both fields and forest clearings. Flowers that have multiple different spawning conditions are listed below multiple times.

Flower spawning
Image Name MinTemp MaxTemp MinForest MaxForest MinRain MaxRain MinY MaxY Other
Flower-catmint.png Catmint 5 19 0.1 0.5 0.39 0.86 - - -
Flower-cornflower.png Cornflower 3 23 0.1 0.45 0.35 0.75 - - -
Flower-cowparsley.png Cow parsley 2 20 0 0.35 0.4 0.8 - - -
Flower-cowparsley.png Cow parsley (forest) 2 20 0.5 - 0.5 0.1 - - Min Fertility: 0.2
Flower-westerngorse.png Dwarf furze 2 15 0 0.35 0.4 1 - 0.72 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-edelweiss.png Edelweiss -1 12 0 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.65 1 -
Flower-forgetmenot.png Forget me not 7 20 0 0.4 0.4 0.8 - - -
Flower-forgetmenot.png Forget me not (forest) 7 20 0.5 - 0.6 0.9 - - Min Fertility: 0.4
Flower-californiapoppy.png Golden poppy 22 25 - - 0.5 1 - - -
Flower-heather.png Heather 2 15 0 0.35 0.4 1 - 0.72 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-horsetail.png Horsetail 1 15 - - 0.78 1 - - Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-horsetail.png Horsetail (forest) 1 15 0.55 - 0.4 1 - - Max Fertility: 0.5
Flower-lilyofthevalley.png Lily of the valley 2 13 0.55 - 0.45 1 - - -
Flower-lupine-blue.png Blue lupine 1 19 0 0.35 0.3 0.8 - 1 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-lupine-orange.png Orange lupine 1 19 0 0.35 0.3 0.8 - 1 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-lupine-purple.png Purple lupine 1 19 0 0.35 0.3 0.8 - 1 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-lupine-red.png Red lupine 1 19 0 0.35 0.3 0.8 - 1 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-lupine-white.png White lupine 1 19 0 0.35 0.3 0.8 - 1 Max Fertility: 0.4
Flower-orangemallow.png Orange mallow 20 37 - - 0.1 0.35 - - Max Fertility: 0.5
Flower-rafflesia-brown.png Brown rafflesia 30 - 0.9 - 0.75 - - - -
Flower-rafflesia-red.png Red rafflesia 30 - 0.9 - 0.75 - - - -
Flower-redtop-grass.png Redtop grass 0 20 0 0.2 0.42 1 - 0.72 -
Flower-wilddaisy.png Wild daisy 7 20 0 0.31 0.4 0.75 - - -
Flower-woad.png Woad -2 21 0 0.35 0.25 0.7 - - -


Other than leaving farmland fallow for a chance to get horsetails, flowers cannot be "farmed". There is a 4.76% chance for horsetail to spawn in place of weeds on player-created farmland blocks. All other non-horsetail flowers can only be obtained through breaking wild plants. Fertilizer does not make flowers spread.

Flower types

Below is a gallery of all flower types. Lupine flowers generate in groups and will have a mix of different colors of varying rarities. Edelweiss generates in mountains that reach high altitudes (see the table under Flower Spawning for more information).


Flowers can be obtained by breaking them with an empty hand, although using a knife or axe allows players to collect flowers faster than when no tool is used.



Flowers are essential food for bees . Flowers can be replanted in any soil type in player-created apiaries. See beekeeping for information on propagating bees.

Note: Red rafflesia and brown rafflesia flowers are not recognised by bees and do not support beekeeping.


Horsetails are a plant that can be used to create healing poultices, which restore player hit points faster than normal regeneration. Simple poultices are created in the crafting grid from horsetail plants and linen or horsetail plants and cattails . More advanced poultices use honey, sulfur, and linen.

Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Horsetail
1x Cattails



Horsetail reed poultice

Horsetail reed poultice

Horsetail reed poultice





Ingredients Crafting Recipe
1x Horsetail
1x Linen


Normal stitched linen

Horsetail linen poultice

Horsetail linen poultice

Horsetail linen poultice




Cornflowers and woad can both be used to produce blue dye that can be applied directly to cloth without a mordant.


Flowers stack to 64. Flowers can also be placed in flower pots and planters for decoration.


Dwarf furze is referred to as "western gorse" in the game files.

Terrain Rawclay blue.pngClayGrid Cob.pngCobGrid Gravel Granite.pngGravelPeat-none.pngPeatGrid Granite sand.pngSandGrid Barren low fertility soil.pngSoil (Packed dirt.pngPacked dirt)
Stone Grid Granite cobblestone.pngCobblestone (Cobbleskull-granite.pngCobble skull) • Ember.pngEmberRock-obsidian.pngObsidianMantle.pngMantleGrid Rock granite.pngRocks (Rock-claystone.pngSedimentaryRock-whitemarble.pngMetamorphicRock-andesite.pngIgneousCrackedrock-granite.pngCracked) • Stalagsection-granite-04.pngStalagmite
Ore Ore-alum-conglomerate.pngAlumOre-anthracite-conglomerate.pngAnthraciteOre-bituminouscoal-conglomerate.pngBlack coalOre-medium-bismuthinite-granite.pngBismuthiniteOre-borax-conglomerate.pngBoraxOre-medium-cassiterite-granite.pngCassiteriteOre-medium-chromite-granite.pngChromiteOre-cinnabar-granite.pngCinnabarOre-medium-nativecopper-granite.pngNative CopperOre-corundum-phyllite.pngCorundumOre-fluorite-conglomerate.pngFluoriteOre-medium-galena-claystone.pngGalenaOre-graphite-phyllite.pngGraphiteOre-sylvite-halite.pngHaliteOre-medium-hematite-granite.pngHematiteOre-medium-ilmenite-granite.pngIlmeniteOre-kernite-conglomerate.pngKerniteOre-lapislazuli-limestone.pngLapis lazuliOre-lignite-conglomerate.pngBrown coalOre-medium-limonite-chert.pngLimoniteOre-medium-magnetite-conglomerate.pngMagnetiteOre-medium-malachite-limestone.pngMalachiteMeteorite-iron.pngMeteoric ironOre-medium-pentlandite-granite.pngPentlanditeOre-phosphorite-conglomerate.pngPhosphoriteOre-quartz-granite.pngQuartzOre-medium-rhodochrosite-conglomerate.pngRhodochrositeOre-medium-sphalerite-granite.pngSphaleriteOre-sulfur-conglomerate.pngSulfurOre-medium-uranium-granite.pngUranium
Plants Bamboo-placed-green-segment1.pngBambooBerrybush red currant ripe.pngBerry bushSaguarocactus-topflowering.pngCactusFlax-Normal9.pngCropsTallgrass-tall.pngGrassTallfern.pngFernFlower-californiapoppy.pngFlowersHay-normal.pngHayGrid mushroom bolete.pngMushroomHanginglichen-lace-bottom.pngLace lichenLeaves-placed-oak.pngLeavesLog-oak.pngLogGrid Cattail tops.pngReedSapling-oak.pngSaplingSeaweed-top.pngSeaweedWaterlily.pngWaterlilyWildvine-section.pngWild vine
Liquids Glacierice.pngIceLava-still-7.pngLavaSnowblock.pngSnow blockWater-still-7.pngWater
Miscellaneous Quartz-ornate.pngAncient segmentBonyremains-ribcage.pngBony ribcageCarcass-medium.pngCarcassEgg-chicken-3.pngChicken eggCrystal-amethyst-large2.pngCrystalGlowworms-base1-short.pngGlow wormsLocustnest-cage.pngLocust nestLooseboulders-granite.pngLoose bouldersLooseflints-granite-free.pngLoose flintLooseores-nativecopper-granite.pngLoose oreLoosestick-free.pngLoose stickLootvessel.pngCracked vesselMetalpartpile-large.pngPile of junk metalSeashell-volute-cinnamon.pngSea shellGrid Granite stone.pngStonesTermitemound-granite-medium.pngTermite moundWildbeehive-large.pngWild bee hive
Structural Debarkedlog oak.pngDebarked logGrid Drystone granite.pngDrystoneGlass-plain.pngGlass (Glasspane-leaded-oak.pngGlass panes) • Hardenedclay-blue.pngHardened clayMetalblock-copper.pngMetal blockMudbrick-light.pngMudbricksPlanks-oak.pngPlanksPlaster-diagonal.pngPlasterGrid Polished Granite.pngPolished rockRefractorybricks-good-tier1.pngRefractory brickSlantedroofing-thatch.pngRoofingClayshingleblock-blue.pngShingle blockPlankslab-oak.pngSlabPlankstairs-oak.pngStairsGrid Granite Brick Block.pngStone brickStrewn straw.pngStrewn strawSupportbeam-oak.pngSupport beamStatictranslocator-broken.pngTranslocator
Decorative Mediumcarpet-black-ns.pngCarpetChair-plain.pngChairChandelier-candle8.pngChandelierClaybrickchimney-fire.pngClay brick chimneyDisplaycase.pngDisplay caseDrystonefence-granite.pngDry stone fenceRoughhewnfence-oak.pngFenceFlowerpot-burnt.pngFlowerpotLinen-normal-down.pngLinenPainting-castleruin.pngPaintingClayplanter-burnt.pngPlanterPlaque-fancy-copper-wall-north.pngPlaqueSign.pngSignSignpost.pngSignpostStonecoffinlid-granite.pngStone coffinStonepath.pngStone pathWallpaper-lightgreen.pngWallpaperWoodenpath.pngWooden path
Lighting Torch-basic-lit.pngTorchTorchholder-brass.pngTorch holder
Storage Barrel.pngBarrelBookshelves-ns.pngBookshelfCrock-burned-east.pngCrockCurdbundle.pngCurd bundleJug-blue-fired.pngJugShelf.pngShelfStoragevessel-burned.pngStorage vesselToolrack.pngTool rackMoldrack.pngVertical rackGrid Woodbucket.pngWooden bucket
Functional Anvil-copper.pngAnvilArchimedesscrew-straight.pngArchimedes screwArmorstand.pngArmor standBasereturnteleporter.pngBase return teleporterBed-wood-head-north.pngBedBloomerybase.pngBloomery base (Bloomerychimney.pngBloomery chimney) • Verticalboiler.pngBoilerBowl-burned.pngBowlClayoven.pngClay ovenCondenser.pngCondenserChute-straight.pngChuteClaypot-burned.pngCooking potCrucible-burned.pngCrucibleDoor-plank.pngDoorFarmland-dry-medium.pngFarmlandRoughhewnfencegate-oak.pngFence gateFruitpress.pngFruit pressForge.pngForgeHenbox-empty.pngHenboxIngotmold-burned.pngIngot moldLadder-wood.pngLadderLightningrod.pngLightning rodQuern-granite.pngQuernResonator-north.pngResonatorRiftward.pngRift wardSkep-empty-east.pngSkepStrawdummy.pngStraw dummyTable-normal.pngTableCorpsereturnteleporter.pngTerminus teleporterToolmold-burned-pickaxe.pngTool moldTrapdoor-closed.pngTrapdoorTrough-genericwood-large.pngTrough
Mechanical Grid Angled Gears.pngAngled gearGrid Brake.pngBrakeGrid Clutch.pngClutchHelvehammerbase.pngHelve hammer baseLargegear.pngLarge wooden gearPulverizerframe.pngPulverizerGrid Transmission.pngTransmissionWindmillrotor.pngWindmill rotorWoodenaxle-ud.pngWooden axleWoodentoggle.pngWooden toggle
Creative only Commandblock.pngCommand blockCreativeblock-0.pngCreative blocksCreativeglow-32.pngCreative glowsCreativeglow-32.pngCreative lightsCreativerotor.pngCreative rotorPaperlantern-off.pngPaper lanternTeleporterbase.pngTeleporter base
Unused/Unreleased Altar.pngAltarStove-lit.pngStoveWorkbench.pngWorkbench

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