
From Vintage Story Wiki

This page was last verified for Vintage Story version 1.19.4.

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Ore borax.png
Stackable 64

Borax is a mineral used in leatherworking , dye making , and advanced smithing .


Borax in rocks.

Borax can be found as an ore in most sedimentary rock types: chalk, chert, conglomerate, limestone, claystone, sandstone and shale. To break borax-bearing rock, a pickaxe of tool tier 3 (bronze) or higher is required.
Borax can also be found on the surface as nuggets, similar in appearance to quartz . This indicates a deposit of borax-bearing rock directly below.

Density search mode of the prospecting pick reports the probability of borax generating in the area.
Node search mode reports the presence of borax within a radius of the block sampled.

Borax generates at or below sea level (Y 110 in a world with default settings), between 40% and 100% of sea level's Y value.

None of the traders ever offer borax for sale.


Borax must first be powdered, either with a hammer or in a quern , before it's any use. 1 borax yields 2 powdered borax.

  • Powdered borax can be mixed with water to create white dye (2 powdered borax per 4L).
  • Powdered borax can be mixed with water to create diluted borax (2 powdered borax per 5L). Soaking hides in diluted borax or limewater prevents the hides from rotting. Soaked hides can be processed further to produce leather for armor and other useful things.
  • 1 piece of powdered borax is needed to create an iron anvil , to fuse the top piece to the bottom.
  • 2 pieces of powdered borax are needed to create enough coffin lids for one coffin in a steel cementation furnace.


Borax may be stored on shelves , display cases , or the ground , in addition to containers such as chests. Up to 4 borax chunks fit on a single block's surface or in a display case; up to 8 chunks fit on a set of shelves.



  • If you break a block of chalk rock or limestone rock that contains borax, you'll receive only a nugget of borax. Small stones only drop from rock that doesn't contain an ore.
  • The Survival Handbook says, "Powdered borax can be used as a flux in smithing." Merriam-Webster dictionary defines flux as "a substance used to promote fusion."


See also


Ores, metals and minerals
Guides Ore Deposits Metals
Metals Copper Iron Meteoric iron Gold Silver Lead Tin Zinc Bismuth Titanium (Ilmenite) Nickel
Alloys Bronze (Tin bronze, bismuth bronze, black bronze) • Steel Brass Solder (Lead solder, Silver solder) • Molybdochalkos Cupronickel Electrum
Minerals Alum Borax Cinnabar Coal Halite (Salt) Lapis lazuli Quartz Saltpeter Sulfur Sylvite (Potash)
Tools Pickaxe Hammer Prospecting Pick Crucible Forge Ore blasting bomb Quern Anvil Bloomery Helve hammer Pulverizer
Other Gemstones
Related mechanics Panning Mining Clay forming Casting Smithing Steel making

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