Fenómenos naturales

From Vintage Story Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Ambience Features and the translation is 22% complete.
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Vintage Story cuenta, además de los objetos y procesos funcionales, con varios fenómenos añadidos únicamente para que el juego parezca más vivo e incluso más bonito. La mayoría de ellos no tienen utilidad aparente por ahora.


In very cold areas like the worlds poles, the player can encounter weaving auroras in the sky.


Super Moon


Found mostly on grasslands and only at night, fireflies spawn as little clusters of blinking lights.



Bioluminescent Plankton

Going far enough south, the player might notice tiny blue lights following their movements through water.

Bioluminescent Plankton.png

Glow Worms

In some caves, the player might not only find stalagmites and stalactites, but also blue glowing worms hanging from the ceiling. They cannot be harvested nor can they be moved or replanted somewhere else. They emit a light level of 7.

Glow Worms.png

Skipping Stones

The player can skip stones by throwing them with a shallow angle along water.

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