
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 11:46, 2 September 2020 by Akineko (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Natürlich generierte Erdblöcke == Es existieren vier verschiedene Typen natürlich generierter Erde (siehe soil) in der Welt. Jeder Typ hat eine andere Fruchtbarkeit:...")

"Landwirtschaft" ist eine Mechanik in Vintage Story die es Spielern erlaubt, Pflanzen anzubauen um sie für direkten Verzehr und späteres Kochen zu nutzen.

Benötigte Materialien

Um mit der Landwirtschaft anzufangen, benötigt ein Spieler gute Erde (siehe soil) und Saatgut, um dieses darin zu pflanzen. Außerdem benötigt man ein spezifisches Werkzeug, die Hacke (siehe hoe), um reguläre Erdblöcke in Farmland zu verwandeln.

Saatgut finden

Wild wachsende Pflanzen (siehe wild foods) werden während der Weltgenerierung erschaffen und können überall in den verschiedenen Klimaregionen gefunden werden. Diese mit einem links Klick abzubauen ist essentiell zum Sammeln von Saatgut. Wild wachsende Pflanzen, welche noch nicht ausgewachsen sind, werden nicht immer Saatgut fallen lassen wenn sie abgebaut werden - die Chance ist jedoch relativ hoch. Außerdem kann man Samen in Landwirtschafts und Saatgut Gefäßen in Ruinen finden.

Erde und Farmland

Natürlich generierte Erdblöcke

Es existieren vier verschiedene Typen natürlich generierter Erde (siehe soil) in der Welt. Jeder Typ hat eine andere Fruchtbarkeit: unfruchtbar 5%, niedrig 25%, mittel 50% und hoch, genannt "Terra Preta", mit 80%. Erdblöcke behalten ihre Fruchtbarkeit, wenn sie abgebaut und anderswo platziert werden - somit ist es eine gute Strategie, Erde mit hoher Fruchtbarkeit zu suchen und nach Hause zu bringen.

Player Created Soil

Compost is a player generated soil type with nutrient levels of 65%. This dirt is an alternative farming option if terra preta cannot be located. Each block of compost is created by sealing 64 rot in a barrel for 20 days.


Creating Farmland

Using a hoe + right mouse button on a soil block creates dry farmland. The farmland must be within 3 blocks of a water source block to convert from dry to moist farmland. The other solution to create moist farmland is daily watering using a watering can. Farmland blocks cannot be picked up and replaced once converted. Breaking farmland destroys the block.

Soil Nutrients

All soil, dirt, dry or moist farmland, has 3 nutrient levels, N, P, and K. Each crop consumes one of these nutrients. Some crops require higher values of nutrients than others, as shown in the table below. Crop growth rates also differ. Each crop has different total growth speed, which is shown by the number of growth days.

When crops advance from one growth stage to the next, they consume nutrients from the farmland on which they are planted. The required nutrient, K, P, or N, is the nutrient that will be consumed, reducing the concentration of that nutrient in the farmland. The amount of the nutrient required per growth stage is determined by dividing the Nutrient Consumption by the number of growth stages.

Nutrients in farmland slowly replenish over time and return to the maximum level per soil type. (Ex: Medium fertility will only regain nutrients to original levels). The rate of nutrient replenishment is slower with a crop, faster when empty.


Fertilizer such as saltpeter, potash and bonemeal can be applied to the soil to replenish nutriments. Using a fertilizer is the only time a soil type can exceed the maximum nutrient level of the soil type.


To harvest, left click on the crop with an empty hand or harvesting tool, knife or scythe. Fully mature crops will return seeds, food, and in the case of flax, fiber. All fully mature crops have about a 5% chance to drop an extra seed when harvested. Each crop is characterized by a set of Crop Properties. Crop properties consist of the following individual properties:

  • Growth Stages - The number of growth stages for a crop.
  • Total Growth Days - The number of in game days it takes for a crop to be fully grown (harvestable).
  • Required Nutrient - The type of nutrient (N, P, K) consumed from the farmland when a crop grows to the next stage.
  • Nutrient Consumption - The total amount of the required nutrient that will be consumed over the lifetime of a crop.

Table of Available Crops

Crop Product Growth Stages Total Growth Days Required Nutrient Nutrient Consumption
Carrot Grid Carrot.png 7 4 K 40
Flax Grid flax.png 9 4.2 K 50
Onion Grid onion.png 7 3.6 P 35
Spelt Grid spelt.png 9 4.4 N 40
Turnip Grid turnip.png 5 3 N 30
Parsnip Grid parsnip.png 8 6 P 20
Rice Grid rice.png 10 4.2 K 50
Rye Grid rye.png 9 5 N 40
Soybean Soybean.png 11 5.4 K 35
Pumpkin Grid pumpkin.png 8 3.5 P 30
Cabbage Grid cabbage.png 12 6.5 N 40

Pumpkins are cultivated differently than all other crops. Please see the pumpkin page for detailed instructions about establishing a pumpkin patch.

Food and Cooking

See cooking for more information on player nutrition and preparing foods to eat.

Farming Video Tutorial

The video includes explanations of soil nutrients, converting soil to farmland, and crop growth rates. This video includes a view of all agricultural crops except pumpkins and does not include use of fertilizers.
