
From Vintage Story Wiki
Revision as of 18:12, 29 October 2020 by Solariser (talk | contribs) (→‎Fuel)

Charcoal is a player created fuel resource.

Grid Charcoal.png
Temperature 1300
Seconds 40


Charcoal is created in charcoal pits, which are chambers or sealed spaces where enclosed stacks of firewood are burned.

Required materials

Construction of a charcoal pit requires: firewood (cut using an axe), Dry grass (harvested with a knife), and solid blocks to create an airtight shell.

Building a Charcoal Pit

  1. Place firewood in stacks. (Players may choose to dig a pit, as shown in the graphic below, or place stacks above ground.)
  2. Create an airtight shell by enclosing the stacks in dirt blocks or any non-combustible block, but leave one block on top of the pit open.
  3. Build a firepit directly on top of the accessible stack of firewood at the top of the pit.
  4. As of 1.12.7, you need to ignite the firepit with a firestarter or a torch.
  5. Quickly seal the pit by placing one block on top of the fire pit. (Players have 30 seconds to seal the shell or the process will not work)
  6. The pile will create smoke particles, indicating that the process is taking place.
  7. When the pile stops smoking (18 game hours), the process is complete.
  8. Remove the shell and collect the charcoal using bare hands or a shovel

Charcoal-step1.png Charcoal-step2.png Charcoal-step3.png Charcoal-step4.png Charcoal-step5.png

Dimensions and Considerations

  • If the charcoal pile is not sealed within 30 seconds of ignition, charcoal will not be produced. If "burning" sounds are coming from the pit, charcoal will not be created! Quickly open the shell and extinguish the flames with buckets of water before the firewood burns to ash. Fill the empty spaces with firewood and rebuild the shell to try again.
  • The maximum size of any charcoal pit extends 5 blocks in any direction from the firepit. The largest volume of material that can be processed in one pit is therefore 11³-2 (1,329 blocks), with an average yield of 7309.5 charcoal.
  • The total yield for each stack of 32 firewood is 4–7 inclusive, with an average yield of 5.5 per stack.



Charcoal is the first type of fuel capable of generating temperatures high enough (1300°C) to smelt metal ores such as Copper (1084°C). Charcoal is used as fuel for the firepit in casting, in the bloomery (where it can smelt items at a higher temperature e.g. quartz) and in the forge when smithing.


Charcoal can be used as the Carbon Black pigment when labeling chests and signs.


Charcoal stacks to 64, may be carried in player inventory, or stored in containers.
