History of The Official Public Test Server ( also known as Chrometech)

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Revision as of 18:48, 8 September 2020 by Akineko (talk | contribs)

... as collected and compiled by various eyewitnesses and sources.


To the uninformed wanderer, The Official Public Test Server (commonly called Chrometech) might seem like just another realm of endless possibilities and deep, unfathomable history. It's landscape dotted with abandoned houses and even older ruins, some might even think several different civilisations have passed here before their time. To these, we say: yes, ages have passed, much has happened and many have tread these paths that you are walking now, and that have been build many years before your time. If you would listen, wanderer, to what legends we have to tell? Then, come closer. Some stories need to be told by the flickering light of a campfire, and some might only be told under the full midday sun.

The Dawn of Time (CT 1.0)

January 14, 2018 the very first public test server was announced for Version

With a small but hard-working group of settlers. soon a thriving village was build. From this first Village, others sprung up around the world as they explored it.
Going straight towards the south, a beautiful new Village was founded by UmbraCreation. All to soon however, the buildings were abandoned like many a home throughout the ages. Left behind however, was a purple tinted arrow of light embedded into the ground, a few paces to the east.
To the west, a lone road went all the way towards the Claystone Lands, home to Saraty - but also a pack of ravenous wolves.
To the south east and through a tunnel hewn from stone, Novocains's Mansion stood proudly. And if one travelled further into the east, soon they would stumble upon a flowing desert, and in the middle of it, a village build with basalt stone black as the night - Fulgen's homestead.
And even further to the East, Zorne's base of operations could be found.
Now to the north of the First Village, along the main road stood Red Rams Mansion, important trade point for Rock Salt. Farther up the road, Heptagons home could be found.
And throughout all of them, the Royal Roads build and maintained by TonyLiberatto connected all the known settlements, providing weary travellers with a safe path and berries for the way.


Fulgen - for sharing trivia, little stories and screenshots from ChromeTech 1.0